This Kiss. Debbi Rawlins

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This Kiss - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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reminder somehow felt like a betrayal.

      Even though Sophie had started kickboxing and tae kwon do back in college, it was Mandy who’d inspired her to go all out, work her body to its full potential. Sophie was in the best physical shape of her life and Mandy knew it. Anyway, Ethan might not come along willingly, but he wasn’t the type to get rough.

      “I told you guys I wanted to be more involved.” She glared first at Lola, and then Mandy. “I know Ethan. I can bring him back with the least amount of fuss.”

      Hawk snorted. “No way. You don’t know Styles.”

      “Shut up,” Mandy said without looking at him. Her gaze stayed on Sophie. “You think you’re ready?”

      “I know I am.” She glanced at Lola, who’d just given Hawk an impatient look. So maybe all wasn’t peachy keen with the lovebirds. Good. Her cousin deserved better.

      Lola met her gaze. “No, not Ethan. You can have the next one.”

      “I’m not asking for permission. I own half this company.” Flexing her tense shoulders, Sophie ignored the looks of surprise. She and Lola never argued. Not over business, or their personal lives. “Text me the details. I’ll go home, grab a few things and leave within the hour.”

      “Come on, Soph.” Lola pinched the bridge of her nose. “Let’s talk privately. Please.”

      “What she says makes sense.” Hawk cut Lola short, earning him a warning look, which he obviously didn’t like judging by his creepy scowl. “Why not let her go after him?”

      “Excuse me—” Sophie stopped. Hawk was defending her? Okay, now, that was weird. She didn’t need his help, but hey, bonus points for trying. “This isn’t up for discussion,” she said. “All we’re doing is wasting time.”

      “Knowing him might not be an advantage,” Mandy said. “Surprise is your best weapon. He sees you, he could run.”

      “Ethan won’t remember me.” Sophie avoided Lola’s gaze. “Even if he does, he won’t associate me with Lola’s Bail Bonds.”

      Lola followed Sophie into her office. “We need to talk, kiddo,” she said, closing the door behind her.

      “You’re not changing my mind.” Sophie sifted through her cluttered drawer and found her wallet. Now, where were her keys?

      She crouched to check under her desk and found them next to a protein bar she’d misplaced yesterday. Grabbing them both, she pushed to her feet.

      “Will you at least hear me out?” Her cousin’s dark eyes weren’t just worried but annoyed.

      “Go ahead.” Sophie unwrapped the bar and stuck half of it in her mouth, since she wouldn’t have time to eat anything else. She had to get on the road fast. No telling how much of a head start Ethan had... “When did he leave for Montana, do you know?”

      “Are you going to listen to me at all?”

      “Probably not.”

      “Goddammit, Sophie.” Lola paused and lowered her voice. “We can’t afford for you to get all goo-goo-eyed over him. He’ll sweet-talk you into letting him go and we’ll be screwed.”

      Sophie chewed a bit, then said, “Wow, your faith in me is really touching.”

      “It’s not that. The money’s important, but I hate to think of you getting all twisted up over him again.”

      “Oh, for God’s sake, I was never twisted up.”

      “Yes, you were.” Lola smiled. “Don’t forget, I was there. Anyway, that was high school, so you were allowed.”

      “Exactly. It was high school. I was fifteen. We had a fleeting encounter. Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

      “He was your hero,” Lola said, her voice softening.

      Sophie turned away to pick up her gym bag. “You’re only twenty-eight. I’m sure you still remember what it was like to be fifteen.”

      At the beginning of her freshman year, Sophie and her mom had moved to Wyoming. Lola had been a junior and the only person Sophie knew in her new school. They hadn’t become friends quickly. Her cousin had had her own clique, and back then, Sophie had entered a nerdy phase, trying to balance her high IQ and an awkward social life.

      That alone hadn’t made her the target of bullies. Having had the audacity to wear the wrong dress was the line she’d crossed. She found out later that the most popular girl in school had worn the same sundress the week before Sophie even started at Wattsville High. The whole thing was ridiculous, considering that Ashley had huge boobs and Sophie had little more than two mosquito bites. So of course Ashley had looked so much better in the spaghetti-strap dress.

      God, Sophie still remembered what it had felt like to have those girls come after her with scissors. They’d cut her dress to ribbons before Ethan had stopped them and put his jacket over her shoulders.

      Turned out Ashley was Ethan’s girlfriend. But he’d been furious when he stepped in and warned them off. After that, the girls still gave her evil looks, but they kept their distance.

      Damn straight he’d been her hero.

      “Are you still following his career?” Lola asked.

      “No.” Sophie set the gym bag on her chair and shut down her laptop, refusing to look up. “I know you saw me at my worst, sneaking around, following him, trying to stay on his radar. Frankly it embarrasses me to even think about it.” All while he’d acted as if she hadn’t existed. That part she left out, and met Lola’s gaze. “Did you and Hawk have a fight?”

      Lola’s brows went up. “Why?”

      “I saw the look you gave him.”

      “No, it’s just...” Lola waved dismissively. “I’d already told him he shouldn’t be hanging around here.”

      Sophie tucked her tablet under her arm. “Look, the thing with Ethan happened a long time ago. I was a kid.” She smiled. “I can do this.”

      Lola studied her for a moment. “Okay,” she said with a resigned sigh. “I just don’t understand why you’d want to.”

      “I know,” Sophie said softly. She didn’t quite get it herself. It wasn’t as if she needed closure, but in a weird way, that was exactly how it felt. She stopped halfway to the door. “Don’t you think it’s odd he jumped bail? Ethan has a reputation for being a stand-up guy.”

      “I don’t know what he’s thinking. He certainly doesn’t have a low profile.”

      “Nope. The National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas starts in about a week. He’s going for his second championship title—” She saw the concern in Lola’s eyes. “I read something about it online the other day,” she murmured. “Try not to worry, okay? I’ve got this.”

      She hoped.

      * * *


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