Wild For You. Debbi Rawlins

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Wild For You - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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it for an extra-small load and cold water, then chose a cycle before moving over to the dryer. “As soon as I start making some real money, I’m getting a pair of these. You remember how much they cost?”

      “Around thirty-five hundred, I think.”

      “Dollars?” She realized what she’d said the same second he tightened his mouth. Wow, he’d almost smiled again. “Go ahead and laugh.” She turned to stroke the dryer. “I’d never have to iron again.” Erin hadn’t touched an iron in years. “Or wear wrinkled clothes.”

      “If you want, there’s fabric softener and dryer sheets in the cabinet in front of you.”

      She’d seen them on the shelf above the laundry detergent. Everything was so clean and orderly, it kind of made her nervous. It wasn’t that she was a slob or anything, but as soon as she’d started living out of a suitcase most of the time, her main priority was remembering to pack everything.

      She opened the cabinet and knew reaching the second shelf was iffy. Even with raising herself on tiptoes, her fingertips only grazed the box of dryer sheets.

      Spencer came up behind her and brought down the box. “How about the fabric softener?”

      “No, thanks,” she murmured, feeling his heat against her back. He wasn’t actually touching her, but he wasn’t giving her any space, either. Experimentally, she inched back, and it was like she’d hit a brick wall. Despite his lean build, he was solid muscle.

      “Anything else?”

      “Yeah,” she said, turning around to face him. Her right breast grazed his arm, and a shiver raced down her spine. Spencer backed up a step. It didn’t help. Hell, he’d have to leave the state before the flutters in her chest would stop. “How about we talk a little business while I’m waiting for my clothes?”

      She’d always had a husky voice, even as a kid. But it sounded different, lower than usual, as though she might be coming down with a cold. Ignoring it, she waited for him to say something, not sure how long she’d be able to hold his piercing gaze.

      The silence between them seemed to suspend time, which Erin didn’t foolishly mistake for the possibility he’d changed his mind. A sudden chill coming from him took care of the fluttering problem.

      “Okay, wait,” she said, catching his arm when he turned to leave. “How about a tour of the house? Not the bedrooms or anything. Just, you know, common areas.”

      He stopped to stare pointedly at her hand. “Why? So you can see if all the cameras would fit?”

      Erin sighed, hating the shift in his demeanor. “Come on, you can’t blame me for trying...” she said, lowering her hand. “I know we got off to a rocky start. Completely my fault. I rushed in without explaining how it works. We’re only asking for a two-week window to access your property. None of the crew would come anywhere near you or the house—”

      “I don’t blame you at all,” he said, folding his arms across his chest. “In fact, if you have some other trick up your sleeve, go for it. Let’s see what you got.”

      “Trick?” None of this made sense. He’d known all along why she was here. “You think I fell in the mud on purpose?”

      “I don’t know. Did you?”

      “Of course not.” She couldn’t read him. Was he teasing, or trying to distract her? “I swear to you, the land would be left in perfect condition. And the money is more than generous.” Pausing for a breath, she moistened her dry lips. “Better than the boilerplate.” She wasn’t lying. She’d nearly gotten her head chewed off for the offer she’d extended him.

      His brows rose expectantly. “That’s it?”

      She stared at him, thoroughly confused.

      “I have to admit, I’m disappointed,” he said. “I expected something interesting. Not that it would’ve mattered. I’m not going to change my mind.”

      “Wait. Don’t you have any questions for me? Whatever is holding you back might not be an issue at all. At least let me try to put your concerns to rest.” She grabbed the folder off the dryer and followed him into the kitchen. “Can we do that?”

      “Do what?”

      “Start a discussion.”

      He poured coffee into a black mug and ignored the blue one that she presumed he’d set out for her. Leaning against the counter, he took a sip while staring at her over the rim. It wasn’t so much his silence as the sudden narrowing of his eyes that unnerved her.


      “I do have a question.”

      “Great,” she said, relaxing and pouring some coffee. Maybe they could come to terms after all. “Ask me anything.”

      “What exactly are you prepared to do to get me to agree?”

      The sugar she was lightly sprinkling into her mug slipped for a moment. It wasn’t so much his words but his tone that set off alarm bells. “I don’t think I understand the question.”

      He gave her a slow smile. “I think you do.”

      She really hoped he wasn’t implying what she thought... She looked up and followed his gaze to where the robe had slipped off her shoulder. The thick chenille fabric had taken her bra strap with it. Easy to assume she was naked underneath. So what? It didn’t make his remark any less insulting.

      Yanking the robe back in place, she returned his smile with a much sweeter one. “I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume you’re being a complete prick.”

      * * *

      SPENCER COULD SEE she was pissed. Maybe he’d gone too far. But after finding her checklist, he really hadn’t known what to think at first. She was from Hollywood. The whole thing this afternoon could’ve been staged. Despite her claim she had no interest in acting, she’d transformed herself since they last met in July. The short skirt, the hair, the makeup...all of it meant to persuade him to give in. Yet the more they’d interacted, the less inclined he was to think she was playing him.

      Either way, Erin was an interesting woman. Maybe he was fooling himself, but he didn’t think he’d let on that he was attracted to her. Although he had a feeling celibacy had made him a poor judge. Even Dusty had given him a few strange looks.

      “You’re right. I was being a prick,” he said, sorry she’d pulled the robe up. “That was an offensive insinuation, and I apologize.”

      “Oh.” She studied him for several seconds, a slight frown tugging at her brows. “Apology accepted. So—”

      “My land is still off-limits.”

      She let out a breath of pure frustration. “Will you at least tell me why?”

      “Why do you want it so badly? There are thousands of acres of open land around here to choose from.”

      “It’s about Moonlight Mountain. Jason, the director, wants to use the west side of the mountain in the last scene.” Erin sighed.

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