The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest. Robyn Grady

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The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest - Robyn Grady Mills & Boon Desire

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as his palm skimmed up her back and he tucked her crown under his chin while they continued to dance, although she knew she really should, Bailey couldn’t forget.

      At the end of the evening, she and Mateo dropped Natalie and Alex off then drove back to his place in a loaded silence.

      Her breathing was heavier than it ought to be. Was his heartbeat hammering as fast as hers, or was she the only one who couldn’t get that enthralling dance and tempting offer out of her mind? Mateo had asked her to jet away to France with him. What had he been thinking? What was she thinking still considering it after having already told him no?

      Bailey pressed on her stomach as her insides looped.

      Admittedly, she was uniquely attracted to Mateo Celeca; he had a presence, a confidence that was difficult to ignore. But how did she feel about him beyond the physical? Yesterday, after he’d tried to degrade her over the money she’d loaned, she’d thought him little more than a self-serving snob. And yet, tonight, when she’d met his friends … had been his date …

      Her stomach looped again.

      After that episode with Emilio, the last thing she wanted was to get caught up in a man. Any man. Even when he gave generously to the orphanage where he’d spent his earliest years. Even when she felt as if she’d found a slice of heaven in his arms.

      Since that dance, the air between them had crackled with a double dose of anticipation and electricity. If, when they got home, they started talking, got to touching, she didn’t know if she’d want to stop.

      After they pulled into the garage, Mateo opened her door and helped her out. Their hands lingered, the contact simmered, before his fingers slipped from hers and he moved to unlock the internal door and flick on the lights. Gathering herself—straightening her dress and patting down her burning cheeks—Bailey followed into the kitchen.

      “Care for a nightcap?” he asked, poised near the fridge.

      Bailey clasped the pocketbook Natalie had loaned her under her chin and, resolute, made a believable excuse.

      “I’m beat. Practically dead on my feet. Think I’ll go straight up and turn in.”

      As she headed out, Bailey laughed at herself. He might not even want to kiss her. She could be blowing this awareness factor all out of proportion. But prevention was always better than cure. She’d accepted his invitation to stay a couple more nights. She didn’t want to do something they both might regret in the morning. And if they got involved that way, there would be regrets. Neither was looking for a relationship. She certainly didn’t want to get caught up in a man who, only yesterday, had as good as called her thief. A man who might set her pulse racing but who could never get serious about a woman in her situation.

      And yet, he had asked her to France….

      When Mateo reached the foot of the staircase, he stopped and turned to face her. Standing there, simply gazing at one another in the semi-darkness, she had this silly urge to play down the scene, stick out a hand and offer to shake. But, given past experience, probably best they didn’t touch.

      “Thank you for the lovely evening,” she said.

      “You’re welcome.”

      Still, he didn’t move.

      “Well …” Clutching her pocketbook tighter, she set a foot onto the lowest stair. “Good night.”

      “Good night, Bailey.”

      When she began to climb, he started up too. They ascended together until they hit a point where the stairs divided into separate branches. A fork in the road.

      Her stomach twisting with nerves, she chanced a look across. He was looking at her too, a masculine silhouette a mere arm’s length away.

      Swirling desire pooled low in her belly and she frowned. “You’re not moving.”

      “Neither are you.”

      Rolling back her shoulders, she issued a firm and final, “Good night.”

      She hiked the rest of the stairs, right to the top. But before she could head off down to her suite, curiosity won out again. She edged a gaze over her right shoulder, to where she’d left Mateo standing seconds ago. What she saw sent her heart dropping in her chest.

      He was gone. And wasn’t that what she’d wanted? What she knew was best for both their sakes?

      Still, she stared at that vacant spot a moment more, feeling strangely empty and no longer so pretty in her pink designer dress. Shifting her weight, she finally rotated back … and ran right into Mateo’s solid chest.

      Her heels balanced on the edge of the stairs, Bailey toppled back. But before she could fall, his arm hooked around her waist, pulling her effortlessly against him. Déjà vu. With the bodice of her dress pinned to his chest—with every one of her reflexes in a tailspin—she worked to catch her breath before croaking out, “I thought you were tired.”

      “You said you were tired.” His dark eyes gleamed. “I’m wide awake.”

      When she felt his hardness pressed against her belly, she gulped down another breath only to feel him grow harder still. Any doubts she may have had were blown away. The way her own blood was throbbing, taking this steadily growing attraction further seemed frighteningly inevitable.

      “Maybe …” She wet her suddenly dry lips. “Maybe we should have that nightcap after all.”

      His gaze dropped to her lips. “What kind of nightcap?”

      “What would you like?”

      His mouth came to within a whisper of hers.

      “I’d like you.”


      He didn’t waste time waiting for her reply. Bailey supposed he saw all he needed to know in her eyes. He angled and, before she could think beyond I need you to kiss me, she was in his arms and he was moving down the hall, away from her suite, headed for his.

      The tall double doors of his suite were open. He didn’t bother to kick them shut after he’d carried her through. Nor did he switch on any lamps. What she could make out in the shadows was courtesy of the light filtering in from the hall as well as the moonbeams slanting through a bank of soaring arched windows that looked out over that garden and its statues below.

      He stopped at the foot of his bed and his voice dropped to a low rasp.

      “This is what you want?”

      Instinctively, her palm wove around the sandpaper of his jaw. She filled her lungs with his scent then skimmed the pad of her thumb over the dent in his chin.

      “Yes,” she murmured.

      His chest expanded, his grip tightened then he lifted her higher in his arms as his head came purposefully down. When his mouth claimed hers, Bailey couldn’t contain the moan of deepest desire the sensation dragged from her throat. She didn’t want to contain anything. And as his mouth worked magic against hers and

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