Reunited With Her Italian Billionaire. Nina Singh

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Reunited With Her Italian Billionaire - Nina Singh Mills & Boon True Love

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just to get away from all the noise and chaos of a rapidly growing melee. Also to perhaps find something to drink rather than the steady flow of champagne.

      He’d nearly run into Brianna as he’d stepped through the door. She’d been a whirlwind of activity, in charge of catering the affair. Somehow, in a white chef’s hat and stained apron, she was still breathtakingly striking.

      Plus, she’d been so genuine, so real compared to some of the other attendees at that party. He’d been drawn to her immediately. And then when she’d actually ordered him to season appetizers, telling him he may as well make himself useful if he was going to dally in the kitchen.

      No one had ever approached him that way.

      He’d insisted on taking her out that evening, surprised and relieved when she’d agreed. They’d made arrangements to see each other at least once during his weeklong stay, despite the urgent matters he needed to tend to. Instead, they’d seen each other daily.

      Uncharacteristic as it was, he couldn’t seem to help himself despite the demands on his schedule. He’d found himself unable to focus on anything but a primitive need to have her.

      A need that apparently still possessed him today.

      But after they were married, his responsibilities had often kept him away from home. She was his wife. She may as well have been a stranger.

      When did it change? When did their love affair become a cold battle? She’d told him he spent too much time working. Too much time away for his business. She didn’t appreciate the pressure someone in his position faced.

      A tug on his leg brought his attention back to his son.

      He crouched down to Enzo’s position. “Hey, little man.”

      Enzo lifted up his empty cup.

      “More juice?”

      Enzo shook his head.

      “That means yes, right?”

      The boy covered his face.

      “Well, now I’m confused.” Marco stood up with Enzo cradled in his arms. Setting him on the couch, he gave the boy a very serious look then sat next to him. “I believe that was your third nanny in six months, no?”

      Enzo gave him a grin that revealed three upper front teeth. Marco started to smile despite himself. He tried to resume the serious expression on his face but gave up when Enzo grabbed a tuft of his hair. The boy had an amazingly strong grip. Pride in his son’s strength overrode his pain as Enzo tugged. Hard.

      Marco knew he should chastise him but found he couldn’t. Too much time had passed since he’d seen his son.

      Marco sighed. The sooner they worked out custody, the better. He needed to know he would see Enzo for a few days at least once a month. Anything less would be unbearable.

      He and Brianna had no business being married, but their mutual business now was little Enzo. They would have to work to make sure the little boy grew up healthy and happy. It would be difficult, with a mother in New York and a father across the globe in Italy. But it was doable. As soon as Brianna came back from work tonight, he would tell her that. Then he would leave.


      BRIANNA WISHED SHE could crawl back into bed.

      In the few short hours since Marco had reentered her world, it had turned upside down. At work, she’d been flustered, clumsy and distracted.

      And she’d been fired. After several warnings, Chef Ansigne had finally relieved her of her position as second line chef. Not that she was surprised. All the incidences of tardiness, then today’s repeated mistakes, had sealed her fate. Apparently, lumpy mashed potatoes and droopy salads were Chef Ansigne’s breaking points.

      And now Brianna had to contend with her soon-to-be ex-husband. Had it only been just this morning he’d shown up at her door? She felt as though she’d lived a whole year since. She let a moment pass on the front porch before inserting her key and entering the house. There was no way she could tell him she’d lost her job.

      The sounds of Marco and Enzo playing together resonated through the hallway, Marco’s husky voice punctuated by childish squeals of laughter.

      She hung up her coat and made her way to the kitchen. The two of them were sitting at the center table, which presently held an array of toys. When Enzo saw her he lifted his arms and yelled, “Mama!”

      Brianna went over and gave her son a fierce hug, avoiding eye contact with Marco.

      “I thought you weren’t going to be home until very late.”

      She shrugged. “I asked to leave early.”


      Brianna looked up. “What?”

      He’d rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned his collar. His hair was already in disarray, the telltale lock falling forward over his eye. He looked devilish. And incredibly sexy. Her fingers itched to go smooth his hair back, to touch him. She clasped her hands together behind her back.

      “Why did you ask to leave early?” he asked.

      “Because I didn’t want you to feel overwhelmed watching him all by yourself.” That was one doozy of a lie. She’d never seen Marco overwhelmed by anything. This was the man who had taken over the family business and doubled it in size. He knew several languages, could seal any deal, and he was an ace boater who won trophies every year.

      And somehow he’d ended up married to an orphaned nobody who couldn’t keep a job.

      “As you can see, we’re doing fine,” Marco said, then handed Enzo a toy train. “And you’re a bad liar, dear wife.”

      “Don’t call me that.”

      “But that’s what you are—my unemployed wife.”

      The blood drained from her face. How could he know?

      “You no longer have a job, do you?”

      She swallowed. “Of course I do. There wasn’t that much—”

      Marco didn’t let her finish. “Darling, your chef Ansigne called here. It appears you left your box of knives and tools behind. He’d like you to come get them as soon as possible as he needs the locker for your replacement.”

      “Fine. I was fired today. Does that make you happy?”

      “Of course not. But you don’t need to worry about finances.”

      “That’s what you say.”

      “It’s a fact. You’re the mother of my child. Technically, you’re still my wife.”

      “I won’t be much longer.”

      “Even so, there’s no need to rush. You and Enzo will always be financially secure.

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