Romancing The Runaway Bride. Karen Kirst

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Romancing The Runaway Bride - Karen Kirst Return to Cowboy Creek

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he guided her across the room. Russell’s flare of surprise was quickly masked. He moved to his wife’s side while Will Canfield greeted Deborah.

      “Good afternoon, Miss Frazier. I can’t tell you how happy I was when I learned you’d be here today.” Dark eyes twinkling, he gripped the silver handle of his walking cane. “I told Tomasina that we could easily meet our goal if we’d auction off your desserts one by one.”

      “I was happy to do it.”

      When she failed to introduce him, Will prompted, “Who’s your friend?”

      “Oh, I apologize for not...” Her fingers dug into Adam’s suit sleeve. “This is Adam Draper. He’s new to town and boarding at Aunt Mae’s.”

      “Pleased to meet you.” Adam covered her hand and gently squeezed it in a silent bid for her to release her death grip. When she did, he shook hands with the mayor, then answered his queries and, all too soon, was pretending not to know his own brother.

      Russell’s act was spot-on. Anna was nervous, however, and he worried she’d slip. Her green eyes were huge pools of curiosity as she placed her hand in his.

      “Welcome to Cowboy Creek, Mr. Draper,” she said. “What is your early opinion of our fair town?”

      Adam wished their first meeting had been away from prying eyes. Welcoming her to the Halloway family would have to come later. “Very high. I’ve met many kind, interesting people, which helps when making a decision like the one I’m contemplating.”

      “Trust me, you can’t go wrong with a town like ours,” Will boasted. “We’ve got a lot to offer a man such as yourself. Opportunities to start or expand businesses abound.”

      “There’s also an abundance of marriage-minded ladies.” Russell’s smirk wasn’t lost on Adam. Nor was Deborah’s marked reaction. Beside him, she stiffened.

      Another mystery surrounding the spunky brunette. Why would a lady averse to courtship accept a ticket for a bride train?

      “I’m currently not in the market for a wife,” he said. “My business requires 100 percent of my energy.”

      Russell curved his arm around Anna’s shoulders and sent a significant glance at Deborah. “While I understand your point of view, Mr. Draper, I’d advise you not to overlook the advantages of having a loving partner by your side.”

      Anna dipped her head in an effort to hide a smile.

      He gritted his teeth, already planning what he’d say to dear Russ the next time they were alone.

      Will chuckled. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.” His gaze shifted beyond Adam. “Please excuse me. It appears I’m being summoned. Thank you again for coming, Mr. Draper. If you have need of further information regarding the town, feel free to stop by my office. You could also speak to my friends, Daniel Gardner and Noah Burgess. Daniel owns the Gardner Stockyards and Noah owns a ranch outside town. They can give you different perspectives.”

      Adam thanked the man. He was about to suggest they move on when Deborah spoke.

      “I’ve told Adam about your work with war veterans, Russell. I had a cousin, James, who was injured and ultimately lost his right arm. He struggled for many years to support his family in the same manner as he’d done before the fighting. I’d like to believe if he’d had someone like you to help him, he wouldn’t have lost hope.”

      Anna’s lips parted. “What happened to him?”

      “He abandoned his wife and children. No one has seen or heard from him for over two years.” She winced. “I suppose that isn’t a subject fitting for a fund-raiser.”

      Russell’s eyes were full of understanding. “We don’t fault you for speaking of the realities of war. I’m afraid I’m all too acquainted with the unpleasant ramifications.”

      “What about you, Mr. Draper?” Russell inquired with faultless politeness. “Did you serve?”

      Sensing Deborah’s keen interest, Adam was careful not to reveal his annoyance. What game was his brother playing?

      A denial was forming on his lips when he glanced at Deborah and the vulnerable light in her eyes chased the air from his lungs. Just once, he wanted to tell her something real, something true about himself. “I joined the Union army when I was eighteen.”

      A tiny pleat formed between her brows. “You were very young.”

      “There were many who were far younger. We were boys masquerading as men, pretending we weren’t frightened out of our minds and longing for our mamas.”

      * * *

      Deborah forgot about Russell and Anna. The chatter and occasional trill of laughter filling the house faded to a hum. It was as if a veil had slipped from Adam’s face, and she was seeing him for the first time. Lingering anguish swirled in the brown depths of his eyes. She could only imagine what horrors he’d witnessed.

      “Did you serve the entire length of the war?”

      He nodded. “I’ve since questioned how I managed to survive when so many others weren’t so fortunate.”

      “God preserved your life for a reason.”

      “Did you suffer any injuries?” Anna’s voice jolted Deborah.

      She blushed. They’d completely ignored the other couple.

      Adam’s gaze clung to Deborah’s. “Nothing serious.”

      Had she imagined the strange flicker in his eyes? Was he being forthcoming? Or perhaps glossing over what he might consider alarming to her and Anna?

      The clink of metal against glass was followed by Daniel Gardner’s booming voice welcoming everyone to the fund-raiser. Most days, the stockyard owner favored cowboy gear, but for this occasion he’d donned a nutmeg-brown suit that enhanced his chestnut hair and green eyes. Since he had everyone’s attention, he motioned for Will and Noah to join him at his spot beside the upright piano.

      Comfortable with the spotlight, Will joined him without hesitation. The more reclusive Noah had to be encouraged by his wife, Grace, who gave him a kiss on his scarred cheek and a playful shove. That earned them a spurt of laughter as Noah meekly took his position on the other side of Daniel, who promptly began his speech.

      “When we set out to build a town in the Kansas prairie, none of us could’ve dreamed what the outcome would be. Thanks to God’s grace, and the wise direction of our mayor, Cowboy Creek has become a wonderful place to live. We’ve benefited from Will’s leadership, and now it’s time to share his time and talents with the nation.” Daniel clasped Will’s shoulder. “Please offer your prayers and support to him as he moves forward with his bid for Congress.”

      The fervent applause spoke of the residents’ admiration for their mayor. He kept his speech brief and, after a tear-inducing homage to his wife, Tomasina, urged everyone to mingle and indulge in the refreshments.

      Adam steered her away from Russell and Anna and toward the lone man in the nearby corner. Instead of parading him around the room, she would’ve preferred to go off alone and continue their conversation.

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