Rescued by the Magic Of Christmas. Melissa Mcclone

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Rescued by the Magic Of Christmas - Melissa Mcclone Mills & Boon Romance

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chocolate.” He handed her the kettle from the top of the stove.

      She frowned. “Won’t the water be too hot?”

      “If it is, we add ice cubes.”

      “You’ve got this kid snack routine down.”

      Jake put the apple slices and a small container of caramel sauce on a plate. “I help out when needed.”

      She filled the kettle with water. “How often is that?”

      Not nearly enough. He set the plate on the table. “Whenever Hannah or Garrett can’t be here.”

      “They’re lucky to have you.”

      Jake was the lucky one.

      A door slammed shut. Thuds of varying volumes echoed through the house. Voices sounded, yelled, screeched.

      He glanced at the clock on the microwave. “The bus was early today.”

      “So a herd of elk hasn’t just walked into the house?”

      “Elk would be quieter.”

      With a smile, Carly hurried out of the kitchen. Jake followed her, trying to ignore the sway of her hips. Maybe he needed to go out tonight. Between work and OMSAR activities, he hadn’t been dating much. A woman—make that a woman other than Carly—would get his mind right where it needed to be.

      “Aunt Carly!” Seven-year-old Austin ran into her arms before she took three steps into the living room. “You’re here.”

      “I told you she was here.” Kendall, nine years old, hugged Carly. “I saw a different car in the driveway.”

      Carly held both of the kids tight as if she didn’t want to let go of them. “I can’t believe how much you’ve grown since last summer.”

      Austin beamed. His blond hair stuck up all over the place. “We’re big now.”

      Carly laughed. “So big.”

      “Mom asked us to stop growing,” Austin said. “But I told her that was impossible.”

      Kendall rolled her eyes. “Mom was kidding.”

      “Kidding or not, I understand why she said that.” Carly kissed the tops of the kids’ heads, staring at them with longing and love. “I wish you would stay little forever.”

      Watching the three together brought a bittersweet feeling to Jake’s heart. The kids needed Carly. Not only when Hannah delivered the baby or when they went on vacations, but also on a regular basis, where they could share their lives and days with their father’s sister. With their aunt.

      Carly stared at Austin. “You look so much like your daddy.”

      A perplexed look crossed the young boy’s face. “Which daddy? The dead one or the one who’s alive?”

      Kendall’s long sigh could have propelled all the windmills in eastern Oregon. She tucked a blond curl behind her ear. “Our first daddy, right, Aunt Carly?”

      “That’s right.” Her voice cracked slightly.

      Jake fought the urge to reach out to Carly. He knew that kick to the gut the first time he’d heard the kids call Garrett “daddy” all too well. Jake still wasn’t used to it. He didn’t know if he would ever be, even though he liked the guy enough to introduce him to his best friend’s widow.

      “Every time I see you, Austin, you look more and more like him,” Carly continued. “The two of you could be twins.”

      “Even if they look the same—” Kendall tilted her chin “—Uncle Jake says I’m the one who’s more like him.”

      “It’s true,” Jake said. Austin might look like a mini version of Nick, but Kendall had identical mannerisms and her father’s fearlessness. “You have the exact same personality.”

      Which made it harder for Hannah and Garrett.

      But easier for Jake.

      “I noticed that when we were vacationing in Gettysburg,” Carly said.

      Kendall grinned. “You have to see my room, Aunt Carly. It’s purple and blue and green. Uncle Jake bought me this cool, furry beanbag chair.”

      Carly glanced his way. “Sounds comfy.”

      “I have a space room.” Austin held on to her hand and bounced. “Uncle Jake put glow-in-the-dark stars and planets on the ceiling. He also bought me a spaceship light. It’s the coolest.”

      “Sounds like Uncle Jacob’s been busy around here.”

      He shrugged.

      “You mean Uncle Jake, don’t you?” Kendall asked.

      “Um, yes, your Uncle J-Jake,” Carly said, as if testing the name for the first time.

      That was the first time he remembered her calling him Jake. He liked how his name sounded coming from her lips.

      “I can’t wait to see both your rooms.” She sounded every bit the enthusiastic aunt, much to the kids’ delight. “But first you need to have your snack.”

      “Snack!” The kids stampeded into the kitchen.

      Carly glanced at Jake. “Forget elk, those two could give buffalos a run for their money.”

      “You handled that well.”

      She shrugged. “Not much else I can do.”

      “No, there’s not, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.”

      Carly looked down at the hardwood floor. “They’re just kids. And life goes on.”

      “Hannah does her best to keep Nick’s memory alive. So do I.”

      “Thanks. I appreciate that. Nick would, too.” Carly noticed a picture of Garrett, Hannah and the two kids sitting on the mantel. “Still, it’s weird. I like Garrett. He’s a great guy who adores Hannah and loves the kids as if they were his own, but he’s so different from Nick.”

      “Hannah didn’t want another Nick,” Jake admitted.

      Emotion clouded Carly’s eyes. “I don’t blame her for that.”

      “Come here.” Jake placed an arm around Carly in a half hug. She leaned against him.

      So nice.

      Having her in his arms brought back a rush of memories. The time he’d found her shivering and whistling for help when she’d gotten lost snowshoeing at the age of fourteen. As he’d hugged her, trying to warm her up, he’d realized she wasn’t a little girl anymore. Or the time she’d passed her driver’s test and wanted to show off her license. Not to mention her short skirt and skimpy top. She’d

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