When I'm With You. Donna Hill

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When I'm With You - Donna Hill The Lawsons of Louisiana

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the shaking stopped.

      “I’m ok-aay.” She forced a smile and pushed her damp hair away from her face.

      “No, you’re not. And I’m not going anywhere. Not leaving you.”

      Avery pushed herself into a sitting position. “I’m fine, Rafe. Really. Just a dream—like you said. The doctors said to expect flashbacks. That’s all it was. Period.” She took his face in her hands. “If it will make you feel better, I’ll ask Kerry to stay over until you get back.”

      A deep line etched itself between sleek, dark brows. “No. Kerry has to work. You’ll be alone all day.”

      “Rafe, it’s just a headache and some bad dreams. I’m not an invalid.”

      “I’ll go on one condition only.” He looked hard into her eyes.

      She folded her arms and pouted. “What?”

      “You stay at my house in Arlington. Alice is there. She can get you whatever you need, keep you company.”

      “You mean keep tabs on me,” she said with an arched brow.

      “Well, yeah. That, too,” he conceded with that slow smile.

      Avery huffed, pondered the offer. “Okay. If that’s what it’s gonna take to get you on that plane.”

      “That’s exactly what it’s gonna take. I’ll call and let Alice know to stock up. Make a list of anything special you want and I’ll let her know.” He pointed a finger at her. “List. Pack.” He winked and then turned to get his clothes and dress.

      By the time he’d finished dressing, Avery was ready to get into the shower. She’d left a list on the bed. Rafe grinned. Martini mix and taco fixings. He placed a call to Alice and let her know company was coming. Alice was delighted that Avery would be staying at the house and promised to take great care of her while he was gone.

      “Got everything?” Rafe asked while he carried her bag to the door.

      Avery stood in the middle of her living room and took a slow, deliberate look around. She drew in a deep breath. Every move that she’d made since she graduated high school was to establish independence. After she lost her mother in her teens and spent almost the next decade eating her way through life, before she hit her own near-life-or-death moment, she finally turned all her energy into gaining control over every aspect of her life—from healthy eating to religiously exercising, to a laser focus on rising up the ranks of the Secret Service. She cherished the life that she’d built for herself, by herself, even as her father worked tirelessly to keep her reined in.

      This packing up and going to stay at Rafe’s place, under his direction, went against every instinct of self-preservation that she had. She gritted her teeth. “I think so,” she finally said. She hiked her oversize zebra-print tote over her shoulder, snatched up her keys from the table by the door and walked out. “What about my car?”

      Rafe opened the passenger door to his Navigator and froze when he caught the look of panic in her eyes. He cupped her cheeks in his hands. “Cher,” he crooned, “we’ll take your car if you want, and leave mine here. I’ll take a cab to the airfield.”

      The burn of tears threatened to spill. She blinked rapidly and nodded in agreement. “Thank you,” she whispered.

      He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. “I know, darlin’,” he said in his easy drawl. “This isn’t what you want. But I promise, it’s going to be all right. Trust me.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Trust me.”

      Avery swallowed over the dry knot in her throat. “I do.”

      “Good.” He shut the passenger door of his Navigator, took her keys, walked around and opened her car door.

      Avery tossed her tote on the back seat while Rafe stowed her bags in the trunk and then got in behind the wheel.

      “Listen...” He buckled his seat belt. “I know you crave your space.” He reached across the gearshift and took her hand. “All I want is to make sure you’re okay. That you’re safe. I’d make myself crazy in ’Nawlins worrying about you. I want to take care of you, cher. Let me,” he added gently.

      Avery leaned in and lightly kissed him. “I know...thank you...really.”

      He gave her a reflective look as he caressed her chin with his thumb. Then he turned the key in the ignition and pulled off.

      * * *

      Less than an hour later, Rafe eased Avery’s car down the driveway of his Arlington, Virginia, home. He shut off the engine, just as Alice pulled the front door open and stepped out. She hurried over to the car.

      “Mr. Rafe. So good to have you home. And Ms. Avery.” She wrapped her arms around Avery in a motherly hug and buzzed her cheek with a kiss. “Come, come. Let’s get you settled. Are you hungry?”

      Avery giggled. “I’m fine, Alice. Thanks.”

      “I have everything all prepared. You can stay in the guest room, or Mr. Rafe’s room,” she added with a wink and then led them inside. “And I made a tray of snacks just in case,” she tossed over her shoulder.

      Rafe glanced at Avery. The smile on her face eased the knot of tension in his gut. He slid an arm around her waist and they walked inside.

      * * *

      Avery held Rafe’s hand that rested on her hip. “Thank you for this,” she said.

      “Nothing to thank me for.” He squeezed her hip. “I want you to be taken care of. Anything you need, let Alice know.” He grinned. “She loves taking care of people.”

      “Your car is here!” Alice called out.

      “See.” He grinned and kissed her forehead. “Sorry, darlin’. I need to get going. Want to beat this weather.”

      Avery looped her arm through his, and they walked out of his bedroom, downstairs and out to the car that waited to take him to the airport.

      “I’ll call you when I get in.”

      “Fly safe.”

      “Always.” He kissed her lightly. “Love you.” He glanced past her toward the house. “Take care of my woman,” he called out to Alice, who stood on the front steps. He gave Avery one last hug. “Call you tonight.”

      Avery nodded and stepped back as he got in the car, before taking a quick look at the overcast sky.

      The car door slammed, and the car slowly eased down the driveway and out to the street. Avery felt a rush of emptiness open inside her. A warm arm slid around her shoulders and held her close. Alice smiled knowingly up at her.

      “Mr. Rafe will be fine, and back before you know it. Come inside. You must try my jambalaya! Just a little taste,” she teased with a sparkle in her eyes.

      “I’d love some.”

      * * *

      “Oh. My. God. This is sooo

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