Red Carpet Redemption. Yahrah St. John

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Red Carpet Redemption - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Desire

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treated you, so let’s agree to disagree on this, okay? Dane…” She turned to him. “You need to tell Iris. If you wait too long, she’ll resent you for keeping this from her. Tell her. And tell her soon.”

      He stayed with his siblings for the remainder of the afternoon. He didn’t intend to stay long. Dr. Lee was rushing the blood test and Dane wanted to be back in LA in case he learned Jayden was indeed his. Fallon suggested visiting their parents, but Dane was in no mood for Henry to gripe about him throwing his life away to be an actor. Instead, he met up with his old friend Jared Robinson for a beer. Jared came from a wealthy family and was a rabble-rouser like Dane had been back in the day. They reminisced about old times when chasing women was their number one hobby, but those days might soon be behind him.

      The next morning, Dane hadn’t forgotten Fallon’s advice to tell Iris and he intended to tell her Dr. Lee’s suspicion when he landed. His plans, however, didn’t fall into place like he wished. When he’d arrived home, Morgan filled him in on his new schedule and he’d been annoyed. Instead of time to meet with Iris, Dane found himself the following day at a photo shoot in downtown Los Angeles warehouse.

      “Don’t be mad,” Whitney said as a stylist trimmed Dane’s perpetual five o’clock shadow early that afternoon. “We have to take advantage of every opportunity to plug your movie. You want a blockbuster, right?”

      Dane stared at her crystal-blue eyes in the mirror. “I wouldn’t make it a habit of going against my wishes, especially when I give you a directive to clear my schedule.”

      “Of course. I’ll get with Morgan and make sure your schedule is clear for the next couple of days.”

      “Thank you.”

      Dane was desperate to talk to Iris about Jayden. His son. The words still sounded foreign. Probably because he hadn’t gone through the normal process like most people where you had nine months to prepare for becoming a parent. Dane was being thrown in the deep end of the ocean without a life jacket. On the jet ride home last night, he’d downloaded several books on parenthood and was reading them voraciously. He understood he had a lot of catching up to do.

      Jayden might even be angry at him for not being there and Dane would have to accept that, even though it would hurt. When he’d signed up to be a sperm donor, he hadn’t thought about the consequences. If he could go back, Dane was certain he’d make a different choice, but he couldn’t regret he had a son. Someone with his genes. His DNA coursing through his veins. He would do anything to help him, even putting aside promotion of his new movie, which had been his baby from the moment he’d signed on to play the role. Because Jayden’s health now took precedence over everything else.

      When the photographer signaled he was ready, Dane walked over to the set. He was in the same attire he usually wore, except this time the jeans and T-shirt were supplied by the stylists. He went through the motions, striking the requisite poses.

      When Dane finished an hour later, Morgan was waiting for him with her tablet in hand. “I have the car to take you to the beach house.”

      Dane smiled. Morgan was a saint. She knew exactly what Dane needed after a long day trip to Austin. “Thanks, Morgan. I’ll check in with you later.” He waved at the photographer, thanked the stylists and left.

      Within minutes, he slid inside the Bentley waiting for him outside in the alley. Thankfully, security had surrounded the warehouse, preventing the press from getting in. Several paparazzi shouted his name as he did, but Dane was weary and quickly closed the door. Within seconds the vehicle took off blessedly toward home.

      They arrived at his Venice Beach house nearly an hour later because of traffic. After punching in the code, Dane closed the door and sagged against it. He was dog-tired. Plopping down, he drifted asleep. It was nearly 5:00 p.m. when the ringing of his cell phone woke him up. “Hello?” he said without looking at the caller ID.

      “I’m sorry. You sound like you were taking a nap. I must have woken you up. I’ll call back later.”

      Instantly, Dane bolted upright. “Iris?”


      “Is everything okay? How’s Jayden?” Dane was surprised how quick he was to think about the boy.

      “I’m fine. He’s fine. It’s just… I—”

      “You what?” He could tell she was hesitating.

      “I made a rather large pan of baked ziti and… I don’t know, it’s silly, but I thought you might like to join us for dinner if you weren’t too busy.”

      Dane felt the broad grin spreading across his face. “It’s not silly at all. I can’t remember the last time I was invited for a home-cooked meal. I would love to come, but it’ll take a minute to talk to my security detail so they can help me lose the paparazzi. I’ll take my bike, but I’ll be there within the hour.”

      She let out what sounded like a sigh of relief. Did she think he would turn her down? “Okay, great. We’ll see you then. I’ll text you my address.”

      Dane stared down at his phone. He was actually going to get to spend time with his son. This was beyond great, but it was also an excellent segue for him to talk to Iris. He hoped he could find the words.

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