Wilderness Secrets. Sharon Dunn

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Wilderness Secrets - Sharon Dunn Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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them into the trees. That fact was troubling. It meant Eddy and the others might be headed up the mountain on a different route. Maybe one that would get them to the peak faster. They risked being ambushed.

      The plane was camouflaged enough that it was not easily spotted from a distance. He doubted that even if the men got to the plane first, they would leave him and Abigail alive. They were witnesses. If Lee had set things up to make Jesse look guilty to the DEA, he might have been feeding lies to the cartel, as well.

      As he was dying, Lee confessed that his plan had been to sell the drugs slowly, so as not to draw attention. It made sense that if he didn’t want to be looking over his shoulder wondering if the cartel was after him, he would have Jesse take the fall for him. Lee had started to explain more, but he’d died before he could finish.

      No, these three thugs would not leave until they knew he and Abigail couldn’t talk. This wasn’t just about getting their product back. It was about revenge for being crossed.


      Abigail’s leg and arm muscles burned as she reached up toward a rock that looked like it was stable. “This is getting too steep. We can’t climb much farther without gear. We need to move that way.” She pointed south.

      Off in the distance, she saw the forest where Jesse had helped her get away from the three men bent on violence. Though she didn’t see the men anywhere now, the memory of what she’d just been through made her shudder.

      “Is there some other way?” asked Jesse. “Those men are probably going to be coming from that direction.”

      Even though her heart was already pounding from the adrenaline and exertion, it sped up even more from uncertainty. What was going on here? She could not process what had just happened.

      Who was Jesse, anyway, and why were those men after him? Why did they think she was somehow involved in whatever had really brought him up here?

      “We’ll be stuck here if we don’t move laterally. It only gets steeper if we head north.” She didn’t wait for his reply before she stepped sideways, seeking less treacherous ground. “I assume we’re moving up this mountain to get to the plane those men mentioned?” Her voice was filled with accusation.

      She didn’t trust Jesse. She didn’t know what he was up to. The only thing she knew for sure was those three men wouldn’t flinch at killing her. And Jesse had risked his own safety to get her away from them. Getting to that plane seemed like the only way she would make it out alive.

      Jesse didn’t respond to her question about the plane.

      All of this felt so wrong. How had she gotten into such an ugly mess? Why hadn’t she trusted her gut feeling about Jesse, that he was up to something? Because the person she trusted the least right now was herself.

      After Brent’s grand deception, the new rule she operated under was that nothing was as it appeared. She wasn’t a good judge of character.

      Even though Jesse had risked his own life to get her away from those violent men, it didn’t mean he wasn’t a criminal, as well.

      She walked carefully on the rocky, steep terrain until it leveled off a little bit, allowing her to climb upward. There were fewer rocks and jagged cliff faces and more grass on this part of the mountain. Even a few struggling junipers, trees that were more like bushes, dotted the landscape. Their tangled trunks and branches grew low to the ground. The breeze ruffled her hair as she focused on moving up the mountain. Silence surrounded her.

      Then Jesse dived to the earth, taking her with him. Her stomach collided with the hard ground. She felt the weight of his hand on her back. “What’s the big idea?”

      “They’re down there,” he whispered. He rolled away from her and crawled toward a juniper tree, peering through its branches.

      She slipped in beside him. Two of the three men, Eddy and the blond man, huffed up the mountain at a steady pace. Eddy still held his rifle. She didn’t see the dark-haired man.

      Her heart squeezed tight. Growing up and in her line of work, she’d stared down a grizzly bear and an angry moose. But the terror that invaded every molecule of her body right now was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced. Fear threatened to paralyze her. She couldn’t take a deep breath or think of what their next move should be.

      They’d be spotted as soon as they left the cover of the juniper tree.

      Jesse glanced one way and then the other, then looked up toward the mountain peak. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Let’s go for it.” He locked her in his gaze for a moment.

      She saw courage in those brown eyes. He gave her a half nod and then patted her shoulder as if to say “you can do this.”

      He burst to his feet. She did the same. He ran in a zigzag pattern, making his way toward a rock outcropping that might provide a degree of protection.

      Abby pumped her legs as her lungs filled with air.

      It took several minutes before the first rifle shot shattered the mountain silence. Judging from the sound, the bullet had come from pretty close to her left.

      Inwardly she cringed, but she kept running, pushing up the mountain.

      The sound of a bullet propelled out of the barrel of a rifle and moving through space, which she had heard a thousand times in her life, sent an unfamiliar wave of terror through her. She had never been shot at. She had never been the prey. She had been with her brothers when they went hunting and had witnessed the terror an animal felt when it thought it would die. A deer wounded by a bullet, normally a passive animal, would charge you to save its life.

      Now she understood what it meant to battle against a death that seemed imminent. How intensely she felt the need to survive, to stay alive.

      She lifted her head as she headed up the mountain. She could see the peak, twenty steep yards above her.

      Jesse maneuvered so he was between her and Eddy. Was he doing that to protect her from the incoming bullets?

      Another shot zinged through the air.

      She kept running, praying that the bullets would not find their target. Once they were down on the other side of the mountain, they’d have a measure of safety until Eddy got to the top of the peak.

      When she glanced over her shoulder, Eddy and the blond man were closing the distance between them. Both men seemed to be in good shape and weren’t tiring at all.

      The peak drew closer. They might make it after all. She willed herself to run even faster.

      She darted out, separating from Jesse as she scrambled up the mountainside.

      Another shot broke the silence around them. This one seemed to have gone wild.

      She reached the peak. Jesse was right at her heels.

      “There.” He pointed down at the other side of the peak, at the tree line where the forest butted up against a flat meadow.

      She wasn’t sure what he was indicating. She

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