The Billionaire Werewolf's Princess. Michele Hauf

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The Billionaire Werewolf's Princess - Michele  Hauf Mills & Boon Supernatural

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slumped, but then she perked up. “Oh? So you and the full moon...?”

      “I have to shift on the night of the full moon. Which is going to be an issue this month. I’ve only been slaying the collectors for a couple weeks. This weekend will present a challenge. I normally leave for my cabin on the night before the full moon. There I have the freedom to shift without worry of being caught out. But I can’t leave Paris this weekend. I have to be in FaeryTown at midnight to stop the collectors.”

      “But if you shift to werewolf in FaeryTown, will humans see you? You said they couldn’t see FaeryTown, so...” She offered a hopeful shrug.

      Ry hadn’t considered that. Could he shift in FaeryTown? Of course, he wouldn’t be seen by humans. But he risked the chance of his werewolf leaving FaeryTown for regular Paris. And would that wild part of him be satisfied with a romp about the city? No trees or fields? No long stretches of human-free acreage to let loose and howl in?

      He’d have to figure this out within the next few days.

      “It’s something to consider. Can we make the date for next week? Sunday maybe? Because the day before and after it’s full I also...have needs.”

      “Like what?”

      The days before and after the full moon? He also wanted to shift, but that compulsion could be squelched with sex. A lot of it. How to work that out this weekend? “Another one of those things you don’t need to know about.”

      “You certainly are a man of mystery. But I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to share some of those secrets with me. You can trust me, Ry. Sunday?”

      “Later in the day, after I’ve returned to Paris.”

      “Maybe we could do a late-afternoon picnic?”

      “Sounds like a plan.” He grabbed his cell phone from the coffee table and handed it to her. “Enter your info for me so I can call you. I don’t even know your last name.”

      “I’m Indigo DuCharme.”

      “Of course. A princess wouldn’t have any other but a romantic name. We’ll figure things out Sunday morning when I give you a call.”

      “I can’t wait. In the meantime, I’m going home to—”

      “Google werewolves?”

      She bowed her head, because he’d hit it right on the nose. “Maybe.” Indi typed in her name and phone number, then also put in her address.

      “What you read online will only be fiction,” Ry explained, feeling the need to do so. “Although some writers do get a few things right. Just take it all with a huge chunk of salt, okay?”

      “Deal. I imagine it may be weird for you to have someone asking you questions about yourself, but I’m going to warn you that I may have many more questions on Sunday.”

      “It is weird, but I’m not feeling so nervous about this as I was when you initially asked me. Maybe we both need a few days to let this sink in. If by Sunday you’re not on board with me, then I’ll understand.” He took the phone from her.

      “Sounds like a plan.”

      Indi stood. He’d just given her an opportunity to leave. And while he wanted her to stay for a few more kisses, Ry guessed her brain was humming with so much new, strange and curious information that she would need to be away from him for awhile, take it in and give it a good think.

      She thrust out her hand for him to shake. Really? They’d gone beyond that silly gesture.

      Ry pulled her in and bent to kiss her. The woman’s body melded to his as if fitting into a mold. And as his hard-on gave him away, Ry delved deeper into the kiss to grasp her sweetness just in case he might never see her again. Parting from her happened with a sigh from them both.

      “Sunday is so far away,” she said, walking to the door. “It’s going to be a long week. Thanks, Ry, for being honest.”

      “Thank you for not freaking out. But if you freak later, you can call me and we’ll cancel plans.”

      “No canceling. And besides, my BFF is always on call for my freak-outs.”

      “No telling the BFF about me.”

      “Right. I can tell her I met a handsome man, though. She’d never forgive me if I kept that one to myself.”

      Another kiss sent her on her way. And Ry waited in the doorway, listening as her footsteps sounded down the stairs.

      What had he just done? Revealing himself to a woman he barely knew? Something was wrong with him.

      “Or maybe it’s finally right.”

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