Wearing The Greek Millionaire's Ring. Jennifer Faye

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Wearing The Greek Millionaire's Ring - Jennifer Faye Mills & Boon True Love

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busy deck, weaving and bobbing around the vacationers. He did his best to keep an eye on the situation—it was what Xander would want him to do.

      He wondered if Xander had picked this cruise specifically for his sister because he knew Roberto would be on it. If so, it was strange that Xander hadn’t mentioned anything to him.

      The young man made himself comfortable in his chair and that wouldn’t do. Roberto walked up to Stasia. The easiest and fastest way to get rid of her newfound admirer was simple.

      “Sorry it took so long, darling.” Roberto placed the coffee on the table and then kissed Stasia’s cheek.

      He noticed the softness of her skin and wondered if her lips would be just as soft. The thought of sneaking in another kiss crossed his mind, but just as quickly he dismissed it.

      As Roberto straightened, he noticed the gentle floral scent of her perfume. It was pleasant and fresh like spring. It so suited her because anytime he’d been around Stasia, she’d been sunny and energetic.

      The man across the table sat there with his mouth slightly agape as his gaze moved between the two of them. Was it so hard to believe they were together? Sure, he was a few years older than Stasia, but he wasn’t an old man by any stretch of imagination.

      “I...uh...” The man practically tripped getting to his feet. “Gotta go.”

      And that was it. The guy turned and made a quick retreat to the bar. Roberto could only wonder if he was seeking a drink to calm his nerves or if he was about to try his luck with one of the young women sitting at the bar.

      “What did you do that for?” Stasia’s eyes reflected her confusion.

      The lack of a smile on her face led him to wonder if he was in trouble. “I saw the guy bothering you.” The guy had been bothering her, hadn’t he? He hadn’t misread her agitation with the young guy, had he? “You weren’t interested in him, were you?”

      For a moment, Stasia didn’t respond. Roberto started to worry he was going to have to track that guy down and apologize. That was about the last thing he wanted to do on this trip.

      At last, she shook her head. “I think he was hitting on any available woman on the cruise. I tried to tell him I wasn’t interested, but he was the type that didn’t take no for an answer.” And then her gaze narrowed in on him. “And you couldn’t think of any other way to get rid of him other than to act like we’re a couple?”

      Roberto smiled. “It worked, didn’t it?”

      She sent him a funny look as though she wasn’t sure what to say. Luckily, she didn’t know how that innocent kiss had affected him. He’d make sure not to do that again. Getting sucked into Stasia’s orbit did strange things to his mind.

      * * *

      Had that just happened?

      Stasia resisted the urge to touch her cheek where just moments ago Roberto’s lips had been. They’d known each other for years, but they’d never shared a hug, much less a kiss. Usually, it was a passing hello or a nod of recognition.

      And it wasn’t like he was the first man to kiss her cheek. Why was she letting it get to her like this? When he’d kissed her, her heart had pounded, her mouth had gone dry and her palms had dampened. Sheesh! She really needed to get out more.

      She assured herself that it was just the shock of Roberto acting like her significant other. It had caught her completely off guard. Everything would be fine now.

      Stasia’s mouth suddenly felt dry. She took a large gulp of the strong coffee. That might not have been her brightest idea. She coughed.

      Roberto sent her a concerned look. “Are you okay?”

      She nodded, then coughed again. “Swallowed the wrong way.”

      She took a more conservative sip and it calmed her throat. “I should be going. There’s so much on the ship to explore. I’m not even sure where to begin.”

      “They have an app. Did you load it to your phone?” When she looked at him with a blank look, he said, “Could I have your phone?”

      She pulled it from a pocket in her black purse and handed it over. He quickly downloaded the app and handed it back to her. “There you go. It’ll give you a schedule so you know what’s available. Oh, I almost forgot. You should switch your phone to airplane mode to avoid premium roaming charges.”

      She swiped her finger over the phone until she had the right screen. “Got it.”

      “And one more thing. You’ll want to hook up to the ship’s Wi-Fi.”

      He talked her through the process, and in no time, she was set to go. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have thought of that. You must go on a lot of cruises.”

      “Actually, this is my second. But I do a lot of research. It’s one of my hobbies. I research locations, periods in history, all sorts of things. I guess you could say my mind is filled with all sorts of trivia.”

      “That will come in handy for you.”

      Lukos had always known how to do those types of things for her. It was just one more thing that she needed to learn to do for herself. The more she did for herself, the more confident she felt.

      She smiled at Roberto. “Thank you. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

      “I’d like that.”

      She reluctantly walked away. If given the opportunity, she would have liked to sit and talk the rest of the morning. Roberto had always been easy to be around.

      But she had a life plan to brainstorm. Socializing would have to wait for another time. Besides, she couldn’t impose on Roberto’s time with his family.

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