Runaway Vegas Bride / Vegas Two-Step. Liz Talley

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Runaway Vegas Bride / Vegas Two-Step - Liz Talley Mills & Boon Cherish

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doesn’t spend much time in his room,” she said, looking like she was trying to be diplomatic and maybe was a little scared.

      Wyatt wondered if she was the one who had squealed on Leo to the dragon-lady administrator. Poor girl. She didn’t look like she was much past twenty and certainly no match for Leo at his most charming or most manipulative.

      “Do you have any idea where he spends most of his time, if not in his room?” Wyatt tried.

      “Well, he has a new lady friend,” she admitted. “I mean…at least one new one that I know of. It’s hard to keep up, you know?”

      “I know,” Wyatt admitted.

      “There’s a bench on a little hill in the formal gardens overlooking the outdoor pool. You know where the outdoor pool is?”

      Wyatt nodded, remembering from the tour.

      “I’ve heard him say how much he likes that spot.” She leaned in closer, whispering. “The view…of the ladies at the pool, sunbathing…You know what I mean?”

      “Oh, yes.”

      Bathing beauties had always done it for the Gray men.

      “You might try there,” she offered.

      Wyatt thanked her.

      He found the gardens, followed the sound of low laughter and a faint blend of ‘40s big-band music to the little hill overlooking the outdoor pool.

      There was the bench, but no Leo.

      Then Wyatt heard giggling.

      Leo had always had a knack for making the women laugh.

      Around a bush, a cypress tree and a decorative rock wall, there was a more secluded bench and Leo with his arms around a lovely white-haired woman, her head laid back against his arm as she gazed up at him adoringly. He bent down to kiss her, his hands starting to wander.

      “Leo,” she said, still giggly, pushing one wandering hand away. “We just met!”

      Wyatt rolled his eyes and swore under his breath.

      Leo copping a feel at eighty-six, just like a damn teenage boy with more hormones than functioning brain cells.

      Was there some sort of anti-Viagra? Something they could slip into Leo’s nightly bourbon and Coke? Maybe that would do the trick.

      Wyatt strode forward, calling out to his uncle as he did. The lady jumped up and away from Leo, blushing like an innocent young miss.

      Leo got to his feet, too, smiling for all he was worth. “Wyatt, my boy. What are you doing here?”

      “Oh, I think you know,” Wyatt said.

       Chapter Two

      “But, I know the pay for aides in a retirement community is not good.” Abysmal, actually. How could any woman live on that, and the workers here were primarily female, as the lowest-paid workers most usually were, Jane knew.

      “Yes,” Amy admitted. “But all I have is my GED. You don’t make a lot of money with a GED.”

      “Which is why going back to school is so important,” Jane said.

      “And costs a ton of money. Where would I get the money?”

      “There are programs to loan money to people who are furthering their education. I’ll bring the paperwork here. We can fill it out together.”

      “And then what? Classes at night? Working all day? When am I going to see Max? I’m all he has. And I can’t afford to pay someone to take care of him all the time.” Amy looked tired suddenly, taking care of too many people for too long with no one to help her.

      “Do it now, and you’ll be grateful for the rest of your life and Max’s. No more living paycheck to paycheck. Think about it. Job security, health insurance. You can do it. I know you can,” Jane promised, trying not to break into her basic speech on education and financial well-being with all the bells and whistles, the cheerleading, the chants, the whole bit.

      She tended to do that, even when she wasn’t on the podium conducting a seminar, and it made some people uncomfortable.

      “I’ll think about it,” Amy said. “But I just don’t see how I can make it work.”

      “I do. I’ve helped thousands of women just like you get back to school and get good jobs—”

      “Jane?” Gram said, as she and Gladdy came around the corner and into the kitchen. “Don’t nag, dear. Amy loves it here, and we can’t imagine this place without her.”

      “Sorry, Amy.” Jane took a breath and hoped she truly did look sorry.

      Gram thought Jane was too militant in her ways, crusading for women’s financial freedom and security.

      Of course, Gram and Gladdy’s idea of financial security was a man, a well-to-do man. Jane had finally convinced them to at least ask for gold and diamonds as gifts from their various admirers. Gold and diamonds held their value quite well and could always be sold, if need be. Stock certificates and bonds in divorce settlements worked well, too. They’d been involved with enough men, by this age, to have accumulated smartly diverse and extensive investment portfolios, something of which Jane, who’d handled their finances for years, was very proud.

      “Don’t worry.” Amy laid her hand on top of Jane’s. “It’s fine. And it’s nice to have someone who cares.”

      “I do,” Jane promised. “If you ever decide to leave here, or they catch you bringing Max to work one day, promise to call me.”

      “Jane!” Gram said again.

      “You know the administrator would fire Amy if she ever caught Max here during Amy’s working hours,” Jane argued in her own defense.

      “We love Max and Amy, and we are very good at hiding Max when necessary,” Aunt Gladdy said. “Plus, we have our eyes out for a nice young man for Amy. We’re going to find her someone fabulous!”

      Jane groaned, then looked pleadingly at Amy. “A man is not the answer.”

      “They are to some things,” Amy countered. “I’ve been alone a long time, if you know what I mean.”

      “Okay, men have their uses,” Jane admitted. “Limited at best, but they are not the answer.”

      “Well, I don’t know about that,” a lively older man claimed, smiling as he took his place by Gram’s side and leaned over to give her a little kiss on the cheek. “I’d have to say it depends on exactly what the question is.”

      Though he looked younger, Jane would bet money he was at least eighty, maybe older, just because she knew men seemed to think they were entitled to a younger woman, the younger the better.

      Her father had already married and divorced two women younger than Jane.

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