Whatever The Price. Jules Bennett

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Whatever The Price - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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style="font-size:15px;">      Charlotte sighed and glanced at the precious bundle who had no idea of the turmoil her life was in. Charlotte’s heart was not ready for another beating, but she knew what she needed to do for the welfare of this innocent child. Security for Lily had to take precedence over anything else. Especially over her jumbled feelings for her husband.

      “Fine. You have ninety days.” Charlotte looked her husband dead in the eye—those same eyes that she’d fallen in love with. She’d hold off on speaking with her attorney until the guardianship was legal. “Lily’s needs must come first. But I’m not moving back into our bedroom. I’ll take the spare room on the other side of her.”

      Anthony clenched his jaw. “You’re not going to even try with me during this time? Why not share our room? Let me show you I can be the husband you want me to be.”

      “You had nine years of marriage, Anthony. You can’t decide to try now just because I’m convenient.” Charlotte lifted her chin and crossed her arms over her chest to prevent hurt from seeping back in. “And you can’t expect me to jump back into your bed. I’m moving back in for Lily and only Lily.”

      Anthony studied Charlotte and her defensive, defiant stance. She was going to make this hard, but that’s nothing less than he deserved. After all the years she’d stood by him, even when he’d pushed her needs aside, he deserved all the anger and hatred she threw at him. That didn’t stop him from wanting her, though.

      But she was moving back in, so he’d take that small victory and work with it. Soon, he vowed, she’d be back in their master bedroom, where she belonged. No matter the distance or hurt between them, Anthony couldn’t deny the way his wife turned him on with just a glance or a smile.

      Too bad sex couldn’t fix all the problems in a marriage. They’d been hot for each other from day one when they’d met at a college party. Even though they hadn’t married until many years later, the passion never fizzled. Obviously, considering he’d come to talk to her a month ago and they never got around to having a conversation.

      Anthony swallowed the lump of guilt for being the driving wedge in their separation. There was no denying that, but having his wife walk out was one hell of a wake-up call. He had a feeling she’d contacted her lawyer, but he didn’t know for sure. All he could hope for was to show her he was ready to be the man he needed to be in order to keep her where she belonged. By his side.

      “I understand,” he told her. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t stop fighting for you and this family we’ve been given.”

      Charlotte’s sad smile made his chest tighten. “This changes nothing, Anthony. And now you’re ready to step up for this child, it breaks my heart even more because I wanted for so long to have a baby with you. So I’m staying for Lily. Not you.”

      Anthony knew his wife had a breaking point, and he knew in these upcoming ninety days he’d probably reach it. “We need to at least put up a united front until we can see where to go from here. And I don’t think ninety days is too much to ask. Give me a chance, too, Charlie. I need you, and Lily’s just had her mother taken from her and needs that motherly bond.”

      Anthony tamped down the hurt of losing his sister. He couldn’t fall apart. Not now when his life was at stake and Lily needed him to be strong. The stable ground he’d stood on for so long was crumbling beneath him and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t fight with everything he had.

      He could mourn for his sister later, in private. Right now he needed to get his family back on track. Lily may be an unexpected issue, but she was also a blessing and a silver lining. He’d almost lost Charlotte to his selfishness and now that he was given another chance, he planned on winning her back.

      God help them all. Babies certainly weren’t his strong suit and since he was being honest with himself, babies terrified him.

      Charlotte’s eyes misted. “I can’t replace her mother. No one can.”

      “I’m not asking you to replace her,” Anthony replied, stepping forward and taking Charlotte’s hands in his. “I’m asking you to love her and care for her. I’m asking you to just keep an open mind as far as we are concerned. I never wanted to lose you, Charlotte. Never.”

      Charlotte’s lids fluttered, sending one lone tear sliding down her porcelain skin. She looked back up into his eyes, determination overriding the sadness. “I’m only moving in under certain conditions.”

      Conditions he could live with. Conditions he could break through—and get her back where he wanted her. In his bed, their bed, and in his life forever.

      “Name them.”

      She stepped back, breaking their brief contact. “I won’t sleep in your bed. Ever.”

      That one was too easy. He knew just how to manipulate her when it came to seduction. Knew where to touch, what to say. Best not to mention that and just let her think things were in her control—as any good husband would. Too bad he’d learned that lesson so late.

      “Okay. What else?”

      “This is only temporary until we can work on a custody arrangement. Once the ninety days is up and the court approves the guardianship, our lawyers will draw up a mutually agreeable plan.”

      So she had talked to her attorney. No matter. Three months was plenty of time for him to win her back. “Fine.”

      “This baby and our living arrangement changes nothing between you and me. Lily has to be top priority now. Are we clear?”

      His eyes roamed over her body, a mental image of her curled beside him in their bed making him smile as he leveled her gaze.



      “Welcome back, Mrs. Price.”

      Charlotte cringed, but smiled at Monique, the maid who’d been with them for nearly five years. “I’m not actually back, but thanks.”

      Monique nodded with a grin and continued her cleaning regimen in the formal living room. The very room where Charlotte had hosted numerous parties for the hardworking employees of the Children’s Hospital. Those parties always took place when Anthony was out of town. Supporting the hospital filled a huge void in her life, her heart.

      At the start of Anthony’s career, she’d been so proud of his work, his talent, and she’d attended every premiere and awards ceremony, no matter how small. But when his dreams became his sole focus and she became nearly invisible in their marriage, Charlotte resigned herself to the fact that her dreams were never going to come true. So she’d started staying behind the scenes and throwing herself into her volunteer work at the Children’s Hospital.

      Charlotte pulled a sleeping Lily tighter against her chest, refusing to be drawn back into a world she needed to say goodbye to. Every room held so many memories—both good and bad. The past several years played over in her head like a silent movie.

      Hating all the emotions swirling around over being home, Charlotte focused on the sweet-smelling baby in her arms and moved forward into her home.

      No, she couldn’t think of this place as home, not if she wanted to hold on to the small hope that she would be fine in her new life without Anthony once all this was over.

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