Montana Passions. Allison Leigh

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Montana Passions - Allison Leigh Mills & Boon By Request

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Addy came and got me, when my parents were still alive.”

      “Rough?” Those blue eyes had a softness in them, as if he understood—and from what he’d just told her, she had a feeling he did.

      She hugged herself harder. “I rarely saw them. They enjoyed traveling. They had a flat in London, the family brownstone in Philadelphia, villas in France and Italy. And where they didn’t have a flat or a villa, they had friends who had one. You know the words. ‘Globe-trotting.’ ‘Jet-setting.’ My parents were the beautiful people. They came from fine families and the money was always there. They never had to work. So they didn’t. They didn’t even have to take care of their child. There were nannies and governesses, plenty of hired help for that.”

      “So you weren’t left alone,” Justin said, his eyes direct. Knowing.

      “No, I wasn’t.”

      “But you were lonely.”

      “Exactly.” She looked down. Her arms were wrapped so tightly around her middle, they made her rib cage ache. With a slow, deep breath, she let go of herself and folded her hands on the tabletop. “I never knew a real family—‘til Addy and Caleb.” She smiled to herself. “And Riley. He was all grown up by the time I came to them, twenty-three, when I moved to the ranch. How many young guys in their twenties have time for a gawky fourteen-year-old girl? Not many. But Riley did. He was so good to me, you know?” Justin made a sound of understanding low in his throat. “What the Douglases gave me was something so important. The two big things I’d never had. Their time. Their attention. Riley taught me to ride—”

      “On Buttercup.” He grinned.

      “That’s right.” She glanced toward the door to the back porch, thinking she should get out there and check on the old mare. Soon.

      But it was so…comfortable. Sitting here with Justin, talking about the things that had made them who they were. “So you don’t blame your mother for leaving you alone in that cabin?”

      He shook his head. “It’s tough for a woman on her own, with a kid. She’d been left high and dry, pregnant with me by the no-good bastard who used her and then walked away from her when she told him she was having his baby. She was…a good mother and she took damn good care of me. But there was no getting around that she had to make a living and that meant when the storm blew in, I was at the cabin, and she wasn’t. It’s the kind of thing that can happen to anyone.”

      “It’s the kind of thing that could scar a child for life, that’s what it is.”

      He pressed a fist to his chest right over the row of reindeer prancing across the front of his sweater. “That’s me. Deeply damaged.”

      She tipped her head to the side, considering. “Well. I guess it’s good that you can joke about it.”

      He was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “It happened. I survived. And I’ve done just fine for myself, though I never had a father, never had much formal education and started, literally, from scratch.”

      “In…development?” She laughed. “What does that mean, exactly, to be a ‘developer.’”

      “Well, a developer ‘develops.’”

      “Sheesh. It’s all clear to me now.”

      He grinned. “Property, in my case. We start with several viable acres and we develop a project to build tract homes. Or say I got hold of just the right business-district lot. I’d start putting the people and financing together to build an office complex. A developer is someone who gets the money and the people and the plans—and most important, the right property—and puts it all together.”

      He hadn’t told her anything she couldn’t have figured out herself, but she was discovering she enjoyed listening to him talk. She liked the way he looked at her. As if he never wanted to look away.

      She said, “Like Caleb’s ski resort? He’s got the property and you’ll work with him to ‘develop’ it.”

      “That’s right. But don’t misunderstand. It’s his project, his baby. He’ll be in charge, though I’ll be involved every step of the way.”

      She looked down at her folded hands. She was just about to tell him how much the project meant to Caleb. Caleb was getting older and Katie knew that sometimes he worried he was losing his edge—but no.

      Katie kept her mouth shut. Yes, she was finding she liked Justin. A lot. However, the last thing Caleb would want was for her to go blabbing his secret doubts to a business associate.

      She glanced up and found Justin studying her again, his dark head tipped to the side. “Question.”


      “Yesterday. Didn’t you mention that you went to college in Colorado?”

      “That’s right. CU.”

      “I’ll bet you had straight A’s in high school.”

      She gave him a pert little nod. “You would win that bet.”

      “High scores on the SAT?”


      “Then why not Bryn Mawr, like your mother, and Adele Douglas? You’d have been a legacy, right—pretty much guaranteed to get in—even if your grades and test scores hadn’t been outstanding?”

      “I liked CU. They have a fine curriculum. Plus, it was closer to home.”

      “Home being here, in Thunder Canyon.”

      “That’s right—and you? Where did you go to college?”

      “I told you. No real formal education. I went to real estate school and then got my broker’s license a couple of years later.”

      “You started in real estate because of your mother’s connections?”

      He chuckled at that, though there wasn’t a lot of humor in the sound. “My mother had no connections. She’d been out of the real estate business for years when I started. It didn’t work out for her. Like a lot of things…”

      She might have asked, What things? But he wore a closed-in, private kind of look at that moment and she didn’t want to pry. She coaxed, “So you started in real estate…”

      He blinked and the brooding shadows left his eyes. “Yeah. By the time I was twenty-five, I’d branched into property development.”

      “A self-made man.”

      “Smile when you say that.”

      She was smiling. But to make sure he noticed, she smiled even wider. And then her conscience reminded her that she had Buttercup to think of. She stood.

      He put on a hurt look. “Just like that. You’re leaving. Was it something I said?”

      “What you said was fascinating. Honestly. And I’ll be back soon.”

      “The question is, where do you think

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