Healing Hearts. Syndi Powell

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Healing Hearts - Syndi Powell Hope Center Stories

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original position and started the sequence again. April whipped her head back on one of the turns and lost her footing again. Mateo caught her before she could hit the floor. “Sorry.”

      “Don’t apologize. You’re doing really well for your first time salsa dancing.”

      The song ended, and they headed to their table. April sipped her margarita and watched as other dancers filled the dance floor. The way they moved effortlessly and in sync amazed her. Even if she took dance lessons for six months, she doubted she could move as easily as the women dancing. She might dance better than tonight, but she’d still struggle with turning off her brain and letting her body take over.

      She found Mateo watching her. “You look lost in thought,” he said.

      Story of her life. “Sherri said you’re helping her and Dez finalize Marcus’s adoption.” The couple had planned on being his foster parents, but had recently taken steps to legally make him a part of their new family. “She’s so happy.”

      “She deserves to be after all that she’s going through.” He watched her over the top of his beer glass. “And how are you feeling?”

      Sherri had told him about her cancer? “Real good.” She sipped her drink, then motioned with her head to the dance floor. “Want to give it another try?”

      “Okay, okay.” He drained his beer, put his arm around her waist and led her to the dance floor.

      After three songs, April’s heart pounded, and a fine sweat had formed along her hairline. She let go of Mateo’s hand and fanned herself as the song changed to something slower. He raised an eyebrow at her. While she longed to sit, her body had something different in mind and she took his outstretched hand in hers.

      They danced, their bodies close. Touching, then he nudged her away and spun her around and brought her close to him again. It felt like a tug-of-war between the two of them, but one that Mateo controlled the entire song. The intimacy of the dance should have made her feel a stirring of emotion for the man holding her close, but she felt nothing. Friendship sure, but not that pull of attraction. At the end of the song, she returned to the table. Mateo left her to get glasses of water. She ran her hands through her curls in an attempt to cool herself. A guy in a suit stopped beside her. “Dr. Sprader, you looked good out there.”

      She looked up and recognized that sports agent. “Mr. Harrison. I’m surprised to see you here.”

      * * *

      ZACH HAD BEEN surprised to see April on the dance floor, and with a boyfriend, no less. He tried to ignore the hollow feeling in his chest at that thought and pointed at a corner where a hot new talent on the baseball circuit sat with his girlfriend. “I brought a potential client tonight.”

      She glanced in the direction he’d indicated and frowned. “You dumped Antonio already?”

      “I have more than one client. Just like you see more than one patient.” He tried not to let her comment hit him hard, but it was too late. He got tired of being accused of having divided loyalties when he had to work for more than one client at a time. He needed to provide for his family, after all. And that didn’t come cheap. He looked toward the bar where her date had disappeared. “You and your boyfriend dance really well together.”

      “He’s not my boyfriend.” She fidgeted with her purse, snapping it open and shut. “Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s our first date.”

      “Really? Based on how you were dancing, I’d figured you knew each other pretty well.” He’d been impressed by how at ease she seemed after a few songs. They’d moved so naturally together that he assumed they were a couple.

      A fast-tempo song started, and she stared out at the dance floor with a look on her face that made him wish he knew how to salsa. He wondered what it would be like to hold her in his arms and turn her around the room. Not that he had time for such frivolities as dancing. He needed to focus on his business.

      Someone appeared next to him, and he turned to find her date standing there with two glasses of ice water. He handed her one, put the other on the table and offered his hand to Zach. “Thanks for keeping her company. You a friend of April’s?”

      She scoffed at this, and he shook his head. “No. She took care of one of my clients.” He accepted the date’s hand. “You’re a great dancer.”

      The guy gave a cockeyed grin. “My mother taught me when I was young.”

      “And he’s a wonderful teacher, too.” April put a hand on the date’s arm and peered at Zach. “You don’t want to leave your client alone too long.”

      Dismissed so quickly. Zach smiled. “You’re right. I’m here for work, not for pleasure.” He glanced at her again. “Good to see you, Dr. Sprader.”

      “Thank you, Mr. Harrison.” She took a sip of her water. “Want to go back out there for the next dance?”

      The date looked between them and gave a slow nod. “Sure. Whatever you want.”

      Zach shook the date’s hand again and walked to the corner table. He took a seat next to his client, Chris Ramos. “Did you two discuss my proposal?”

      Ramos put an arm across his girlfriend’s shoulders. “Mr. Harrison, you’ve given us a lot to think about, but I’d like to get to know you a little more before I sign my life over to you.”

      “I can guarantee you that my terms are more than fair.”

      Ramos held up a hand. “Why don’t we enjoy the music and dancing? There will be time for negotiating later.”

      Problem was Zach didn’t know how to enjoy much beyond working and closing the deal. Just ask his ex-wife. “Of course.”

      The song changed and Ramos leaned over to his girlfriend to whisper in her ear. She nodded, and they left the table to join the dancers on the floor. Zach searched the crowd and found Dr. Sprader with her date. She looked fantastic in that soft orange dress and her dark blond hair wildly curling around her face. Her expression seemed to be lit up with joy as she turned in the guy’s arms and swayed to the beat of the music.

      He wondered what it would take to find a woman like her. And if he did find someone, if she would be interested in him.

      He grimaced. He’d proved that he wasn’t made for relationships. He’d failed miserably as a husband. He could provide financially, but not when it came to love and affection. He’d forgotten birthdays and special events. He missed anniversaries and holidays. Unless, of course, it was for a client. Those he remembered.

      Dr. Sprader glanced in his direction and he looked away, self-conscious to be caught watching her on the dance floor. A waitress stopped by the table, and he welcomed the distraction to order another round of drinks. Ramos and his girlfriend returned to the table after a few songs. Chris gulped his beer and patted Zach on the back. “Man, this place is sick. How did you find out about it?”

      “Came as a recommendation from a friend.” Okay, so it was another client, but he didn’t have many friends. He noticed that Dr. Sprader seemed to be leaving, her jacket over one arm and the other around her date.

      Ramos followed his gaze and gave a small smile. “She a friend of yours?”


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