Freefall to Desire. Kayla Perrin

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Freefall to Desire - Kayla Perrin Mills & Boon Kimani

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would be understandable—but then she would have wanted nothing more to do with Carter. Having lived without him for three years, she would no doubt close the book on him and move on.

      She certainly wouldn’t want to help look for him.

      No, Alex certainly couldn’t tell her the truth—at least not the whole truth—and expect her cooperation.

      And right now, to get the answers he needed—no, the answers he deserved—he needed her cooperation.

      There were times when the ends justified the means, especially when the ends were noble. This was one of those times. Because Carter Smith had stolen something from Alex, something that meant the world to him. Plain and simple, he needed it back.

      Alex would be there for Brianne in the aftermath of what would undoubtedly happen, would deal with her wrath and help her through the resulting pain. Because there was no other way to handle this. And it was imperative that Alex keep his eye on the end goal.

      If there were another way to do this, he would.

      Once Alex had spotted Carter on television, he figured tracking him down would be easy. He had contacted Dean Knight and expected that it would be as simple as that—that Dean would say, yeah, he knew Carter Smith, and then Alex would head to Florida to confront his former friend. Instead, Dean had claimed not to know Carter, leaving Alex at square one.

      There were two explanations for that. Either Dean was lying, or Carter had lied to Dean about his identity.

      Alex figured it was the latter. Because if Carter was alive, then it meant he had faked his death to begin with. Alex would bet his life on that.

      “How, exactly, do you think we can find him?” Brianne asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

      “By going to Daytona, for one thing. That’s where Dean Knight lives. It’s where I saw Carter on television. It could be where he’s living right now.”

      “Maybe. Or maybe not.”

      “It’s the only place I can think of to start the search,” Alex said. “We can show Dean his picture, see if he remembers him. Then go from there.”

      “And you want me along for this?” Brianne asked.

      “I figured…I figured you’d want to be there.”

      Brianne nodded. Of course he would expect that. She had hoped for nothing but a reunion with Carter for the past three years. And yet…

      The idea that Carter was alive was oddly scary. What kind of state was he in mentally? And how would he and Brianne pick up where they’d left off?

      “Are you sure, Alex?”

      “That I want you to come with me? Yeah.”

      “No. Are you sure that Carter is alive?”

      “One hundred per cent?” Alex shrugged. “I can’t say I’m totally certain. All I know is that the guy looked a heck of a lot like Carter. If we all knew Carter to be alive and well, I wouldn’t doubt it was him on TV. Absolutely not. But because he’s been gone for three years, I can’t be totally sure. But my gut…I’ve got to go with it.”

      “So what I thought all along is possibly true,” Brianne said, her voice filling with hope. “He got lost on that mountain. Disoriented. Maybe he fell and hit his head and that caused him to lose his memory. Or he experienced some other trauma.”

      Brianne slowly rose as she spoke, and the look on her face…it was like a stab in Alex’s heart. Because he knew that what she was imagining—a happy reunion, the continuation of the future she thought had come to an end—wasn’t going to happen.

      But until he found Carter, Brianne would have to be in the dark. It was the only way.

      “That’s a possibility,” Carter said, noncommittally. Truthfully, he couldn’t rule it out. But in his heart, he didn’t believe it. Seeing Carter’s face that day, that happy, carefree smile—and seeing him at an event both he and Carter had always enjoyed—well, Alex didn’t believe for a second that Carter didn’t know who he was. And if he hadn’t at first but now did, why not return home? But that was not something he was going to share with Brianne. At least not yet.

      “It wouldn’t explain how he got across the Canadian border,” Brianne said, talking to herself mostly, “but maybe he hiked the Rockies back into America. Anything’s possible.”

      “You’ve got that right,” Alex agreed, a tinge of bitterness in his voice.

      But Brianne missed the tone. Facing him, she clasped her hands tightly together. “Alex, I’m shaking.”

      Alex swallowed, trying not to show any particular emotion. He wanted nothing more than to get up, pull Brianne into his arms and hold her tight.

      His eyes roamed over her, from her trembling hands to her trim physique to her widened eyes. Lord, she was a vision. She was thinner. That had changed. She’d obviously spent a good amount of time working out since he’d last seen her. What hadn’t changed was that she was still as cute as a button.

      It was what he’d thought the first moment he’d seen her. She had walked into the store wearing black pants and a tank top that hugged her beautiful curves. Alex had stepped in her direction, instantly intrigued. But then Carter had made a beeline for her, and that had been that. Alex had lost his chance to pursue anything with Brianne.


      “Hmm?” He looked up at her. He hadn’t heard a word she’d said.

      “I asked if you really want to do this. Head to Florida?”

      He cleared his throat before speaking. “I think it warrants investigation, yes.”

      Brianne nodded, then bit down on her bottom lip. She looked vulnerable as she stared at some point ahead of her, probably not really seeing anything, just lost in her thoughts.

      She suddenly shifted her gaze to his, as though she had caught him staring. Alex moved his eyes.

      “What if you’re wrong?” she asked softly.

      Alex looked at her and shrugged. “Don’t you want to know? One way or another? ”

      “To tell the truth…I’m not sure. I…I don’t know if I could handle getting my hopes up, only to learn that you saw someone who looked like him.”

      “I know what you mean,” Alex said. “But the way things are now, we don’t know—”

      “And what if he’s got this whole other life—which he’d have to, right? A life that doesn’t include me?”

      “You mean assuming he has amnesia?”

      “Yes.” She looked scared suddenly, and something inside Alex’s gut stirred. “If he’s been missing all this time, he must have suffered some type of memory loss. What if he’s got a family?” She swallowed. “I don’t want…I’m not sure I could handle that.”

      “Even if he’s got a new

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