Her Chance At Love. Nicki Night

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Her Chance At Love - Nicki Night Mills & Boon Kimani

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board to replace his predecessor, who had just resigned due to relocating. Their father had always told them to be sure to rub elbows with the right people. It certainly helped him become a judge. After taking in the scene and surveying the women, Blake took a seat next to his brothers at the bar.

      “Who’s that?” Drew’s eyes were stretched wide. Blake’s and Hunter’s eyes followed his line of sight. When they noticed whom Drew was inquiring about, simultaneously they reared their heads back.

      “Stay away from her. Ask Blake,” Hunter said.

      “Her name is Mandy, and it took me six months to get her to stop randomly showing up at my door with lingerie on under an overcoat.”

      Drew raised his brow. “You must have really put it on her,” he said, smiling and resting his back against the bar.

      “Actually, no. I was dating her friend and she had obviously shared a few details with her about our...eh...encounters. Once we stopped dating, that’s when Mandy started showing up talking about how much she’d heard about me and wanted to experience a few things for herself.” Blake angled his back toward Mandy, who seemed to be walking in their direction.

      “Is she a lawyer, too?” Drew asked.

      “Yeah, but she just joined the organization,” Hunter added.

      “Wow. All those brains and she’s still crazy. Ha!” Drew slapped his leg at his own remark.

      “Yeah. That’s why I’ve sworn off dating other lawyers. It’s not cool sleeping with a woman and the next morning you find yourself sitting on the opposite side of the negotiation table and your clients are at war with each other,” Blake said, thinking of a similar encounter with the last attorney he dated.

      “That’s just awkward,” Drew said, raising a brow.

      “Yeah. And it’s happened more than once,” Hunter added.

      “Whoa!” Drew raised his fist to his mouth as the brothers joined together in laughter once again.

      “Hey, Blake.” Alana rose on her toes to give Hunter a friendly hug before turning to his brother. “Hey, Hunter, Drew,” she acknowledged, and hugged them, too.

      After Alana’s greeting, Blake zoned out. Well, it wasn’t entirely his fault. It was the goddess who stood immediately behind Alana that had captured his attention and momentarily rendered him deaf and mute.

      Alana reached behind herself and pulled the woman to her side. If she hadn’t looked so disinterested, Blake would have made his intentions clear right then and there, but, sensing her attitude, he decided he’d let things play out before making his move.

      Shaking his head, Blake jumped back into the conversation. He was almost annoyed with himself at how he’d let a single look at this beautiful woman throw him off guard.

      “What did you say your name was?” he asked the woman, holding his hand out to shake hers. A bland smile spread across her beautiful heart-shaped lips—one that told him she really wasn’t interested in being here. Despite the lack of enthusiasm, she managed to spark a rise in him that he hadn’t expected.

      “Cadence Payne.”

      Her soft voice caressed Blake’s ear ever so slightly, giving rise to several parts of him, as if she’d teased him with an actual touch. Blake was caught in the sheer femininity of it. It actually took him a moment to respond. “Beautiful name. Pleasure to meet you, Cadence.” Blake brought the back of her hand to his lips and kissed it gently and then flashed what he hoped was a winning sexy smile potent enough to put a dent in that attitude of hers.

      “Pleasure,” she said dryly, and pulled her hand back.

      This one had a hard exterior, Blake concluded. He wasn’t worried about that. He’d never had a problem breaking through women’s exteriors before, no matter how tough they tried to be. Women often melted under the Barrington brothers’ influence. The brothers were hot commodities, and had even been featured in a special issue of one of the local magazines as some of the most eligible bachelors in the greater metropolitan area.

      “So, how has it been going so far? Has our speaker arrived?” Alana asked, rising to her toes to look over the crowd.

      “Not that I know of,” Blake responded, still looking at Cadence, who had been trying to avoid his stare.

      “Okay. I’ll check it out. Be right back.” Before Blake or Hunter could reply, Alana was off through the crowd, mingling, smiling and waving at familiar faces in the distance.

      Instead of following her, Cadence took a seat at the far end of the bar. Blake took her aloof demeanor as a sign to let her be for just a while, but there was no way he was going to let her leave there without getting her number.

      “Are you done?” Drew said as he and Hunter grinned.

      “Huh?” Blake said, realizing their eyes were on him awaiting a response. “What?”

      “He asked, ‘are you done?’” Hunter yelled over the noise of the growing crowd.

      “What do you mean?”

      “Are you done lapping her up with your eyes, man?” Drew laughed. “She doesn’t seem interested.”

      “What?” Blake grunted. “Not interested in me!” He feigned surprise as if Drew’s assessment was completely ridiculous. “Dude, do you know who I am?” he asked, touching his chest in disbelief. “I’m Blake Barrington! You better ask around,” he teased. Hunter and Drew dismissed him with waves of their hands.

      “Well, she doesn’t seem to care,” Drew responded. “Seems like she’s got a bit of an attitude anyway. Do you know if she’s an attorney also?”

      “I know she is,” Hunter answered.

      Blake’s head spun in his brother’s direction based on his response. “You know her?” He wondered what he may have missed during the introductions when he had been arrested by her pouty lips, nice hips, caramel skin, perfect breasts and long legs.

      “You know her, too,” Hunter said, holding his finger up at the bartender for another round. He nodded, confirming her acknowledgment before turning his attention back to Blake. “That’s Senator Payne’s daughter. I’ve never actually met her up close and personal, but I know that face.”

      Blake’s shoulders slumped in disappointment upon finding out that she was also an attorney. He’d been serious when he’d vowed to stop dating women in the same profession. It never worked out for him. He even wondered how he’d never run into her before. New York City was a crowded metropolis, but many of its circles ran small.

      “Hey!” The high-pitched shriek snatched his attention away from his thoughts about Cadence.

      Before he could fully turn himself around, he felt the softness of a woman’s body pressed up against the back of him. The familiar, sweet essence of lilies wafted from Jasmine Lee’s almond skin. He found himself smothered in her arms as she closed them tightly around him.

      “What’s up, baby?” Jasmine said, turning him around, grabbing him by his cheeks and then pulling him down to her—right into her full, indulgent baby-pink lips.

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