Montana Seduction. Jules Bennett

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Montana Seduction - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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to use his own imagination. He figured Stella to be a lace type of lady. Someone like her would want to be all business on the exterior yet all woman beneath.

      His body responded instantly to the image of her with the dress stripped away, her dark hair around her shoulders and her breasts bound by lace.

      Dane slid the sharp knife through the juicy strawberry, but didn’t glance up at Stella. She came to stand on the other side of the stainless prep area and rested her palms on the flat surface. If Ethan were in his place he would’ve cleared off this island and had her beneath him in seconds.

      Dane wasn’t Ethan. Revealing his body by taking Stella to bed wouldn’t seal the deal—it would sour it, once she saw what he was hiding under his clothes. No, there wouldn’t be sex—just flirting. Teasing. Winning her trust slowly and carefully. Well, as slowly as his sanity would allow. He wanted Mirage in his name right now, but he knew he had to be patient.

      “Happy I could help,” he finally replied, attempting to get control over his hormones. He needed to pace himself. “I’m just going to get this fruit cut up and set in the fridge. What time should I be here tomorrow?”

      “Oh, no,” Stella retorted. “You’ve more than helped. I called in our part-time chef and offered an exorbitant amount of money if she would cover for the next few weeks.”

      Dane stopped slicing and set the knife down as he lifted his gaze to hers. “That wasn’t necessary. I would’ve helped while I was here.”

      Stella smiled. Not the flirty smile he often got from women when he ventured out, but the type of smile that contained a sense of...pity.

      Damn it. He’d seen enough of that from his staff at the ranch when he’d get lost in his war nightmares. He’d let the majority of them go because he did not need sympathy and he didn’t want anyone in his house hearing his cries. He refused to take pity from anybody and he sure as hell couldn’t afford to have it from the woman he was trying to get close to.

      But pity from Stella was a bit easier to handle. She didn’t even know the real reason to pity him, so technically her emotions toward him right now were null.

      “It’s not like I had anything else to do,” he replied. “Besides, it wasn’t bad and I got to help a beautiful woman.”

      Stella pursed her lips, but she didn’t even blush. He’d have to reconsider his verbiage. Clearly she was either used to compliments or she wasn’t interested in them. Either way, he had to tread carefully and keep working to build a connection between them.

      “I’m sure you could’ve done just fine on your own,” he amended. “I can’t imagine you would’ve let a rogue chef ruin the night.”

      Stella crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her head. “I don’t let anyone ruin my plans once I set them into motion.”

      Perhaps they had even more in common than he’d initially thought. Which would make this entire process that much easier...once they got over this initial get-to-know-you phase.

      “That attitude is why this place is so successful.” He flashed her a smile and picked up a strawberry, extending it across the island toward her. “You’re an admirable woman.”

      She kept her eyes on his as she took the fruit from his hand. “I’ve already comped your room for the duration of your stay. Flattery isn’t necessary.”

      Comped his room? Wasn’t that adorable. He had enough money to buy this entire resort and not put a dent in his finances, but the fact she’d done so just proved she was sincere in her commitment to Mirage...and her father didn’t deserve such loyalty.

      “That wasn’t necessary,” he replied.

      With a shrug, she bit into the strawberry. The second her lips closed around her fingers to clean away the juices, Dane was pretty damn thankful he had a barrier between his waist and her eyes.

      Was she purposely taunting him? She’d been so all-business before, he’d thought he’d have to be the one to initiate all the flirting. Only one of them could take the lead and he’d already signed up for that position. No way was he going to be sidetracked.

      On the other hand, if he’d already gotten her curiosity piqued, his work here could be over sooner than he’d planned.

      “I believe you owe me a story,” she told him after she finished licking each finger and driving him out of his mind with want. He wanted that mouth on him. “We got so busy you didn’t get a chance to tell me how someone like you is at an adult resort all alone.”

      At least this part he’d rehearsed and prepared for. He didn’t know how to hide his actual arousal because that sure as hell wasn’t an act and not least not standing in the resort kitchen.

      “I’m on my honeymoon.”

      Stella stared at him a moment before she let out a sharp laugh. “And you left your wife at home?”

      “Actually, my fiancée opted to leave me a couple days before the wedding.”

      Her smile vanished as her brows shot up. “You’re serious.”

      Dane nodded, pushing forward with the lie that rolled easily off his tongue. “Humiliating as this is to admit, yes. Apparently ranch life wasn’t for her and she decided to reconnect with her ex. I thought about canceling the reservations, but I figured I deserved a getaway so here I am. I hope that’s not against any house rules.”

      Stella pulled in a deep breath and made her way around the prep island. Dane shifted to face her as she came to stand before him.

      “Not at all. We don’t usually get singles, but there’s no rule.” Stella’s dark eyes held him, captivated him. “Your fiancée is either a moron or undeserving. You’re better off without her.”

      “You don’t even know me. Perhaps she’s the smart one.”

      Stella reached over and plucked a cut berry from the chopping board and held it out to him. “I realize we just met, but I’m a good judge of character. I’d say you’re pretty noble and loyal.”

      Loyal? Hell yes, he was loyal—to a very select few. There were only two people in this world he’d do anything for: his twin brother, even though their personalities were completely opposite and they rarely saw each other, and his mother.

      His mother was the sole reason for this charade and his brother...well, they each had their own thing going in trying to track down the bastard who stole everything from them once their mother passed. Yes, he knew plenty about loyalty. But he was about as far from noble as he could get.

      His plan to take her father down and reclaim what belonged to him might be devious; it might be cruel, even. He wasn’t proud of that. For all his faults, he’d never been selfish, he’d never purposely been deceitful. But he was about to do a hell of a job now because the future of his mother’s legacy was on the line. With honor on one side and loyalty on the other, his choice was clear. There were no rules for him.

      “Looking back, we could best be described more as friends than anything,” he added. He didn’t want to come off as a complete prick for flirting with Stella right after ending an engagement. “I’d gotten used to the idea of not being alone and being a couple was more habit than anything.

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