Texas Baby Pursuit. Margaret Daley

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Texas Baby Pursuit - Margaret Daley Lone Star Justice

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Michelle loves to draw and is quite good at it. She might be able to sketch a picture of her. She remembers things like that. She told me once she looked at the world through an artist’s eyes.”

      Rachel checked her watch. “Deputy Jones dropped me off and took the evidence in to the station. We need to process what little we have as quickly as possible. I told him I’d be in here with you, and I’d call him to pick me up after I talked to you. I’m officially asking you to help with the case. I know you’ve got a personal stake in this, but if I were you, I’d be investigating—whether or not I’d been asked to assist. This way we can coordinate with each other.”

      “What do you know so far?”

      “Paul couldn’t think of a reason for anyone to take Brady. Most likely, the kidnappers had left out the rear screen door, crossed the yard and climbed the fence. After the recent rain, there were only one set of unique tire tracks and two different sets of boot prints, one much larger than the other, which supports what Michelle told you that there’s a woman and a man involved. Possibly a couple who wanted a baby?”

      Dallas frowned. “Coming into a house is risky, but then, maybe they knew my sister left Brady with Michelle. I have a call in to Texas Ranger headquarters. I want to know if other babies have been taken in recent months in the area, especially snatched from their homes. This could also be part of a baby smuggling ring or people brokering illegal adoptions.”

      Rachel massaged her temples. “I know. I’ve been considering that aspect, too. I called the FBI to see if they know anything about a ring operating in this part of Texas.”

      Dallas received a call and quickly answered it. “Mom, I’m glad you called. Have you talked with Lenora yet?”

      “No, I got a call from Paul and was going to talk to him after you. What’s going on?”

      “Are you driving?”

      “I’m at a gas station about ten miles from Cimarron Trail.”

      “Are you sitting down?”

      “Son, you’re scaring me. What happened?”

      Dallas wished he didn’t have to tell her over the phone. “A couple of hours ago Brady was kidnapped while Michelle was babysitting him. She was attacked and now she’s in the hospital with a severe concussion. She has ten stitches on the side of her head.” When his mother didn’t say anything for a long moment, he asked, “Mom, are you all right?”

      “No,” she replied with a sob. “How could this happen? Cimarron Trail is a quiet town.”

      “I wish I had an answer for you, but I promise you and Lenora I’ll work on this case until it’s solved. No one hurts my family.” The hand clutching the cell phone ached from his tight hold. “They left Michelle there bleeding and...” His words jammed in his throat.

      “Are you at the regional hospital with her?”

      “Yes. She’s sleeping.”

      “I’m headed straight there. I’ll sit with her. You need to find Brady. I’ll call Paul and let him know what I’m doing.”

      Before Dallas could say anything else, his mother disconnected. He dropped his arm to his side while he stared at the bed where Michelle lay sleeping.

      A hand touched him. “What’s wrong?”

      Rachel’s soft words brought him out of his trance. He blinked then swung his attention to the sheriff. “My mother’s coming here. She wants to sit with Michelle while I search for Brady, but I can’t leave her unprotected. And yet my sister needs to know I won’t give up until her son is found.”

      “Of course, you won’t. She knows that.” Their gazes connected. The comfort in Rachel’s eyes pulled him in, and for a few seconds nothing else existed.

      “I’ll have one of my deputies stand guard outside the room. Michelle is the only witness we have. She’ll be safe.”

      “The only way my daughter will be safe is when I bring in the two people who hurt her and took Brady.”


      The whispered word twisted his heart. Michelle had stopped calling him daddy years ago. He rushed over to the bed. “You’re supposed to be resting, princess.”

      “I can’t—” she ran her tongue over her lips “—with Brady gone.”

      “Do you want water?”

      “Yes,” Michelle said, her eyelids slowly closing.

      Dallas snatched up the pitcher and quickly filled a plastic cup that held a straw. When he swiveled his attention back to her, her eyes eased open again. He helped her to sit up, then held the cup while she slowly sipped through the straw.

      After he carefully laid her back against the bed, she said, “Find him. Please...for me.” Then she surrendered to sleep again.

      Still holding the plastic cup, he dropped his head, torn, wishing he could be in two places at once.

      * * *

      Rachel was moved at the exchange between Dallas and Michelle. With her head still pounding from the punches she’d taken, she rose slowly, crossed the hospital room and stood next to him, her hand brushing against his. “I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter.”

      Lines creased his forehead as he looked down at her. Sadness shadowed his eyes. “Call a deputy. When my mom gets here, I’ll go with you to help, at least with Lenora. I’m really worried about her. She lost two babies before Brady and was on bed rest the last month of her pregnancy with him. The doctor hasn’t encouraged her to have another child.”

      She could only imagine the grief and pain Lenora was going through right now. “I’ll make a call.” She pulled out her cell phone, walking away a few feet. Although Michelle was asleep, Rachel didn’t want the teen to hear about placing a deputy outside her room.

      When Rachel reached the dispatcher, she lowered her voice. “Maddy, send a deputy to the regional hospital to room 208. Have him knock on the door.”

      “Will do. Deputy Ellis just came in.”

      “Thanks. Any calls concerning the kidnapping?”

      “Yeah, I’m keeping a log. Most are wondering what’s going on. I told them what you said about having a press conference tomorrow morning.”

      “Great, Maddy. Thanks.”

      Rachel hit the off button and turned toward Dallas at the same time the door flew open and a petite, dark-haired woman made a beeline for the hospital bed and him.

      His mother’s hand covered her mouth while she shook her head. “She looks so lost in that bed.” The older woman stood next to Dallas. “What’s wrong with the world that someone would do this?”

      “I wish I could answer that.” His gaze connected with Rachel’s while he held his mother against him. “I feel so much better having you here. Your nurse’s training will come in handy.”


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