Sizzling Summer Nights. Debbi Rawlins

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Sizzling Summer Nights - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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She met those heart-melting eyes again. “It’s my turn to talk, isn’t it?”

      * * *

      SETH LANDERS HAD been wondering how he should go about getting laid tonight. Generally it wasn’t a problem for him. His luck ran better than most if anyone listened to the guys in the bunkhouse. The trick was finding a nice, willing woman here in town, someone who wasn’t a local so he’d be less likely to get himself in any trouble. That being his number one goal these days, he’d suffer through a few more weeks of abstinence if he absolutely had to. Hell, he hoped not.

      “I’m Hannah.” She extended a slim hand that was still damp from the spill. Her skin was soft, pale, and she had a slight southern accent. Texas maybe. Her inflection reminded him of his old air force buddy from Houston.

      “Seth Landers.”

      “I know. I mean...” She glanced back at her table. “Rachel mentioned it. Rachel McAllister... Gunderson, actually.”

      “Ah. She say anything else?”

      “Hmm. Not that I recall.” Her gaze went to Nikki. “Do you have something I can use on the floor? A rag maybe?”

      “Should I get the mop?”

      “No, it’s just an itty-bitty spot, but someone could slip,” Hannah said, staring at her feet.

      She was pretty. Brown eyes, brown hair, a heart-shaped face, nothing that stood out. But pretty all the same. Nice smile. Yeah, she had a real nice smile. If she weren’t drunk and a friend of Rachel’s, he would’ve gone for her.

      The minute he walked in he’d pegged her as a guest at the Sundance. Before he’d moved back to help his brother run their family ranch, Seth had heard the McAllisters had opened a dude ranch separate from their cattle operation. What he hadn’t known was that their guests were mostly twenty-something women, a good many of them looking for vacation flings.

      A couple of hired men had been scoring left and right, but Paxton and Joe had made a deal not to clue Seth in on their little gold mine. Then last week Joe had let it slip. Dumb greedy bastards. Seth had threatened them with a month of flood irrigation duty, a chore that made for endlessly long days. That would teach them. They’d be too damn tired to dip their buckets in anybody’s well.

      He smiled thinking about the looks on their faces, even though they knew he never would’ve done anything like that. Guess it was easy for them to forget he was their boss. Up until seven months ago, he hadn’t been around all that much.

      It bothered him to think about what a shit he’d been, sullen and uncommunicative, mad at the world and leaving the responsibility of the Whispering Pines to his dad and brother. Clint had suffered the brunt of it. But Seth was here to stay, making it up to his brother, hell, his whole family, for as long as it took. He just needed to stay out of trouble and let time heal.

      Rag in hand, Nikki started to come around the bar but stopped for a guy wanting his mug refilled.

      “I’ll get it, Nikki.” Seth reached across the bar.

      “No,” Hannah said, trying to snatch the rag from him. “It was my fault. I’ll do it.”

      He got off the stool, and when she stubbornly refused to move, he crouched down right in front of her, putting his face level with her crotch.

      Not a wise move. His thoughts shot in every direction but the right one, while his body reacted as if he’d never been with a woman before. For Christ’s sake, it wasn’t as if he could see anything.

      It seemed he’d mopped half the floor before he finally trusted himself to stand.

      Hannah hadn’t moved, other than to place both hands on her slim, curvy hips and frown at him.

      “You’re welcome,” he said, and dropped the rag into Nikki’s outstretched hand.

      “Thank you.” Hannah inched back and came up against a stool.

      He hadn’t meant to crowd her. He quickly got out of her way and returned to his seat.

      She had a pleasant scent, nothing floral or cloying. Maybe it was just her. Seth normally didn’t care for perfumes of any kind. Even her breath smelled nice, no hint of booze. He’d heard her massacre that song, though. He wondered if she was that gutsy when she was sober.

      He returned to his seat just as Nikki set another water on the bar.

      “Here you go,” she said to Hannah. “I’ll let you open this one.”

      Hannah laughed. “God, you’d think I was drunk.”

      In mid-sip, Seth chuckled and nearly sprayed her. Wouldn’t that have been a hell of a thing? He lowered the mug and wiped his mouth.

      “Nice meeting you, Seth. And thanks again.”

      “Any time.” He turned just enough to watch her walk back to the table without being obvious.

      She had a nice backside view in those slim-fitting jeans. The heels on the snazzy boots made her look taller. By his estimate, without them, she was around five-six.

      A few seconds after Hannah sat down, Rachel jumped up. So did the blonde sitting with them, but she lingered with Hannah while Rachel approached the bar.

      “Hey, Seth. How’s the family?”

      “Good. Working hard.”

      “I know what you mean,” she said and motioned for Nikki, who nodded as she poured drinks at the other end. “We sure don’t need any more of these scorching hot summers.” Rachel shrugged. “Could be worse, I suppose. I pity the ranchers in Texas.”

      “Amen to that. How’s the dude ranch business treating you?”

      “The money’s decent. And mostly it’s been fun.” Rachel grinned. “My brothers might tell you otherwise.”

      “I met Hannah,” he said, as if Rachel and half the people in the joint hadn’t noticed. “I assume she’s a guest?”

      “She’s from Dallas and staying at the Sundance, although I invited her to stay with Matt and me. We’re old college friends.”

      Nikki brought a foaming mug with her and set it in front of him.

      “Ah, no, thanks. One’s my limit. Unless you want to drive me home.” He wasn’t hitting on her. She knew it and just laughed.

      Rachel’s soft smile told him she recalled the trouble he’d gotten into years ago. Folks in this flyspeck town had long memories. Rachel wasn’t judging, though, and he appreciated that.

      “Your beer is warm and flat by now,” Nikki said. “Just drink what you want and I’ll pour out the rest.”

      “Listen, Nik,” Rachel said. “I need to run up to Kalispell for Matt. He needs a part for the tractor by morning.”

      “What’s the matter?” Nikki asked. “He can’t get it himself?”


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