An Engagement For Two. Marie Ferrarella

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An Engagement For Two - Marie Ferrarella Matchmaking Mamas

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Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen




      “Hi, Mom.”

      Maizie Sommers stopped short as she entered the ground-floor office of the real estate business she had lovingly nurtured and guided into a thriving enterprise over the last decade and a half. She was just returning from helping a young couple find the home of their dreams, something that always gave her an immense amount of pleasure.

      The very last person she expected to see in her office, sitting in front of her desk, was her daughter, Nikki. Nikki, a pediatric physician and her only child, was responsible for Maizie initially dipping her toe into the—at that point—very unfamiliar waters of matchmaking.

      She and her lifelong best friends, Cecilia Parnell and Theresa Manetti, had done so well finding a match for Nikki that they were encouraged to continue in their endeavors and find perfect matches for Cilia’s daughter and Theresa’s children.

      When that worked out, they decided to continue matchmaking as an occasional hobby.

      The hobby caught fire, and while all three women went on to maintain the separate businesses they had built over the years, matchmaking became very near and dear to their hearts—as was their determination to remain quietly behind the scenes. They were in it for the satisfaction, not the recognition—and certainly not the money since there was never any charge.

      Maizie and her friends were quite proud of the fact that the couples they had brought together over the years never knew they were being skillfully guided to come together.

      But that certainly wasn’t the first thought that entered Maizie’s mind when she saw her daughter sitting there.

      “Is something wrong with Lucas or one of the children?” Maizie asked, giving her daughter a quick kiss hello.

      Concerned, she dropped into the chair behind her desk, scrutinizing her daughter’s face and looking for some sort of indication as to what had brought Nikki here in the middle of the day.

      “What makes you think there’s something wrong with one of them?” Nikki asked.

      “Well, let me see. You’re a highly regarded pediatrician whose hours are only slightly shorter than God’s. You’re a wife and the mother of three very energetic young children. That alone uses up every moment of your day and night, and I haven’t seen you since Ellie and Addie’s party,” Maizie reminded her, mentioning the twins’ fourth birthday last month. “My guess is that only an emergency of some sort would bring you here to see me in the middle of the day.”

      Nikki sat up a little straighter in the chair, although she was unconsciously knotting her fingers together. “Well, you’re wrong.”

      Maizie continued to watch her daughter’s hands. “Good.”

      “It’s not an emergency,” Nikki emphasized.

      “Happy to hear that.” Although, Maizie thought, something was definitely wrong. Those were not the hands of a carefree, untroubled person.

      “Not exactly,” Nikki amended.

      “Ah.” Now they were getting to it, Maizie thought. “And what is it, exactly?” she asked her daughter.

      Just then her phone rang.

      Nikki looked at the landline on her mother’s desk. “You want to get that?” she asked.

      “No,” Maizie answered. She didn’t want her daughter using the call as an excuse to suddenly change her mind and leave. “That’s why God created answering machines.”

      Nikki appeared guilty. “I feel bad, taking up your time like this.” She looked at the phone. The call had obviously gone to voice mail. “You worked really hard to get here.”

      “One delayed call isn’t going to torpedo my business, Nikki. Besides, Susanna, my assistant, is due back from lunch soon. She can call whoever it is back. You are, and always have been, my first priority,” Maizie insisted. “I’ve expanded that to include Lucas and the children, but you are still in first place. Now, what’s this all about? And why are you about to twist off your fingers?” She nodded at her daughter’s hands.

      Stilling her hands, Nikki sighed. “I don’t quite know how to say this, Mom.”

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