Her Soldier Of Fortune. Michelle Major

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Her Soldier Of Fortune - Michelle Major The Fortunes of Texas: The Rulebreakers

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      “Excuse me?”

      “Didn’t mean to startle you,” he told her. “I’m going to make sandwiches. Would you like ham or turkey?”

      “You really don’t—”

      “I’ll choose if you don’t.”

      Her delicate brows furrowed as she stared at him. “Turkey,” she said finally, and with that one word Nate felt like he’d won some sort of battle. He liked winning.

      “Great. Lunch will be ready in ten minutes.” He paused on his way to the kitchen. “Unless you need help unloading your bags from the car.”

      “No,” she said, almost too quickly. “We don’t have much. Just a weekend bag. We’re not staying that long. I don’t want to impose. It won’t—”

      “You can stay as long as you like,” he told her. “Eddie was family, Busy Bee. That makes you family, too. If you want to tell me what’s going on, I’ll listen. If not, I won’t intrude. But know that you have a place here.”

      He saw the sharp rise of her chest as his words seemed to hit their mark. “Thank you,” she whispered, and then hurried out of the room.

      * * *

      “It’s quiet here.”

      EJ flipped onto his side to face Bianca on the double bed in Grayson’s room later that night.

      “We’re in the country,” she said, gently pushing back the lock of hair that had flopped into his eyes. It was dark in the room, other than the faint glow from the night-light she’d plugged into the wall near the door. She’d told Nate that she and EJ could share a bedroom, but he’d insisted EJ could take Grayson’s room and she could use his mom’s since they’d be on the rodeo circuit until spring.

      Her son loved claiming the space as his own, and Bianca wondered if she might actually get a decent night’s sleep without the noise from the freeway across the street from their run-down apartment building in San Antonio. “There are country sounds here.”

      “Like the horses and cows,” EJ said in wonder, inching closer until his leg pressed against hers and she could smell his toothpaste-scented breath. She’d be sad when her boy got old enough that he didn’t want to snuggle any longer.

      “Don’t forget the chickens,” she told him.

      “The rooster is my favorite.”

      She dropped a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. “The rooster might even wake up earlier than you, buddy.”

      “No one wakes up earlier than me, Mommy.”

      Bianca sighed. “Think of this as vacation. You can sleep late.”

      He yawned, then smiled. “I don’t like to sleep late.”

      “I know, bud.”

      “I like it here,” he said sleepily.

      “Me, too,” she whispered, almost afraid to say the words out loud for fear she’d jinx her new bit of luck. She rolled her shoulders against the mattress, amazed at how light she felt. Strange that the weight she’d been carrying for so long it felt a part of her had already started to lift.

      She needed to find a way to earn her keep on the ranch, but not having the pressure of a dead-end job and the stress of worrying about childcare for EJ was a gift. She’d been running on all cylinders for so long with no time to catch her breath or figure out a plan for making a better life. Nate Fortune, with his matter-of-fact demeanor and quiet intensity, seemed to have no issue with giving her space. True to his word, he hadn’t pushed her for details about her circumstances. Not during the simple but satisfying lunch he’d made or on the brief tour of the house he’d led them on after they ate.

      He seemed to be almost more comfortable with EJ than he was with her, patiently answering EJ’s litany of questions while barely making eye contact with her.

      She had a healthy dose of curiosity where the former navy SEAL was concerned.

      Why did he leave the service and return to Paseo in the first place? She knew he’d been with Eddie on the mission that had killed her brother. Could he give her any more information about how and why her brother had died?

      She’d practically memorized the reports and brief news stories she’d found online, but nothing in the official paperwork told her what she wanted to know. Did Eddie suffer? Was it quick? How had things gone so wrong for the brother who’d always seemed invincible?

      She hadn’t asked any of those questions. If she wasn’t willing to share the specifics of her life, could she really expect Nate to open up his past for inspection? But he must have read something in her eyes because in the middle of the tour, his shoulders had stiffened and he’d made some excuse about needing to get back to work and all but bolted out of the house.

      Other than a distant trail of dust on the horizon, she hadn’t seen him again. He hadn’t returned to the house at dinnertime, and she’d eventually heated EJ a meal of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. She’d placed the leftover macaroni in a bowl on the counter in case Nate wanted dinner when he came in. It was a meager offering, and she planned to drive into town for groceries the following morning. The least she could do while she was here was to cook Nate a few decent meals.

      She’d learned to cook as a teenager so Eddie would have home-cooked meals when he was on leave, and sitting around the small table listening to her brother tell tales of his adventures in the navy were still some of her happiest memories.

      EJ made a tiny whimpering sound and shifted away from her on the bed. She listened to his steady breathing for a few more minutes, then climbed out of the bed and crossed the hall to Deborah’s room, which Nate had offered her without reservation. She heard a noise from downstairs, alerting her that Nate had returned to the house. It was past nine and she wondered what he’d been doing to keep him away for so long. The thought that he might have a girlfriend in town both intrigued and frustrated her. She laughed inwardly as she realized EJ came by his curiosity honestly.

      The urge to see Nate again was almost overwhelming, but Bianca walked into her room and closed the door, leaning against it as if that would keep her inside. She was lucky Nate had agreed to let her stay so easily, and didn’t want him to regret the decision because she couldn’t help but make a pest of herself.

      His mother’s room was simple, with one chest of drawers and a faded quilt covering the bed. Bianca appreciated the framed photos scattered around the room, all featuring the triplets at various ages. Bianca’s photos of EJ and his preschool artwork that she’d framed were among her prized possessions, all of them currently stuffed in the trunk of her car.

      She dressed for bed, leaving the window cracked slightly so the night breeze cooled the air. She’d mostly kept her apartment windows shut, even in the blistering heat of a Texas summer, both for security reasons and to limit the outside noise. But the ranch was quiet and peaceful, and she took a deep breath as she slipped between the sheets.

      Bianca had gotten used to being tired, but that didn’t mean sleep came easily to her. She expected to toss and turn as she normally did into the wee hours, but the next thing she knew she was blinking awake as pale gray light began to creep through the curtains that covered

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