From Best Friend To Daddy. Jules Bennett

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urgency, he did, too.

      He tossed the packet next to her hip on the bar and unfastened his pants. Then, in a move that both shocked and aroused her, he reached beneath her dress, gripped the strip of satin that lay against her hip, and gave a jerk until the rip resounded through the quiet bar. So much for that pair of panties. They were a worthy sacrifice to the cause.

      Kate didn’t even get to enjoy the view before Gray sheathed himself and stepped toward her. With his hands firmly circling her waist, he nudged her forward once again, until he slowly joined their bodies.

      On a groan, Kate took a moment to allow her body time to adjust, but Gray clearly was in a hurry. He framed her face with his strong hands, tipped her head and covered her mouth as his hips jerked forward once again.

      There was not much she could do but lock her ankles behind his back and match the perfect rhythm he set with their bodies.

      “Kate,” he muttered against her mouth.

      She didn’t want words. She had no clue what he was about to say, but she didn’t want anything breaking into this moment. Words couldn’t even begin to cover the tumultuous emotions flowing between them and she just wanted to feel. For right now, she wanted this man and nothing else.

      Fisting his hair in her hands, Kate slammed his mouth back down onto hers. His hips pumped harder and in the next second, Kate’s entire body trembled. She arched against Gray, pulling from the kiss. Her head dropped back, eyes shut as the euphoria spiraled through her.

      She felt him lifting her before he settled her onto the bar. He whispered something just as his fingertips dug into her waist and he rose to tower above her. For a moment she marveled at his strength, but he started shifting again, moving faster and giving her no choice but to clutch his muscular arms.

      Gray’s body stilled as he rested his forearms on either side of her head, aligning their torsos. His mouth came down onto her shoulder. The sudden nip of his teeth against her flesh stunned her, arousing her even as she came down from her high. He kissed her there and trailed his lips across her heated skin.

      Kate held on to Gray’s shoulders even when their bodies completely stopped trembling. She had no idea what to say at this point. They lay on top of his bar half-dressed and had never so much as kissed more than in a friendly manner before, yet they’d just had explosive sex.

      That was one hell of a birthday present.

      Okay, maybe those shouldn’t be the first words out of her mouth. But really, what was the protocol for a situation like this? She prided herself on always being prepared, but nothing could prepare her for what just took place. On a bar top, no less.

      Gray came up onto his hands and looked down at her. Fear curled low in her belly. Was he waiting on her to say something and cut through the tension? Did they joke about this or did they fix their clothes like nothing happened?

      Considering she analyzed everything from every angle, they would have to talk about this at some point. Maybe not right now when her emotions were too raw and she was still reeling from the fact that Gray had pursued her and torn off her underwear. Just the memory had chills popping up over her skin.

      Exactly how long had he wanted her like this? There had been quite a bit of pent-up sexual need inside her bestie. Not that she was complaining. Definitely not complaining. Just...confused, and there were so many questions whirling inside her head, she had no clue where to start.

      The muscle in Gray’s jaw clenched and the way he continued to study her had Kate fidgeting. The top of her dress had slid down, so she adjusted to cover herself. She lifted onto her elbows and glanced around, anything but having to look right into those dark eyes to see...

      She didn’t know what she’d see, but she knew awkward tension had already started settling in.

      Gray eased down off the bar and took a step back. Kate started to climb down, but he reached up, lifted her carefully into his arms, and placed her on the floor. The cool wood beneath her feet had her shivering, as did the sweet gesture of how he’d just handled her.

      Of course, she could be shivering because her underwear was in shreds on the floor and her best friend was walking away. So much for him being sweet.

      Apparently he wasn’t one for chatter after sex, either. The silence only left her alone with thoughts she wasn’t quite ready to tackle.

      Kate’s pale pink heels lay on their sides and she padded over to retrieve them. She clutched them against her chest like they could ward off the unknown, because she truly had no clue what was going to happen next.

      Hell, it wasn’t only the next few minutes she was concerned with. What about long-term? Did this change everything between them? She hadn’t been lying when she said she couldn’t lose him. Gray was her everything. Absolutely everything.

      The only constant in her life other than Tara and Lucy, but Gray was different. He was...well, he was special.

      Right now, though, Kate could use some space to think and here on his turf, where her tattered panties lay mocking her, was not the place to clear her head and regroup.

      Of all the times not to have her car. Damn it. This was why she always planned things, always had a plan B. But neither plan A nor B had been to leave the rehearsal dinner and have a quickie on the bar top at Gallagher’s.

      She was at the mercy of Gray whenever he came back and chose to take her home. Maybe then they’d talk and she’d get a feel for what was going on in that head of his.

      Kate was stunned at the way her body still tingled. Gray had awakened something inside her, something she hadn’t even known existed. But she’d made him promise just one night and that’s exactly what she was going to hold on to.

      She couldn’t afford to lose him as a friend simply because she’d just experienced the best sex of her life. Gray was the one constant male in her life. He had been in that role since they were in junior high, and he’d come to rescue her from some bullying jerk who was new at the school. Not that she’d needed rescuing, but she’d appreciated it at the time, and he’d been her self-appointed white knight since.

      So who was going to save her from him? Because now that she’d had him, Kate knew he’d ruined her for other men.

      Gray Gallagher had infiltrated her, body and soul, and she’d better just live with the tantalizing memories, because they were definitely one and done.

      She couldn’t emotionally afford to have it any other way.

      * * *

      Gray took a minute longer than necessary in his private bathroom attached to the back office. The second he’d come back to reality and looked down into Kate’s eyes, he’d seen her withdrawing. He’d instantly wanted her to reconsider that one-night rule. But he hadn’t even gotten her completely undressed. He’d ripped her panties off, and they’d had a quickie on his bar.

      Yeah, real smooth. Perfect way to show her she was special and he wanted to do it all over again. He’d be lucky if she didn’t haul off and smack him when he walked back in there. Hadn’t he always told her she deserved better? That she deserved to be treated like she was the most valuable woman in a man’s life?

      Gray slammed his hand against the wall and

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