Royal Weddings. Joan Elliott Pickart

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Royal Weddings - Joan Elliott Pickart Mills & Boon Spotlight

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maybe fifteen seconds and tucked it back in the bag.

      And then he straightened in the chair and stared straight ahead.

      Elli couldn’t stand it. “What did you just do? What is happening?”

      He waited a nerve-shattering count of five before he answered, “I have contacted your father. Unless something unexpected keeps him from it, he will be calling here within the hour.”

      Forty-three minutes later, the phone rang. Elli leaped to her feet at the sound, jostling the cats, who shot from the couch and streaked off down the hall.

      “Wait,” the Viking commanded.

      “But I—”

      “Stay where you are.”

      Every nerve in her body thrumming with excruciating anticipation, Elli stayed put. The Viking went to the phone. He checked the call waiting display and then picked it up. “FitzWyborn here…yes, my lord. She is here. She has agreed to come with me, on the condition that she might speak to you first. Yes, my lord. As you will.” Hauk held out the phone to her. “Your father will speak with you, Princess Elli.”

      Elli could not move.

      That bizarre feeling of unreality had returned, freezing her where she stood. Surely this was all a dream. The father she had never known couldn’t actually be on the other end of that line. And, now that she thought about it, how could she possibly be certain that the man waiting to speak with her wasn’t an imposter? Hauk said the caller was her father, but his saying it didn’t necessarily make it so.

      The Viking strode toward her. When he reached her, he opened his hand. On top of the blue-and-gold lightning bolt lay her phone. She took it, put it to her ear.

      “Hello?” It came out sounding awful, whispery and weak.

      “Elli.” The voice on the other end was gentle and deep. “Little Old Giant,” the voice said, so tenderly.

      Little Old Giant. Nobody called her that. Nobody.

      Except her mother, when she was a child…

      “You’re my Little Old Giant, Elli, that’s what you are.”

      “No, Mommy. I’m not a giant. I’m way too small.”

      “But your name is a myth name. A name from the old, old stories that are told in the land where you were born.”

      “In Gullandria, Mommy?

      “That’s right. In Gullandria. And in Gullandria, they tell the story of Elli, the giantess. Elli was a very old giantess—so old, she was old age itself. The Thunder god, Thor, was tricked into fighting her, though everyone knows…

      “You can’t fight old age,” Elli said softly into the phone.

      Her father—and she knew it was her father now—laughed. He had a good, strong laugh. A kind laugh, warm and sure. He said, “Ah. Your mother has taught you something, at least, of who you are.”

      Elli felt the tears. They burned behind her eyes, pushed at the back of her throat. Hauk had returned to his chair, but his ice-blue gaze was on her.

      She looked away, dashed at her damp eyes and asked her father, “If you wanted to see me, why did you have to do it this way?”

      “I need you to come, Elli. Please. Come with Hauk. Trust Hauk. He will never harm you and he will keep you safe. Let him bring you to me.”

      “Father.” So strange. To be speaking to him, at last, after all these years. “You haven’t answered my question.”

      There was a silence from the other end of the line. Elli heard static, in the background, thought of the thousands of miles of distance between her life, here, at home in Sacramento and her father, on the island of her birth in the Norwegian Sea. What time was it there? Late at night, she thought. Was he in bed as he talked to her, or fully dressed in some high-ceilinged study or huge palace drawing room?

      He spoke again. “I have lost two sons. Is it so very strange that I would yearn to meet at last a daughter of my blood?”

      “But why didn’t you just call me, ask me?”

      “Would you have said yes?”

      It was a question she couldn’t have answered five minutes ago—but that was before she heard his sad, kind voice calling her by the special name only he and her mother knew.

      “I would have,” she said firmly. “In a heartbeat, I would have said yes.”

      Hearing his voice did not, by any means, make everything all right. There remained great hurt in her heart, and bitterness, too. He had, after all, treated her and her sisters as disposable children. She knew something terrible had happened, all those years ago, between him and her mother, to make them carve their family in two, to send her mother fleeing back home to America with her three baby princesses, leaving her sons behind. Elli and her sisters had tried, over and over, to find out what had caused the awful rift. But their mother would not say.

      Elli turned again toward the Viking sitting in her easy chair. She gave him her most defiant stare. Really, what was this crazy kidnapping plot of her father’s, if not his misguided way of fighting for a chance to make things right in their family at last? She wanted to go now, to meet her father face-to-face, to see the land of her birth. As it stood now, Hauk would have had to lock her up and throw away the key to keep her from going.

      Her father said dryly, “Perhaps I was in error, not to call first.”

      “You certainly were,” she chided him. “And what about Liv and Brit? Are you having them kidnapped, too?”

      “No, Elli.” She could hear the humor in his voice. “Only you.”

      “Why only me?”

      He chuckled. “As a baby, you had curious eyes. I see some things haven’t changed.”

      “So far, you’re just like this refugee from the WWE you sent here to strong-arm me.” She glared all the harder at Hauk and then accused into the phone, “You keep evading all my questions.”

      “Come to me. You will know all.”

      “That’s what he keeps saying.” He didn’t so much as blink. He was doing what he always did, sitting utterly still, staring steadily back at her.

      Her father coaxed in her ear, “Elli, I do long to see your face, to talk with you at length, to get to know you, at least a little….”

      Her throat closed up again. She swallowed. “I said I would come. I meant it.”

      “Good then.”

      “But first—”

      Even through the static, she heard her father sigh. “I don’t think I like the sound of that.”

      “Father, be reasonable.

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