A Virgin To Redeem The Billionaire. Dani Collins

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A Virgin To Redeem The Billionaire - Dani Collins Mills & Boon Modern

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do my homework.” Did she really not know?

      He’d been intrigued by her from the first photo he’d seen, gaze drawn back to her image more than once as he’d learned all he could about Benny’s family. A few things had converged to make buying the Garrison estate a wise, last-minute move. He might not have been there, however, if his attention hadn’t already been snagged by her. His sources had revealed she’d been searching for a single earring for years and he’d seen an opportunity.

      And, if he hadn’t known about her intense interest, he might have believed she’d been responding to his kiss in a very open, refreshing way. She hadn’t, of course. She had been trying to manipulate him. Even knowing that, he remained reluctantly fascinated.

      “Have you been doing yours?” he asked her.

      “My homework?”

      “Yes. How is Benny? Never mind. I don’t care. Unless he’s dead. That’s the only excuse I’ll accept for his avoiding my calls.”

      Pressing her lips flat, she seemed to gather her composure, standing taller and squaring her shoulders. “I haven’t been able to reach him.”

      “Then why are you here?”

      “You know why. The earring. You wouldn’t meet Rozi so here I am. I’m willing to be generous.”

      “Not interested,” he lied. He was far too interested in watching how she played this despite knowing she was trying to play him.

      “I haven’t even given you a number.”

      He shrugged. “Whatever you offer, I can receive double from someone else.”

      “Viktor Rohan?”

      For some reason, the way she said the man’s name—pithy and familiar—provoked a sudden, inexplicable tension in him.

      “You know him?” He kept his poker face on, pretending equal disinterest as he scanned the crowd.

      “I know of him. We haven’t met. You’re planning to sell it to him, then?” She was affecting nonchalance, same as him, but she had tells. Her fingers tapped the stem of the glass she held, betraying her nervous interest in his answer.

      “I haven’t decided.”

      Viktor Rohan had become a bit of a thorn in Kaine’s side, prodding him to sell the earring to him with ever-increasing incentives. Kaine wasn’t playing him like a fish. From what he knew about the man, Rohan wasn’t a man to be trifled with. Under other circumstances, Kaine would have happily parted with the bauble for a modest profit.

      But then, Gisella would have no reason to be here, frowning over his funeral of a party.

      “What if I say I’ll double Viktor’s last offer?” she asked.

      Kaine was again impressed by her bravado. He named the most recent figure Viktor had sent him, which made her lashes quiver.

      He smirked. “Ready to fold?”

      “I’m not bluffing,” she bluffed. “I just hadn’t realized how quickly the stakes were rising. I’m prepared to pay that. Do we have a deal?” She offered her free hand.

      “Oh, hell no. I don’t need the money and it’s clearly appreciating daily.” The value of its leverage with her was priceless.

      He sipped his bourbon and her arm fell to her side.

      “You’re quite desperate for this thing, aren’t you? Why?” The earring was pretty, Kaine supposed, but he didn’t see what all the fuss was about. “To sell it to Rohan yourself at a profit?”

      “No.” She acted offended. “I told you. I want to give it to my grandmother.”

      “One earring.”

      “It’s very special to her.”

      Kaine had never understood attaching emotion to anything, least of all musty old objects. He didn’t even possess a favorite pair of jeans let alone a watch or a boat that he would grieve over sinking. Everything could be replaced, provided he kept his bank balance healthy enough to make the purchase.

      As someone gambling in the tech industry, he didn’t even let the fluctuations in his cash flow bother him too greatly.

      The only time he grew hot under the collar was when someone tried to take something from him. And someone had. A few weeks ago, her cousin Benny had blown a crater into Kaine’s net worth. The circle of investors whom Benny had assembled were all standing around the edge, throwing rocks to ensure he sank as quickly as possible.

      That was a memory to hang on to, not the one where he had clasped that pointed chin and ravaged those pillowy lips with a hunger that sat in the pit of his gut right now, howling like a starving beast scenting more.

      “I can’t be swayed by emotion,” he informed her, trying to burn away his ferocious thirst for her by finishing his neat bourbon in one fiery swallow. He cut his gaze down her front with dismissal, determined she wouldn’t know how thoroughly she was getting to him. “Not even by lust.”

      * * *

      Gisella had dressed to get past security without a lot of questions. There were always a few mistresses and trophy wives at events like this. All she’d had to say was, “I’m meeting my husband,” and she had sailed on in.

      Now, however, as Kaine Michaels skimmed an appraising gaze over her while cynicism dug a curl into the corner of his mouth, she grew hot and wished she’d chosen a power suit.

      At the same time, her brain picked apart his remark. Was he saying he felt lust toward her? That ought to offend her, not cause a seesaw of excitement and yearning. A flood of heat that was more pleasure than outrage began licking low in her belly.

      She couldn’t help being deeply attracted to him, though. He’d been a force in a shirt with an open throat and suede jacket. Tonight, he wore a tuxedo with satin lapels over a shirt with hidden buttons. He ought to look like every other man in here, but from the cut of the shoulders to the break in his pant cuff over shiny handcrafted Italian shoes, he was a man above the rest. One who knew it, too.

      Trying to hide how deeply he mesmerized her, she said, “If I was here to seduce you, you would know it.”

      The white of his teeth flashed. It wasn’t so much a smile of amusement as satisfaction. “I like a sense of humor, especially in my enemies. It keeps me from growing bored.”

      “How am I your enemy? You’re angry with Benny.” If she left with nothing else tonight, she would understand why he was taking out his anger on her. “Tell me what you think he did.”

      “I know what he did,” he said, turning so cold it was as if a door had been thrown open to the Arctic. A subzero blizzard swirled around her with his words. “He falsified mining samples and disappeared, framing me to look like the culprit. I’ve made explanations to my investors, but they aren’t buying it.”

      “Wait, what?” She found her hand on his arm of its own accord, needing to steady herself.


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