A Texan For Christmas. Jules Bennett

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A Texan For Christmas - Jules Bennett Billionaires and Babies

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she could sneak in some Christmas here and there. Every child deserved some twinkle lights or a stocking, for heaven’s sake. Definitely a tree. Without it, where would Santa put the presents?

      “She’s been cranky all night,” Beau said behind her. “I’ve tried everything, but I can’t make her happy. I’ve never had that happen before.”

      The frustration in his voice softened Scarlett a bit. Beau might be a womanizer and a party animal, if the tabloids were right—which would explain his comfort level with wearing no shirt—but he obviously cared for his daughter.

      Scarlett couldn’t help but wonder where the mother was, but again, it was none of her concern. She’d seen enough tabloid stories to figure the mother was likely in rehab or desperately needing to be there.

      Madelyn let out a wail, complete with tears and everything. The poor baby was miserable, which now made three of them, all under the same roof.

      Let the countdown to her move begin.

      * * *

      How the hell had his nanny situation gone from Mrs. Doubtfire to Miss December?

      The sultry vixen with rich skin, deep brown eyes, and silky black hair was too striking. But it was those curves in all the right places that had definitely woken him up this morning. His entire body had been ready to stand at attention, so perhaps he’d come across a little gruff.

      But, damn it, he had good reason.

      He’d been assured a replacement nanny would arrive bright and early, but he’d expected the agency to send another grandmother type.

      Where was the one with a thick middle, elastic pants, sensible shoes and a gray bun? Where the hell did he order up another one of those? Warts would help, too. False teeth, even.

      Beau stood back as he watched Scarlett comfort his daughter.

      Scarlett. Of course she’d have a sultry name to match everything else sultry about her.

      Not too long ago she would’ve been exactly his type. He would’ve wasted no time in charming and seducing her. But now his entire life had changed and the only woman he had time for was the sweet five-month-old he’d saved from the clutches of her partying, strung-out mother.

      Money wasn’t something he cared about—perhaps because he’d always had it—but it sure as hell came in handy. Like when he needed to pay off his ex so he could have Madelyn. Jennifer had selfishly taken the money, signed over the rights, and had nearly skipped out of their lives and onto the next star she thought would catapult her career.

      The fact that he’d been used by her wasn’t even relevant. He could care less about how he’d been treated, but he would not have their baby act as a pawn for Jennifer’s own vindictive nature.

      Beau couldn’t get Madelyn out of Hollywood fast enough. His daughter was not going to be brought up in the lifestyle that too many fell into—himself included.

      He’d overcome his past and the ugliness that surrounded his life when he’d first gotten into LA. He’d worked damn hard and was proud of the life he had built, but now his focus had to shift and changes needed to be made.

      Coming home hadn’t been ideal because he knew exactly the type of welcome he’d get. But there was nowhere else he wanted to be right now. He needed his family, even if he took hell from Colt, Hayes and Nolan for showing up after years of being away...with a kid in tow.

      Thankfully, his brothers and their women all doted over Madelyn. That’s all he wanted. No matter how people treated him or ignored him, Beau wanted his daughter to be surrounded with love.

      His life was a mess, his future unknown. Hell, he couldn’t think past today. He had a movie premiere two days before Christmas and he’d have to go, but other than that, he had no clue.

      All that mattered was Madelyn, making sure she had a solid foundation and family that loved her. The calls from his new agent didn’t matter, the movie premiere didn’t matter, all the press he was expected to do to promote the film sure as hell didn’t matter. To say he was burned out would be a vast understatement.

      Beau needed some space to think and the calming serenity of Pebblebrook Ranch provided just that.

      Unfortunately, concentrating would be rather difficult with a centerfold look-alike staying under his roof. Well, not his roof exactly. He was only using one of the small cabins on the land until the dude ranch officially opened in a few months. His father’s dream was finally coming to fruition.

      Beau wondered how he’d come to this moment of needing someone. He prided himself on never needing anyone. He had homes around the globe, cars that would make any man weep with envy, even his own private island, but the one place he wanted and needed to be was right here with his family—whether they wanted him here or not.

      Beau had turned his back on this land and his family years ago. That was the absolute last thing he’d intended to do, but he’d gotten swept away into the fortune and fame. Eventually days had rolled into months, then into years, and the time had passed too quickly.

      But now he was back home, and as angry as his brothers were, they’d given him a place to stay. Temporary, but at least it was something. He knew it was only because he had Madelyn, but he’d take it.

      “She’s teething.”

      Beau pulled his thoughts from his family drama and focused on the nanny. “Teething? She’s only five months old.”

      Scarlett continued to sway back and forth with Madelyn in her arms. His sweet girl sucked on her fist and alternated between sniffles and cries. At least the screaming wasn’t so constant like last night. Having his daughter so upset and him feeling so helpless had absolutely gutted him. He would’ve done anything to help her, but he’d been clueless. He’d spent the night questioning just how good of a father he really was.

      Madelyn’s wide, dark eyes stared up at the new nanny as if trying to figure out where the stranger had come from.

      He was having a difficult time not staring, as well, and he knew full well where she came from—every single one of his erotic fantasies.

      “Her gums are swollen and she’s drooling quite a bit,” Scarlett stated. “All perfectly normal. Do you happen to have any cold teething rings in your fridge?”

      Cold teething rings? What the hell was that? He was well stocked with formula and bottles, diapers and wipes, but rings in the fridge? Nope.

      He had an app that told him what babies should be doing and what they needed at different stages, but the rings hadn’t been mentioned yet.

      “I’m guessing no from the look on your face.” Scarlett went into the kitchen area and opened the freezer. “Can you get me a napkin or towel?”

      Beau wasn’t used to taking orders, but he’d do anything to bring his daughter some comfort. He grabbed a clean dishcloth from the counter and handed it to her. He watched as she held on to the ice through the cloth and rubbed it on his daughter’s gums. After a few minutes the fussing grew quieter until she finally stopped.

      “I’ll get some teething rings today,” Scarlett murmured as if talking to herself more than him. “They are wonderful for instant

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