Romancing The Runaway Bride. Karen Kirst

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Romancing The Runaway Bride - Karen Kirst Return to Cowboy Creek

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remained quiet throughout the meal, speaking only when spoken to and not once meeting his gaze. He’d have to get her alone somehow. As impatient as he was for answers, his instincts said he’d have to go slowly with this one. He would have to earn her trust, make her think they were friends.

      His opportunity came sooner than expected. At the meal’s conclusion, she offered to help Aunt Mae clean the dishes.

      Aunt Mae patted her hand. “You’ve been in the kitchen all day. Hildie will help me, won’t you, dear?”

      Hildie hesitated. “I was about to invite Adam to join me in a game of checkers.”

      “Plenty of time for that tomorrow.” The older woman dismissed her excuse and pushed a bowl into her hands. “Carry that in for me.” To Adam, she said, “It’s Deborah’s habit to stroll about town every evening after supper. Perhaps you could join her.”

      Deborah worried her bottom lip. “I’m certain Mr. Draper is tired from his travels.”

      He smiled at her. “I’m never too tired to spend time with an intriguing lady. And please, call me Adam.”

      Consternation flitted over her features. “Sadie, would you like to come?”

      “I’ve got letters to write,” she demurred. “Maybe next time.”

      Deborah gestured limply to the door. “I suppose it’s just the two of us, then.”

      Did her reluctance to be in his company stem from embarrassment? Or did she suspect he was more than what he claimed?

      * * *

      Deborah was certain her companion perceived her unease.

       God, please don’t let him ask about the train again. Or why I was clad in a wedding dress.

      Was it fair to ask Him for help in this deception she’d created of her own volition? Probably not. If she’d fought her arranged marriage at the outset instead of meekly falling in with the plans, she wouldn’t have had cause to flee her home. Her father’s initial declaration—that he’d promised her to his oldest friend and business associate, Tobias Latham, a man thirty years her senior—had blindsided her. Gerard Frazier had intimated that this union was her last chance to redeem herself and make up for all the ways in which she’d disappointed him. Unable to refuse the rare opportunity to earn his approval, she’d buried her objections.

      The newspapers had printed the official announcement. Friends, some dear and some not, had attended a grand engagement celebration in her and Tobias’s honor. Gerard had hired an assistant to guide her in the ceremony planning. The weeks had sped by in a whirlwind of activity until the day arrived for her to pledge her life to a man she barely knew.

      Like a coward, she’d bolted without telling a single soul. Not even Lucy, the one person who understood her better than anyone else. She’d waited until reaching Kansas before contacting her sister.

       Oh, Lucy, I wish you were here now.

      “Would you prefer to go alone, Miss Frazier?”

      Adam’s quiet voice pierced her cloud of introspection. Beside her on the shadowed front porch, he watched her with a subdued expression. Guilt pinched her. Here she was engrossed in her problems, without giving a single thought to how he might feel. She’d been in his position not long ago and remembered feeling overwhelmed by the vast, untamed prairie and a little lost amid a crowd of rowdy cowboys, busy shop owners and unwed females jostling for the best bachelors.

      “Of course not. I’m happy to show you the town.” Descending the shallow steps and traversing the footpath through the tidy yard, she passed through the gate opening and onto the boardwalk. “Which way shall we go? Left toward the stockyards or right toward the opera house?”

      Hands deep in his pockets, he looked both ways and shrugged. “I’ll leave it up to you.”

      Deborah led him in the direction of the opera house, drawing his attention to various points of interest. At this hour, wagon traffic was almost nonexistent and the shop windows were dark. Town wasn’t entirely deserted, however. Cowboys were usually out and about, dining at various eateries or paying a visit to Mr. Lin’s laundry services. If there was a show at the opera house, folks congregated in the vacant lots surrounding the building. With all the activity, she felt safe walking the streets alone. That was something she never would’ve been allowed to do in St. Louis. Deborah savored the sense of independence.

      As they passed the saddle shop, she pointed out the Longhorn Feed and Grain. “You’ll do a lot of trading there if you decide to settle here.” Her curiosity got the better of her. “What’s wrong with your current place?”

      Her blunt query sparked amusement in his rich brown eyes. “Nothing’s wrong with it.”

      “Why then would you leave your home and start afresh?”

      “I’ve a soul prone to wander, I’m afraid. I like to tackle new challenges simply to ascertain whether or not I can succeed.” His teeth gleamed white in the darkness. “I have several operations across the state of Missouri, but none in Kansas.”

      Alarm skittered along her spine. “Missouri, huh? What part?”

      “Big Bend.”

      Not terribly close to St. Louis. “Do you consider any of those places home?”

      “There is one that’s special to me.” His smile struck her as sad. “Over two hundred acres of prime land. Fertile fields dotted with cattle stretching into the distance, with occasional tree groves to block the wind. Near the house, there’s this section of the stream that’s wide and shallow, and my brothers and I used to fish and swim there every summer.”

      “How many brothers do you have?”

      His face shadowed. “Two. Both older.”

      Sensing his reticence, she squelched her questions. “It sounds like a wonderful place to live.”

      They passed the livery, which was usually humming with activity.

      “Have you ever been to Missouri, Deborah?”

      There was no lying about the fact. The other brides knew she’d boarded the train there. “I was born and raised in St. Louis.” Before he could probe further, she directed his attention to the bakery on the next corner. “Can you believe Cowboy Creek has two bakeries? Impressive for a town this size, don’t you think?” She darted over to the main window. Bare, boring tables and chairs occupied the dining area. “I’ve wondered why the owner, Mr. Lowell, doesn’t take more pride in the shop’s appearance. A shame, really. The other one is much better.”

      His shoulder brushed hers, his woodsy scent pleasant to her senses. His presence wasn’t entirely unwelcome, she acknowledged. It was nice to have someone to talk to, for a change, as long the subject matter didn’t wander into dangerous waters. Perhaps she’d confide in him about her little quest to solve the mystery of the Cowboy Creek thefts. Ever since the bride train had arrived two months ago, odd items had gone missing from various shops and residences, including a porcelain doll. There were rumors that two children had stowed away on the train, but those hadn’t been substantiated.


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