Return To Me. Jacquelin Thomas

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Return To Me - Jacquelin Thomas The DuGrandpres of Charleston

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her as they parted ways.

      * * *

      That evening the phone rang as Bree came out of the bathroom, clad in flannel pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. She padded barefoot around the king-size bed to answer it.

      “Hey, it’s Austin.”

      She hadn’t expected to hear from him so soon, but his call thrilled her. “What’s up?”

      “I wanted to tell you again that I had a great time with you. I’m glad we ran into each other.”

      Bree’s heart was hammering foolishly. “Same here.”

      “Do you have some time to talk?”

      “Yes,” she responded. “Emery’s sleeping, so we’re good.”

      They made small talk for a few minutes before Austin said, “Bree, I have a confession to make. I’m very attracted to you and I’d like to take you out. That is if you’re not involved with anyone.” He gave a short laugh. “I guess I should’ve asked this first.”

      She couldn’t deny the spark of excitement she felt at the prospect of dating him. “I’m single, Austin. As for spending time with you—I don’t have a problem with it. You’re not exactly what I’d call boring.”

      “I guess the next step is when and where. How about tomorrow night?”

      “I need to check my calendar really quick,” she said. “I have to attend a fund-raiser at my son’s preschool. I’m not sure if its tomorrow or the next day.” Bree quickly checked the calendar on her cell phone. “Okay, tomorrow I’m free.”

      “Can you get a babysitter lined up for your son or is this late notice?” Austin inquired.

      “It’s not a problem. I have someone who can pick him up from school. She watches him for me whenever I need her. She lives next door.”

      “That’s great to hear.” Austin didn’t have a problem with her bringing Emery, but Jordin had forewarned him that he couldn’t rush Bree where the child was concerned. She didn’t bring her dates around Emery until she felt the time was right.

      They spent the next sixty minutes on the phone talking.

      Bree hung up to call her neighbor. “Hey, Miss Sara. How are you?”

      “I’m fine, sugar. How’s my li’l sweetie?”

      “He’s doing fine,” she responded with a smile. “I’m calling to see if you can watch Emery for me tomorrow evening. I’m going on a date.”

      “It’s about time you got out and found yourself a nice man. I been praying for you.”

      Bree laughed. “He seems pretty nice.” Just thinking about Austin sent shivers of delight down her spine.

      “Now, don’t you worry about Emery. I’ll pick him up from school and make him some spaghetti. We’ll have ourselves a good time.”

      “Save me a plate of spaghetti, Miss Sara.” She and Emery both loved pasta. “And thank you.”

      “It’s my pleasure, Bree. You know it’s no trouble at all.”

      She checked on Emery, then made her way to the master bedroom.

      Inside she crossed the room toward the walk-in closet. Bree pulled out a black pantsuit to wear to work the next day. She didn’t like waiting until the last minute to decide on an outfit. Her eyes landed on vibrant blue maxi dress hanging in the closet.

      Bree took it and hung it on the door. I’ll wear this tomorrow night. It was the perfect “first date” dress. Not too sexy, but showed enough skin to hold Austin’s attention.

      She was excited. This was the first date she’d had in probably six months. Bree hadn’t been sitting down twiddling her thumbs, though. Emery and her work kept her very busy. However, if things went well with Austin; her schedule might open a bit more.

      Bree had a good feeling about him. Jordin had always spoken highly of Austin and she could see why. He was charismatic, bringing an air of sincerity with it. It was refreshing to be able to talk to someone who understood her field of work and showed a genuine interest in it. Bree hadn’t really put too much thought into it before, but some of the guys she’d dated in the past weren’t comfortable with her because they felt that she was analyzing them.

      A smile lingered on her lips. There was something different about Austin. If she wasn’t careful, this man would own her heart.

      Bree stifled a yawn. She was exhausted, but it was still too early for her to go to bed.

      She thought she heard a sound and quickly made her way to her son’s room.

      He had changed positions, but was sound asleep.

      She stood there, watching him, her heart swelling with pride. Bree sent up a silent prayer of thanks to God for sending her this beautiful little angel.

      She padded barefoot to the bookcase in the family room where the photo albums were kept on the bottom shelf. She ignored the dust gathering. There hadn’t been time for dusting because of her busy schedule. Bree pulled out a small blue album—Emery’s baby book, taking it with her to the couch.

      You were such a tiny little thing. Fragile and amazing.

      From the moment Emery was placed in her arms, a fountain of love rose within her, stronger than any force she’d known. Bree traced her fingertip along the button shape of his cute little face, and gazed at those beautiful brown eyes staring up at the camera.

      She drank in a last long look at Emery’s innocent, sweet face, and the love within her strengthened, just as it did every time she saw her son.

      The slam of the neighbors’ car door cut through Bree’s thoughts. She closed the album and slipped it back onto the shelf as the muted sound of voices outside shattered the peaceful silence of her home.

       Chapter 4

      Austin’s hour-long phone conversation with Bree confirmed that he wasn’t mistaken in the connection they’d made the moment they met. He had felt an immediate and total attraction. Austin looked forward to seeing her tomorrow evening and beyond.

      He settled down in his favorite chair, his fingers dancing to the jazz melody playing on the iPad nearby. His heart beat with the pulse of the music.

      The one good thing to come out of this situation with Jasmine was the little boy he had yet to meet. He believed that Bree was a good mother, which put him at ease. Just the short time they’d spent together, he could sense that she had a warm, loving spirit; she was intelligent and caring. There was also an undeniable magnetism building between them.

       She’s the type of woman I could see myself spending the rest of my life with.

      The silent declaration surprised him, but it was the truth. He wasn’t just attracted to her physically, he was also

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