From Dirt to Diamonds. Julia James

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From Dirt to Diamonds - Julia James Mills & Boon Modern

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relaxed back into his seat, holding his glass in his hand. His eyes rested on her.

      Kat made her face expressionless. She was learning how to do that.

      ‘So …’ said Angelos Petrakos. His voice was deep, but with hardly a trace of accent, she realised, only the clipped, curt tones of a posh Englishman—a million miles away from the London voice she spoke with. ‘Shall I hire you, or not?’

      Kat’s expression didn’t change. Was she supposed to answer, or just sit there like a dummy? She chose to answer. It was probably the wrong thing to do, but sitting voiceless was more than she could make herself do.

      ‘No point asking me,’ said Kat. ‘I’m just the meat.’ Her voice was deadpan.

      ‘Meat?’ The word fell into the space, ready frozen.

      She tightened her mouth. ‘Clothes horse. Dress rack. Dummy. AKA body. AKA meat.’

      His eyes seemed to narrow minutely. ‘You have a problem with that?’

      She shrugged. ‘It’s what modelling’s all about,’ she answered.

      ‘But you object?’ The voice was sardonic.

      ‘Not if I get paid. And if I don’t get any hassle,’ she added pointedly.

      For a moment he did not answer. Then the dark eyes narrowed again. For a moment Kat felt she was skating on thin ice—very thin ice—that might suddenly crack, disastrously, and send her plunging down into dark, drowning water …

      Then it was gone.

      ‘And if … hassle… were part of the deal?’

      For answer, Kat held up a single finger, her face expressionless.

      Angelos’s eyes flickered to it, then back to the girl’s face. Why was he doing this? He had no intention of sleeping with her. His assessment was purely professional. But something made him say, his tone suddenly dulcet, ‘You might find it enjoyable—’

      ‘And you,’ Kat retorted sweetly, ‘might find the attempt painful.’

      For a second, the barest portion of one, she felt the ice give an ominous crack. As if he might actually find her answer amusing. Then the hard features hardened even more, and he simply levelled upon her a glance that crushed her like an insect.

      Oh, God, thought Kat. My big mouth.

      But Angelos Petrakos was reaching for his mobile phone. It was answered instantly. He didn’t look at her. ‘Add Kat Jones to the shoot,’ he said.

      She stared, eyes widening. Then elation soared through her.

      A moment later it dissipated. Those sharp dark eyes were back on her again.

      ‘Provisionally,’ said Angelos Petrakos.

      She looked at him warily. ‘What’s that mean?’ she asked. She sounded blunter than she’d meant to, but her nerves were jangling for a hundred reasons which had a lot more to do with the hard-featured face of the man with the power to hire her than the job he was dangling in front of her.

      ‘It means,’ he answered, ‘that I want to check whether you can behave appropriately. Fit in. I don’t tolerate,’ he said cuttingly, ‘attitude.’

      Kat bit her lip. She could feel herself doing it. Forcing herself to do it.

      ‘Exactly,’ said Angelos Petrakos, a mordant expression in his night-dark eyes. Then, abruptly, he got to his feet. ‘If you have any engagements for this evening, cancel them.’

      She stared. Wariness radiated instantly from her again, like a beacon switch thrown to high. He saw it—just as he’d seen her forcing herself to bite her lip.

      ‘I’m taking you to dinner,’ he enunciated. ‘There will be a considerable amount of socialising in Monte Carlo. The other girls will find it easy. You need practice,’ he told her coolly. ‘If, that is, you are to go at all.’

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