Regency High Society Vol 3. Elizabeth Rolls

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Regency High Society Vol 3 - Elizabeth Rolls Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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which had once functioned as her grandfather’s library.

      Although her every instinct urged her in those first heart-stopping moments to reach out for the vase on a nearby table and bring it down hard on Mr Gifford’s head, or at the very least let out a scream for help, she paid heed to Sir Giles’s warning and didn’t attempt to put up even a token resistance. Naturally it came as no surprise, after Mr Gifford had flung wide the door, and had almost thrust her into the darkened room, to discover a burly figure lurking in the shadows, ready with lengths of rope and a gag which he proceeded to put to immediate use.

      ‘You know what to do.’ There was no hint of a stutter in Mr Gifford’s voice now, and his features were hardened by a look of pure malice, a look Katherine felt certain she had seen on someone’s face in the not too distant past.

      That was it! she suddenly realised. That was precisely what Daniel had been attempting to convey a few minutes before. He had, she felt certain, suddenly recognised Gifford. But from where? Where had they run across him? She turned her head, but before she had a chance to study his malevolent expression more closely, a hood was thrust over her head.

      Tossed over a brawny shoulder, she was then carried from the house by way of the glass-panelled door which her grandfather had had installed to allow more light into the room and to grant swift access to the garden. Unfortunately this section of garden was quite separate from that part which had been lit so prettily for the occasion, and was not visible from the windows of the salon where the party was taking place. It was only a matter of a few yards, she clearly remembered, before one reached the shrubbery, beyond which ran a narrow lane, wide enough for a carriage.

      Her perilous situation suddenly hit her with frightening clarity. Throughout her flight from France she had never experienced real fear, simply because Daniel had been with her. But he wasn’t with her now. Bound and gagged, she was as helpless as a new-born babe and couldn’t possibly escape without help. If Sir Giles’s well laid plans went wrong, and her captor succeeded in getting her away unseen, then her situation was dire indeed.

      She was not unduly surprised when her abductor made directly for the shrubbery. Nor was she astonished to detect the chinking of a harness a minute or two later before she was bundled none too gently on to the floor of a carriage. She felt it sway slightly, as though he was attempting to enter. Sounds of a scuffle quickly followed, a sickening thud and a groan. Then the vehicle swayed again as someone succeeded in entering this time.

      Her companion did not attempt to move or speak until the equipage had turned on to the main road, then hands slid beneath her arms, lifting her on to the seat, and the bonds securing her wrists and ankles were swiftly removed. The gentleness of her companion’s actions was enough to convince her that she was now perfectly safe, undoubtedly under the protection of one of Sir Giles’s own people, and yet with the best will in the world she could not stop her hand from trembling as she pulled off the hood and removed the gag. Then she found herself gaping like a half-wit, for her rescuer was none other than Mr Ashcroft.

      ‘Are you all right, my dear?’ he enquired. ‘I trust the blackguard wasn’t too rough with you.’

      ‘I was urged by Sir Giles not to put up a struggle, which was possibly why I came through the ordeal relatively unscathed,’ she admitted, rubbing the circulation back into her sore wrists. ‘Though if I’m honest, I’d be forced to admit that it went against the grain somewhat for me not to attempt to put up at least a token resistance.’

      ‘I’m glad you did not. You’re in no danger now,’ Mr Ashcroft assured her gently. ‘We’ve had men scouting the area for days. Earlier in the evening, when this carriage was spotted drawing up in the lane, we felt certain that an attempt would be made tonight to abduct you by way of the side entrance. You were never in any real danger. Needless to say one of our own people is now tooling this vehicle. The original driver and the scoundrel who carried you from the house have been taken into custody. The rest we can safely leave to Sir Giles.’

      A hundred questions sprang into Katherine’s mind, but she found herself asking only one. ‘Where are you taking me—back to Rosslair?’

      ‘We are to make a brief stop at the inn in order to collect my sister. Until Sir Giles has located the whereabouts of every member of the spy network, you are to remain safely hidden,’ Mr Ashcroft responded. ‘It is better that you do not return to Major Ross’s home.’

      ‘Yes,’ Katherine agreed hollowly, ‘it would be much safer … for all concerned … if I did not return there.’

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