A Weaver Wedding. Allison Leigh

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A Weaver Wedding - Allison Leigh Mills & Boon Cherish

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in a parking lot since I was fifteen.”

      She swallowed hard, shocked by the rush of temptation that centered hot and moist inside her. “I don’t…um…do this sort of thing.”

      “Celebrate your birthday?” His words whispered along her neck.

      Her head fell back. “Invite a man to my room. I was planning to get one at the motel across the street.”

      Whether that was margarita-inspired boldness or Axelinspired boldness, she didn’t know, and wasn’t sure she cared. They were adults.

      “Good,” he said, sliding his lips over hers in a faint, grazing kiss that made her pulse throb. “We’ll have someplace to go to have our cake—” he slid her slowly onto the seat and tucked her knees inside “—and eat it, too.”

      Her heart lurched as he closed the door. She watched him through the windows as he rounded the front of the truck. His gaze seemed to meet hers through the window for a moment that started to stretch forever. Then he opened the door and climbed behind the wheel. “Ready?”

      “Mmm hmm.” It sounded strangled even to her.

      He put the keys in the ignition and in seconds they were driving out of the parking lot.

      Dear Lord, what had she gotten herself into?

      But then he glanced at her and his smile was slow. Oh-so-easy. He gently squeezed her fingers where they were clenched against the side of her seat.

      And just that easily, calmness spread through her. Her worries settled. Her judgments dissolved. At that moment, she knew she was exactly where she wanted to be.

      With him.

       Chapter One

      The hearts were everywhere. If anyone entering the high school gymnasium wondered what was being celebrated, the hearts would definitely have given it away.

      “How much for these earrings?”

      Tara smiled at the pretty teenager standing at her Valentine’s Festival booth. It was only February 13th, but the event planners had figured they’d have a better turnout from the residents of Weaver on a Saturday than they would on a Sunday. “They’re half off if you turn in a can of food for the food drive.” The rest of Tara’s profit would go directly to the primary purpose of the festival—raising funds for the elementary school expansion.

      The girl handed her the distinctive bead earrings. “Promise you won’t sell ’em, okay? I’ll be right back.”

      “I promise.” Tara watched the girl speed off across the gymnasium floor that was crowded with booths offering everything from kisses to cookies.

      All of the businesses in Weaver had turned out to offer something of interest at the festival. Even Tara. Though the last thing she felt like celebrating was the hearts-and-love thing.

      She sat down on the little round stool behind the stylishly draped table that constituted her contribution to the Valentine’s Festival. Two more hours and she could pack up shop and move her wares back to Classic Charms, satisfied in the knowledge that she’d done her part in this latest exercise of community spirit.

      There was no reason for her to stay after that. The festivities would culminate in the evening’s dinner dance and purchasing the ticket didn’t mean she had to attend.

      The only thing she wanted to do that evening was have an early rendezvous with her four-poster bed. Alone.

      “Afternoon, Tara.” Hope Clay—one of the festival organizers and the head of the school board—stopped in front of her booth, her violet eyes sparkling behind the stylish glasses she wore. “Looks like business has been good.” She touched the jewelry rack that was very nearly empty. “This is the first chance I’ve had to come by. I was hoping to pick up something for my nieces.”

      Tara kept her practiced smile in place. She’d already seen more than one of Hope’s nieces. “Leandra was by with Lucas on her hip as soon as the doors opened.”

      Hope laughed, looking younger than the fifty Tara knew her to be, because half the town had been invited to celebrate the milestone. “That little boy may be only two, but he has plenty of Clay blood running in his veins. Tristan and I sat for him and Hannah a few weeks ago. I was exhausted by the time Leandra and Evan picked them up.” She shook her head, still grinning. “Not that Lucas is different than any of the other babies in our family.”

      Hope’s gaze caught on a bracelet and she leaned closer to the glass-topped display. “Oh, that one’s lovely. Is it amethyst?”

      Tara drew out the woven strands of the bracelet and handed it to Hope. “Yes. In fact, Sarah—” yet another one of Hope Clay’s nieces “—bought one for Megan about an hour ago. In peridot, though.”

      Hope glanced at the small price tag hanging from the white-gold clasp. “I wonder what it says when an old lady like me has the same taste as a twelve-year-old girl?”

      “Hardly old.” Tara’s protest was sincere. “And considering the bracelets are my own design,” she said as she smiled wryly, “I’d like to think that it says you both have excellent taste.”

      “Very well said.” Hope’s husband, Tristan, stopped behind his wife, closing his hand around her nape in a simple gesture that managed to eloquently display years of devotion.

      Hope smiled up at her tall husband. “I thought you were going to be tied up with meetings all afternoon. Everything go all right?”

      “Unexpectedly so.” The man finally slid his attention from his wife’s face toward Tara. His brilliant blue gaze crinkled with a timeless appeal. “So, Tara, how much is my wife’s excellent taste going to cost me this time?”

      Tara told him and he slid the cash out of his wallet. He waved off the receipt she began to write out. Not that she was surprised considering his video-gaming company, CeeVid, had already funded the brunt of the school expansion. The Clays in general were a generous lot when it came to supporting their community.

      And then there were some Clays who were more like a hit and run.

      She pushed aside the thought and finished wrapping up the bracelet in her traditional Classic Charms ivory and silver striped packaging before passing it over to Hope. “There you go. I hope you’ll enjoy it.”

      “Here’s my can a’ food.” The teenager was back, looking breathless as she handed over an enormous can and a wad of cash. “You didn’t sell the earrings, did you?”

      Tara pulled them out and handed them to the girl. “I promised I wouldn’t.”

      “I knew this festival would be a good idea,” Hope said as she took the can of peaches and set it in the nearly full bin beside Tara’s booth. “We’ll see you later at the dance. I now have the perfect bracelet to wear with my dress.” Waving the pretty box, she moved off on her husband’s arm.

      Biting back the pinch of envy she felt watching the couple, Tara focused on her young customer. She picked up the wad of cash and began unfolding it. “These earrings are for pierced ears, you know.”

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