Her Christmas Pregnancy Surprise. Jennifer Faye

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Her Christmas Pregnancy Surprise - Jennifer Faye Mills & Boon True Love

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world—Ross Pet Playground. Speeches had been made. Thank-you’s had been issued. And predictions were bandied about while Pepper and her staff kept the trays on the buffet table filled.

      Pepper had just returned from helping her staff load the empty trays into the delivery van. With both employees and the carts, the van was full. She’d sent her staff back to the bakery to unload and then head home. She’d driven separately, but before leaving, she had to finish cleaning up.

      She rushed in the back door and came to an abrupt halt. There stood Simon Ross not more than ten feet from her. He wasn’t just another New York City businessman. He had been voted the city’s sexiest bachelor, as well as Business Person of the Year, in addition to being CEO and founder of Ross Toys. He was quite a package for some lucky lady.

      At the moment, he was deep in conversation with another man in a similar dark suit and tie. Before she could discreetly make it past the men, Simon’s gaze met hers. It was only for the briefest of moments, but it was long enough for her heart to start racing. Heat rushed to her face. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she treat him like any other client?

      A mocking voice inside her head said it was because he wasn’t like any other client. He’d started off as her friend. And then there was the part about him being smoking hot. She didn’t know a man could look that good in a suit.

      She moved to the buffet tables, finding them still covered with fine white table linens and a cake platter. She lifted the end of a long white linen—

      “Would you like a hand?”

      She didn’t have to turn around to know that deep, smooth voice belonged to none other than Simon. Her stomach shivered with nerves. She glanced over her shoulder as he moved next to her. “Thanks. But I’ve got this. Don’t you have to tell your guests good-night?”

      He frowned.

      “I’m sorry.” That hadn’t come out like she’d intended. “I didn’t mean to sound dismissive. I just don’t want to take you away from your guests.”

      “They’ve all gone now.” A smile returned to his very handsome face, making her heart beat faster. “So tell me, what needs to be done?”

      Pepper could fold the cloth herself. She’d done it countless times in the past, but she’d been hoping all evening to have a little of his time.

      “You could help me fold the tablecloth.”

      He moved to the other end of the table and lifted the corners of the cloth. They approached each other. Her gaze caught and held his. Her pulse raced and her knees felt as though they’d turned to gelatin. With concerted effort, she kept putting one foot in front of the other. All the while, she wondered if he could hear the pounding of her heart.

      And when they brought the material together, their fingers brushed. A jolt of awareness had her gaze dipping to his mouth—his very kissable mouth. The tip of her tongue moistened her lips.

      For the longest second of her life, neither of them pulled away. In fact, it was as if time had slowed down. A rush of energy pulsated through her body.

      This was ridiculous. It wasn’t like this wealthy, extremely handsome, very eligible CEO would be interested in her. She was just a baker with a polka-dotted apron and her hair pulled up. And she was his friend. Nothing more. Just someone to occasionally start the day with over a cup of hot coffee—even if those were the days she most looked forward to.

      She moved her hands to lift the fold. “Mr. Ross, I think you had a very successful event.”

      He arched a brow. “Since when do you call me anything but Simon?”

      She glanced around to make sure no one overheard them. “It’s different here. Someone might overhear.”

      “And that would be a problem?”

      He was right. She was getting too worked up about protocol and appearances. Still, she couldn’t resist glancing around again just to make sure no one was watching or listening to them. Satisfied they had some privacy, she began to relax.

      “Congratulations on the new store chain.” She took the tablecloth from him, in order to make the final folds. “Your guests all seemed excited about the plan.”

      “Thanks. It won’t be long now. The first store opens just before Christmas.”

      “Can I ask you a question?”

      He shrugged. “Sure.”

      “If you like animals enough to start up a chain of pet stores, why don’t you own one?”

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      Simon didn’t want to think about the past and how he’d wanted a puppy so badly. Yet the door to the past had been cracked open and now the memories slithered through, filling his mind.

      He remembered the little black puppy he’d fallen in love with. The neighbor’s dog had given birth. And his best friend, Clay, had offered him a puppy. He’d snuck it home, not wanting anyone to know—if they didn’t know, they couldn’t ruin this for him.

      Except two days later, his father found out and there’d been a high price to pay. Simon absently rubbed his right arm. He slammed the door on the memories. He wasn’t going to open up about his horrific past, not even for the amazing woman standing next to him.

      “It’s not a chain of pet stores. It’s a toy store for pets.”

      “There’s a difference?”

      He nodded. “We won’t be selling food and basics. We’ll tailor our supplies to keeping the consumers’ four-footed friends entertained.” A frown came over his face. “As for me not owning a pet, it’s the way I like it.”

      “Sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep.”

      He cleared his throat. “I think we both had a successful evening. Are all of your business cards gone?”

      “Almost.” She pulled a dozen or so out of her pocket.

      “I predict you’re going to be very busy in the near future.”

      “I hope so.”

      “Trust me. I see a brilliant future for you.” He smiled at her.

      Her stomach dipped. No one had a right to have such a sexy smile. What were they talking about? It took her a second, but then she got her mind back on track.

      Her gaze met his and held, much, much longer than was necessary. Her heart started to beat faster. “I... I want to thank you for hiring me—for hiring the bakery—my bakery.”

       Oh, why am I tripping all over my words? It’s not like this is a date or anything.

      He smiled. “There’s no need to thank me. I wanted the best. And you are the best.”

      Pepper felt as though her feet had just left the floor. He thought she was the best? Her lips pulled up into a big, broad smile as her heart continued its erratic tap-tap-tap-tap. It was like it was beating some

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