Blackmailed by the Rich Man. Julia James

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Blackmailed by the Rich Man - Julia James Mills & Boon By Request

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leaving?’ She was genuinely astonished. ‘Now?’

      ‘Pourquoi pas?’ He shrugged. ‘After all, I have what I came for—and I have to prepare for an early meeting tomorrow.’ He took the hand that wore his ring and kissed it. ‘But I shall return next week. In the meantime my architect will be here, with his team, to begin restoration work on the house.’

      His tone was brisk and businesslike, making her see the dynamism that drove him. See it, and resent it.

      Monteagle, she thought, doesn’t belong to you yet, monsieur.

      She bristled defiantly. ‘I have my own local people, thank you.’

      ‘And now you will also have Alain.’ He grinned at her. ‘So, don’t give him a hard time, cherie. He might wound more easily than I do.’ He paused. ‘One more thing,’ he added casually. ‘The number of your bank account, if you please.’

      She gasped. ‘Why should I give you that?’

      ‘So that I can transfer some money for you.’

      She said coldly, ‘I have funds of my own, thanks. I don’t need any charity.’

      ‘And I am not offering it. But there will be incidental expenses once the work starts that you cannot be expected to meet.’ He smiled at her. ‘Also you have your trousseau to buy. I intend to begin the arrangements for our wedding tomorrow. I suggest a civil ceremony before witnesses at the end of next month.’

      Helen’s heart was thudding again. ‘But you said there was no hurry,’ she protested. ‘That—that you’d wait…’

      ‘I think,’ he told her softly, ‘that I have been patient enough already. And last night has kindled my appetite, ma mie.’ His smile widened as he looked down into her outraged, apprehensive eyes. ‘So, be good enough to write down your account number for me, and I will go and leave you in peace.’

      Quivering with anger, she obeyed, handing over the slip of paper with open resentment.

      Marc walked to the door, then turned slowly, letting his eyes travel down her body.

      ‘On the other hand,’ he said softly, ‘I still have the memory of how you felt in my arms last night. And I could even now be persuaded to stay.’

      He watched her eyes widen in sudden shock, and went on silkily, ‘But it is a matter entirely for you to decide, mon amour. Although I promise you would find the bed in my room more comfortable than that penance of a sofa.’

      The words were thick in her throat. ‘I’ll have to take your word for that, monsieur. Goodbye.’

      She turned back to the window, hardly daring to breathe until she heard the door close quietly behind him.

      Monteagle is safe, she whispered to herself. And that’s all that matters. All that I can allow to matter, anyway.

      The cost to herself—well, that was different, and she would have to find some way to endure it.

      God, but he was so sure of her, she thought, digging her nails painfully into the palms of her clenched fists. So convinced he could seduce her into passionate surrender. But he would have to think again.

      ‘You may own Monteagle, monsieur,’ she whispered under her breath, resolution like a stone in her heart. ‘But you’ll never possess me—and that I swear, by everything I hold dear.’

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