A Cowboy Of Convenience. Stacy Henrie

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A Cowboy Of Convenience - Stacy Henrie Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical

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want to open a café?” West’s question sounded genuinely curious, but the look in his brown eyes told her that he was surprised and possibly hurt that she hadn’t shared the idea with him sooner.

      Vienna hurried to explain. “It’s only something I thought of yesterday.”

      “I’d definitely come eat at any place you run, Vienna.” Maggy smiled as she massaged the small of her back. Vienna could readily identify with the discomfort that came with being eight months pregnant. “I didn’t think anyone could bake or cook as well as Mrs. Harvey, but you’re now as competent in the kitchen as she is.”

      Vienna’s cheeks heated with a blush, though she appreciated the sincere compliment. “Thank you. I didn’t realize how much I’d come to love making food.”

      “So you’d sell the HC Bar and buy a place in town?” West lifted his knee and rested his arm on top. The casual pose belied the tension she noticed in the lines of his shoulders and jaw. Was he upset with her?

      The thought brought remembered fear and an instant need to smooth things over, as she had so often done with Chance. But West wasn’t a threat, she reminded herself.

      She met his level gaze with one of her own and swallowed back her fear. “Honestly, I don’t know what I want to do yet. I like the idea of running my own business, but I’m not sure I can picture me and Hattie living in town.”

      “If you open something in Big Horn rather than Sheridan, you’d be closer to the Running W,” Maggy pointed out.

      Having a café or restaurant in the small town a few miles from the ranch sounded more attractive to Vienna, too, though a larger town like Sheridan would likely mean more visitors. Either way, did she want to raise her daughter among the hubbub of town, large or small? Or would they both miss the sprawling openness of the prairie? They would certainly miss the people, especially the ones right here.

      A lump filled her throat at the thought of leaving them and the Running W behind. And yet...it was past time she proved to herself and to everyone else that she was capable of being on her own.

      While she’d been grateful for a roof overhead and food to eat after she’d lost her parents, Vienna had often felt frustrated at being beholden and dependent upon first her aunt and uncle and then her husband for nearly everything in her life. She’d greatly appreciated the opportunity to earn her keep with the Kents, but she still wished to live in and manage a home that was entirely hers.

      “How much work does your ranch need?” The question came from Edward.

      Vienna frowned. “I’m hoping not much, beyond some cleaning inside the house and a few repairs outside.” If the ranch needed significant work to get it up and operating again, or at least in a fit state to sell it, that would likely require more money than she had.

      “We’d like to help how we can, Vienna.” Edward turned far enough around on the seat to send her a genuine smile. “Whether that’s with getting settled in or assisting with repairs.”

      A fresh swell of gratitude rose inside her at all that he and Maggy had done for her. “I appreciate the offer. I thought I’d drive over to the ranch later today, when Hattie takes her nap, to see what the place looks like.”

      “I can drive you in the wagon if you’d like,” West volunteered.

      His earlier tension had seemed to drain away, to Vienna’s relief. “That would be wonderful. Thank you, West.”

      He nodded. “I can help with any repairs, too—if the boss is all right with that.”

      “Certainly,” Edward answered. “It’ll be good practice for Thurston to manage things without you hovering over his shoulder.”

      Vienna offered West a thankful smile. “I’d appreciate the help.”

      When he smiled back, she felt her lingering shock and regret over Chance’s death fade away. She was grateful for West’s friendship—his presence had been a steady and welcome one to both her and Hattie the last few years. And she hoped it would remain so, wherever she ended up.

      * * *

      As she viewed the wooden arch of the HC Bar for the first time in three years, Vienna felt a clammy sweat collect beneath the collar of her blouse. She shifted on the wagon seat, causing West to glance her way. Not able to muster up a smile, she kept her face trained forward, toward the ranch in the near distance.

      The last time she’d been here it had been summer, too. Chance had been drunk—again—and hurling insults and curse words at her like bullets. During the midst of the barrage, words from her new friend Maggy about worth and strength had pierced Vienna’s mind and wouldn’t let go. So, for the first time in the two years she’d been married, she finally stood up for herself. She told Chance that she was through, that she would no longer stay in a house with someone who treated her as less valuable than his precious horses.

      Chance’s retribution was swift, though not entirely unexpected. He landed a solid slap across her cheek before raging all over again. Vienna steeled herself for another blow, but it never came. Instead her husband marched out the door, disappeared into the barn and rode away a few minutes later.

      Vienna waited by the window, her cheek smarting, certain Chance would be back at any moment. The moments stretched to minutes, though, before she realized the opportunity he’d unintentionally presented to her. If she saddled her own mount, she could make good on her vow to ride away from Chance and the HC Bar forever.

      The lure of freedom propelled her into action. She went to the barn, which was thankfully devoid of any of their ranch hands, and prepared a horse, but dark thoughts threatened her progress. What if Chance returned before she could get away? What if she got away, but he tracked her down and dragged her back from wherever she went to finish his punishment?

      Vienna froze beside the saddled horse. Her heart crashed so hard against her ribs that she could hardly breathe.

      She shut her eyes and whispered a prayer. It wasn’t like the others she’d offered in hopes of softening Chance’s heart or becoming a better wife. No, this time she petitioned God for courage and any particle of strength she might possess in order to follow through with her plan—a plan that included providing her unborn baby with a safe and loving home. She also prayed she would make it away unharmed if possible.

      With slightly calmer breaths but trembling hands, she’d mounted her horse and rode hard toward the one place she’d hoped she would be safe from Chance—the Running W Ranch, where Maggy was staying and West McCall worked as a foreman. She made it to the ranch without incident, and despite two other attempts by Chance to force her to come home, Vienna had been liberated both times. After that, she’d made a life for herself, and later for Hattie, at the Running W. A life of peace and happiness.

      Did she really wish to leave that life now? she wondered as they passed by the HC Bar’s corral. Was she capable of being on her own? Of being strong? Could she live in this place that held so few happy memories?

      Her heart sped up with dismay when she viewed the barn and house. Both buildings were in sore need of new paint, and tumbleweeds had taken up residence along their walls. Her once beloved garden was now a sea of weeds. The scene so accurately matched the bleak and lonely emptiness of her short marriage that her chest tightened, and she found herself flinching in preparation for some expected blow.


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