Texas Ranger Showdown. Margaret Daley

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Texas Ranger Showdown - Margaret Daley Lone Star Justice

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took her friend’s hand. “And, Sally, he’s the best. He’ll find the killer.”

      Finally, Granny straightened her slumped shoulders and stared right at Caitlyn. “Make him stay with you. Protect you.”

      Ian stopped behind Caitlyn. “Sally, I’ll do just that. Caitlyn and I have been friends for a long time. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

      “You’d better not, young man.”

      Caitlyn could see her grandmother was recovering from the news and was working herself up. “We’ve got to go.” She spun around, grabbed Ian’s hand and rushed toward the exit before Granny came after her. She didn’t stop until she was sitting in Ian’s SUV, while he rounded the hood and hopped into the driver’s seat.

      “I take it she wasn’t too happy with the turn of events.” He started the vehicle and pulled out of his grandmother’s driveway.

      “It’s not often Granny is speechless.”

      Ian whistled. “You should consider staying with your grandmother until the killer is caught.”

      “I can’t do that. It could put her in danger.”

      “He called you after he killed Jane. Did it sound like he was bragging about murdering her?”

      “No, not at all.”

      “I don’t think he’s targeting you. I think he wants help. By putting the photo in your car, he’s again telling you to stop him.”

      “Like he’s desperate? Or he’s taunting me?” She’d fought to put her life back together years ago and had—or so she’d thought. Now a killer wanted her to stop him. How?

      “Both are possible.” Ian pulled into the parking lot next to the clinic where she worked. “I’ll walk you in.”

      “You don’t have.”

      “Yes, I do. Your grandmother will ask when I return and check your car.”

      She exited the SUV at the same time he did and met him at the front of his vehicle to head into the building. “When do you think you’ll be finished with my car?”

      “An hour or so. I don’t want to miss anything. When is your last client today?”


      “I’ll come back and pick you up then.” He opened the main door for her. “Let me have your car keys.”

      She stopped just inside the one-story building and cocked an eyebrow. “Why?”

      “For me to take a spin around town.” He chuckled. “Although I would like to do that, it’s really for putting your top up when I’m through processing the car.”

      She plopped the keys into Ian’s hand and turned to go to her office. When he followed, she slanted a look at him. “This place is filled with people. I’ll be fine.” She nodded at Rob Owens, a male nurse at the clinic, and at Claire Sanders, the office manager, who was coming out of the break room and passed them in the hallway. “See?”

      “I’m sure you will be. I want to know where your office is because I’ll come here later.”

      Rounding a corner, she paused and unlocked the private entrance to her office. “Thanks.” When she started to close the door, he clasped her arm. The light touch of his hand on her skin produced goose bumps. Her gaze connected with his for a long moment, drinking in the sight of him after so many years—tall, well-built, dark hair cut short and hazel eyes that changed colors with his mood. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed him being in Longhorn. His presence made her feel safe, protected.

      He smiled, two dimples appearing in his cheeks. “Stay here until I pick you up.”

      “I will. If you aren’t here when my last patient leaves, I have files I need to update.”

      He stepped back, staring at the door as if he was going to come into her office instead of leaving. If she was truthful with herself, that brief contact brought forth feelings she’d had the summer after she’d graduated from high school. She’d begun thinking of him as more than just a good friend, but then everything changed for her.

      Quickly, she shut the door and locked it. When the phone on her desk buzzed, she hurried across the office to answer the call from the receptionist. “Is Charles Thorne here?”

      “Yes, he was running late and came in only a moment ago.”

      Strange. Charles was never late. “Okay. Send him in.” Caitlyn headed for the other door into her office and swung it open as Charles approached, his forehead set in a scowl.

      He flung himself onto the couch. “I wish I hadn’t gotten out of bed. Nothing is going the way it should today. I kept you waiting. I’m sorry about that. It won’t happen again.”

      “What delayed you?”

      “A traffic accident. It blocked the street for ten minutes.” Then he went on to mention every small thing that had thrown him off, starting with him getting up late because his alarm clock hadn’t gone off. “I always set it. Someone must have come into my room and clicked it off.”

      “Who might have, Charles? You live alone, right?”

      He shrugged. “I never don’t set it. That’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

      “This world is full of change. As much as you want to control every aspect, you can’t all the time. Did you stop and take deep breaths?” The last time she saw Jane leaving her office popped into her mind. Could she have done anything to prevent Jane’s murder? What if she could have—

      She wrenched her thoughts back to her patient across from her.

      “No, I didn’t have time. I was already five minutes off schedule. I tried rushing, but that made it worse.” He kept looking at his watch as his chest rose and fell rapidly. “And now with the accident, I’m fifteen minutes behind. I feel out of control. I can’t deal with this.” Red flushed his face.

      Up until recently, he’d been able to deal with small changes, thanks to a few techniques she’d helped him incorporate into his routine. What was causing this?

      “Dr. Rhodes, you have got to stop me!” He held out an arm, his hand shaking.

      Stop me! It was as if an arctic blast of wind swept through her office. She hugged herself to keep the trembling at bay.

      Those words again! Had Charles listened to her radio show? Or was it something else?

      * * *

      That evening, Ian escorted Caitlyn to his SUV at her office. “Did anyone from work say anything to you about the caller on your show this morning?” He opened the front passenger door.

      “The receptionist. She was on break and one of the nurses was listening to the end of my show. Creepy was their description.”

      “And yours?”


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