Heart to Heart. Kayla Perrin

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Heart to Heart - Kayla Perrin Mills & Boon Kimani

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engine. It was easier to search city by city, so she chose one she hadn’t already, looked up the Harts that were listed and saved those numbers in a document. Come morning, she would call each.

      Callie’s fiancé, Nigel, was, of course, doing things on his end as a police officer, and he certainly had more resources than Deanna and her sisters did. But Nigel’s investigation had led to a dead end in Philadelphia. It was Natalie’s search in the neighborhood that had yielded results.

      Which only served to show that with more hard work and determination, Deanna and her sisters could track down their mother on their own if need be.

      Finally exhausted, Deanna went back to bed, where she hoped she would sleep and not have another bad dream.

      * * *

      “Auntie Deanna,” Kwame said excitedly. “Will you come to my school and talk to my class?”

      Deanna looked up from her iPhone, where she had been once again searching for Harts in Georgia. Every one she had called that morning had led to more dead ends.

      “What’s that, sweetheart?” Deanna asked her nephew. She had zoned out of the family gathering at Callie and Nigel’s place which was only a few blocks from Uncle Dave’s. Having consumed a burger, potato salad and a cup of lemonade, Deanna had headed inside, where she had picked up her phone and begun her search again.

      “Will you come to my school and talk to my new class?”

      “Talk to your class?” Deanna repeated. “About what?”

      “About your music!” Kwame said with enthusiasm. “You’re famous. Everyone in my class is excited that you’re my aunt. So I asked my teacher if you could come and talk to us, and she said that’d be awesome.”

      Deanna wouldn’t exactly say that she was famous…not now, anyway. Not when she had dropped off the map for three years. But that wasn’t something that Kwame needed to concern himself with. To him, she was an aunt who had had success in the music industry. There was no doubt that the kids in his class would be fascinated with her, as he was.

      Kwame had asked her a million questions about her career, but the toughest one was, “When are you gonna make another album?”

      That question had been the hardest to answer, and the most painful, given what had recently happened with Brian.

      Pushing the thought from her mind, Deanna said, “Sure, hon. That sounds like something I can do.”

      “Cool!” Kwame exclaimed. Then he bounded out of the room and back onto the patio.

      No sooner than he was gone Callie stuck her head through the door and said, “Why are you in here by yourself? Everyone’s going to think that you’re antisocial.”

      “Sorry,” Deanna said. “I was just trying to check something.” She held up her iPhone.

      “That’s the problem with today’s technology—people are too addicted. They forget their families exist, even when they’re at a family gathering.”

      “I know, I know,” Deanna said. “And you’re totally right. It’s just…I was trying to find more leads regarding our mother. I keep feeling that the one clue we need is just around the corner.”

      “I hear you,” Callie said. “And you know I want the same thing. But there’ll be time for that later. Besides, who knows how many more beautiful weekends we’ll have like this?”

      Callie was right. It was mid-September, and the weather had already started to cool down. There had been some downright chilly days in the past couple of weeks, but today was bright and sunny, definitely a day that should be spent outside.

      So Deanna slipped her phone into the pocket of her slacks and headed back out onto the patio. Happy chatter filled the air. It was a small gathering, the immediate family with one notable guest: Michael Jones.

      Natalie was now dating the wide receiver for Cleveland, and they both seemed radiant. Even Uncle Dave’s spirits had improved dramatically in the past month. Seeing two of his nieces find love was bringing him immeasurable joy.

      Deanna’s gaze went from Natalie and Michael, who were sitting side by side and holding hands, to Callie and Nigel. They both stood at the barbecue, where Nigel was placing the newly grilled corn onto a plate, and Callie was basting them with butter. The two had fallen into a happy, domestic routine, and to the outside world it would seem they had been together for years. Perhaps they had been—in their hearts. Deanna had never seen two people more in love than Nigel and Callie, and the fact that they had reunited after being apart for ten years proved that they had the kind of love that could stand the test of time.

      “Grilled corn,” Callie announced, walking with the plate toward the patio table. “Get it while it’s hot.”

      “My favorite,” Deanna said, snagging the first piece. The others quickly snatched up the remaining ones.

      “So, Deanna,” Callie said as she took a seat beside her. “Nigel’s wondering if you have a boyfriend in California.”

      At the question, Deanna’s eyes widened. “What?”

      “A boyfriend,” Callie repeated. “You know, someone you’re seriously dating.”

      “I know what you mean.” Deanna made a face. “But I’m wondering why the question. I’ve been here four months and you haven’t heard me mention any male friend.”

      “I know,” Callie said, “but Nigel didn’t want to assume.”

      Deanna eyed her sister tentatively. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

      “Oh, good.” Callie smiled. “So you’re free and single.”

      Deanna noticed that Michael and Natalie were no longer gazing into each other’s eyes but staring at her with interest. She made a face. “I’m wondering why Nigel is concerned about the status of my love life.”

      Callie looked toward Nigel. He gave a nod, indicating his agreement for her to explain why. “Nigel has a friend at the police station,” Callie said. “He thinks that maybe you two will hit it off.”

      Deanna raised both eyebrows. Her future brother-in-law was interested in her finding a man? Deanna highly doubted that. She would bet her last nickel that Callie had put him up to it, and maybe even Natalie, too. Now that both Callie and Natalie had found love, would they have a steady stream of police officers and football players for Deanna to choose from?

      “So because both of my sisters are happily coupled off, I have to find someone, too?” Deanna asked.

      “Something like that,” Natalie said, grinning widely. Though she and Michael were sitting beside each other and holding hands, Natalie’s legs were now extended and stretched out on Michael’s lap. They were completely at ease together, totally content. Deanna didn’t remember seeing her sister ever look quite so happy.

      “And Nigel thinks that Marshall would love you,” Callie went on. “You said he’s a fan of her music, didn’t you, sweetie?”

      “Yep,” Nigel agreed. “He said he’s followed your career, loves your music, thinks you’re

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