Dad In Disguise. Kate Little

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Dad In Disguise - Kate Little Mills & Boon Cherish

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that she wasn’t totally convinced, he added, “And I need the work. The job I had lined up for this month just fell through. I could start in a day or so, and be done in a few weeks.”



      He suddenly looked a little anxious about her reply. She guessed he really did need the work. Then he smiled at her and met her gaze with his soft dark eyes. A reassuring look that said, Trust me. I’m a nice guy.

      Rachel did want to trust him. Still, she’d learned better by now. Or hoped she had.

      “I’ll need references. And a written estimate and a contract,” she said. “You’re licensed and bonded, right?”

      “Of course. I’ll have the references for you tomorrow.… So, we have a deal?”

      “Yes, it’s a deal.” Rachel extended her free hand. He looked surprised at first, then took it in his own. His grip was strong and warm. His touch was…distracting. He gazed down at her, a warm light dancing in his eyes.

      By the time he’d let go of her hand, Rachel felt her pulse speeding double time.

      Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all, she thought. But beggars couldn’t be choosers. His sudden appearance, just when found herself in a bind, seemed like a gift from the universe. She’d just have to get her hormones under control.

      Maybe some speed walking in the early morning would help. She needed the exercise anyway to burn off the last of her baby weight.

      He’d better not take his shirt off while he was working. Maybe she’d have to write that into their agreement.

      “I just need to take some measurements in here for the estimate. I don’t have my tool box with me, though. Can I use this?” He picked up a metal measuring tape and yard stick that had been left on the counter top.

      “Of course. Help yourself. I’ll wait for you outside, okay? It’s a little stuffy in here.”

      “Sure. I won’t be a minute.” He smiled at her again and Rachel knew her need for fresh air didn’t have anything to do with being in the cottage.

      Rachel headed for the door, brushing disturbingly close in the small space before she stepped outside again.

      Once outside she gulped in a few breaths of cool, fresh air, eager to clear her head. She stepped over to the cool shade and set Charlie down on the grass, then sat down beside him.

      She was glad to have a moment on her own, to get herself together. It wasn’t like her to get all rattled just because some hot guy smiled at her. She didn’t like the feeling. Not at all.

      He soon stepped out of the cottage and closed the door. Then he stood a moment looking at her and Charlie where they sat. A slow, warm smile spread over his face and Rachel felt completely undone again.

      She scooped up Charlie, forcing a bland expression and hoped she wasn’t blushing again.

      Jack followed Rachel back into the store. She went behind the counter and then handed him a business card. “Here’s my phone number, in case you need to call. Do you have a business card, Jack?”

      “Sure…” He took out his wallet and flipped it open. Then suddenly flipped it closed. “I’m sorry… Looks like I’m all out. Here, let me jot down my cell number for you.”

      Rachel nodded, handing him a pen and paper. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

      “I’ll be here around noon, is that okay?”

      Rachel nodded. “Sure, that will be fine.”

      He’d said he was just passing through and now she wondered if he lived far away. Would he need to take a room someplace in order to be back here in the morning?

      Well, that wasn’t her problem. Considering her experience with George Nolan, she wondered if she’d really see Jack Sawyer again.

      But something told her she would.

      He was smiling down at Charlie again and lightly touched the little boy’s hand. “So long, Charlie. I’ll see you soon, okay? We can play that game again.”

      The tenderness in his tone caught Rachel’s attention. She had to smile up at him when he finally looked her way. She realized she hadn’t sold him anything from the store. But that didn’t seem to matter.

      “I’m glad you decided to drop in and look around,” Rachel said with a laugh.

      He nodded, but barely returned her smile. “So am I, Rachel.”

      Then he turned and left the store. The bell on the door rang as he walked out. Then suddenly, it seemed very quiet.

      Rachel picked Charlie up out of his seat and held him in her arms. Her little boy looked drowsy and she wondered if she should try a nap again. Jack had given the baby quite a work-out with their dog tossing game.

      There was something about Jack Sawyer. Rachel couldn’t put her finger on it. He was good looking. Smart. Even had a surprisingly kind side.

      But still, there was something a little…off. That didn’t quite fit.

      She wondered if his references would check out. If they did, she’d hire him, of course. She’d never find anyone else to do the job at that price, or at this late date so close to winter. Besides…she did sort of like him. Even though she knew she shouldn’t let herself.

      Rachel rocked Charlie on her shoulder and slowly walked back to his nursery, humming “Rockin’ Robin” again. She could hardly wait for him to fall asleep so she could call Julia.

      Jack walked down to his car, slipped inside and drove down the quiet, shady street. By the time he’d reached the corner, he felt a strong impulse to pull a screeching U-turn, go back to Rachel Reilly and come clean with her completely.

      Why did she have to be so damned beautiful?

      Of all the mental images he’d had of his son’s mother, he’d never expected her to be such a damned knockout. He’d expected anything but. He thought of her, standing in the buttery sunlight in her shop, with her soft, curly hair and creamy complexion, and those big hazel eyes. Her figure was curvy, a bit more voluptuous than the lean, slinky model types he usually dated. But those curves were amazingly enticing. He wondered now what he’d been missing.

      She’d looked like an angel holding Charlie in her arms. Then later, sitting under the apple tree, she could have been posing for a softly hued painting by some romantic nineteenth century artist.

      Why in the world did a woman who looked like that go to a sperm bank to get pregnant? She could have men waiting in line to bed her. The minute he’d set eyes on her, he’d felt like getting in line himself.

      Wasn’t this situation complicated enough?

      It had been sheer madness to even suggest that he do the work on her cottage. He didn’t know what had gotten into him. Of course he could do the work. It might even be fun. He’d worked his way through college on construction crews and wasn’t

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