Be My Forever Bride. Martha Kennerson

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Be My Forever Bride - Martha Kennerson The Kingsleys of Texas

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but that was different.” He took another pull from his bottle.

      “How so?”

      “You two have always had something special. It just took several years before you figured out what it was,” Brice explained.

      “You don’t think what you and Brooke had was special?”

      “I thought so...”

      “Look, I can’t tell you what to do, but I wouldn’t be so quick to walk away if there’s even the slightest chance she’s your One.”

      “It’s not just up to me, A. Besides, she’s already moved on.”

      “You sure about that?”

      “She left me, remember?” Brice finished off his beer, tossed the bottle in the recycling bin and flopped back down on the couch.

      “I remember. I also remember the BS ‘you two got married too soon...too young’ excuse she gave you too. I can’t believe you’re not digging deeper into that.” His eyebrows snapped together.

      Brice reached for the TV remote and placed his feet up on the ottoman. “She signed the papers. It’s done.”

      “You’re right. You are an idiot.” Alexander moved toward the door. “Just be sure to keep it professional at the office.”

      “I’m over the shock. You know me, A. I’m a Kingsley and we’re all about our business.” Brice turned on the game.

      “And that’s what I’m afraid of, little brother. Later.” Alexander walked out the door.

      Brice hit the mute button. He laid his head back and closed his eyes, allowing his mind to drift back to a time when he’d tried to watch his brother KJ’s game but Brooke had had something else planned...

      * * *

      Brice was in the living room sitting on the blue suede extra-long sofa that Brooke had insisted they needed, with his legs stretched out before him. In a gray T-shirt and a pair of long shorts, he was ready to coach his brother’s team to victory from his new sofa. He sat back, watching the TV, when Brooke shouted down from upstairs, “Honey, you ready?”

      “For what?” he replied. Hearing no response, he said, “Sure, call in whatever you want to eat, as long as they deliver.”

      Brooke laughed. The sound made him happy. Her laugh was one of the many things he loved about his new wife. “Cute,” she said as she descended the steps, stopping halfway down. “What are you doing?”

      Hearing the surprise in her voice but oblivious to her appearance, Brice called out, “Watching the NBA’s preshow. KJ’s game starts in thirty minutes.”

      Brooke reached the bottom of the stairs and stood staring at him in silence. Brice’s eyes shifted from the TV to his wife, who was standing there wearing a short black cocktail dress, strappy heels that showed off her sexy legs, and her hair and face made up like she was ready for a night of partying.

      Brice’s mind raced. He was trying to figure out what he’d missed. It’s not date night. Brice’s body responded to the gorgeous sight before him and he quickly got to his feet. “Where are you going?”

      “I thought we were going dancing.”

      “Tonight? KJ’s playing.”

      Brooke placed her hands on her hips. “You made these plans, remember?”

      Brice quickly searched his mind and recollection of their brief conversation reared its ugly and badly timed head. “Oh, baby, you’re right. I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.” He picked up the remote and turned off the TV. “Give me fifteen minutes to change.”

      “Never mind.” She walked farther into the living room.

      “Sweetheart, you’re all dressed up and ready to go. You look beautiful too.” He started to move toward her.

      “Thank you, but please sit back down.”

      Brice complied, expecting an argument would soon follow, only to receive the most pleasant surprise. “It’s no big deal,” she started to explain as she kicked off her shoes. She gifted Brice with a sexy smile. “I really wasn’t in the mood to go out. However, I’d like something else from you.”

      Brice smiled up at his wife, waiting for the request that his body already knew; the front of his pants had tented. Brooke’s eyes dropped to his crotch and she bit her lip. “Exactly.”

      Brice reached for Brooke, but she stepped back out of his reach. “I’m in control,” she stated emphatically.

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      Brooke reached behind her and lowered her zipper. It was a feat Brice always found fascinating to watch when all she had to do was ask for his help. The dress fell to the floor, revealing the black lace bra and panty set she wore beneath it. “When does the game start again?”

      “Wh-what?” Brice had lost his ability to think. He’d seen Brooke in similar things but this was different. Her erect nipples were peeking out through two holes in the bra that were clearly made for that purpose. From his vantage point, he could see the panties were crotchless.

      Brice was harder than he’d ever been and it took everything in his power not to take her where she stood. “My goodness, baby.”

      “When does the game start?” she repeated. Brice could hear the humor in her voice.

      “What game?”

      “Good answer. Take off your shirt,” she ordered, and he quickly obliged. “Shorts next, please. I want to see it.”

      Brice held her desire-filled gaze as he followed her instructions. He lowered his shorts to his thighs while he remained seated and his shaft made its grand entrance. A slow wicked smile spread across Brooke’s face and the anticipation for what was about to happen had Brice silently praying for a less horny teenager-like response and a more controlled man-type one. He soon found that that wasn’t at all what Brooke wanted.

      Brooke dropped to her knees, gripped his thighs with both hands and parted his knees. “Oh damn...”

      Brooke used her nose and closed mouth to play with his substantial erection. Brice’s mind was racing; she was driving him crazy. While Brice loved what she was doing, he wanted to be inside of her mouth. He reached for her head, only to have his hands swatted away. “I’m in control.”

      “But, baby...”

      “But what?” Brooke asked before her tongue began circling his shaft from the base to the tip. After several passes, Brice moaned Brooke’s name and he knew how desperate he must’ve sounded but he didn’t care. It must have been some type of trigger because Brooke took him in her mouth. She sucked and pulled on him as if she was determined to relieve him of some sweet elixir.

      Brice was lost in the moment. He buried his hands in her hair and his hips matched her stroke. All he could think about was how much he loved and needed her. Brooke lifted her eyes as she caught him staring down at her. She released him, kissed her way

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