How To Write Erotica: A Mills and Boon Guide. Mills & Boon

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How To Write Erotica: A Mills and Boon Guide - Mills & Boon Mills & Boon Spice

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or action into a sexual turn-on in its own right, and it’s frankly amazing how so many humdrum subjects have been exalted in this way. Stockings and suspenders, for instance, started out with a purely practical function, but have been regarded as sexy for so long that these days they’re barely regarded as a fetish at all. Any inanimate object can find itself fetishised; the skill is to make the reader see in it what the characters see, which can require great sensitivity in the writing.

      Historical—Lots of scope here for glamorous and unusual fashions, quaint-sounding dialogue and extinct social divisions. But bear in mind that in historical fiction tone is all-important, and the social politics have to fit the context or there is no verisimilitude. Any story set in the Restoration period that shows a poor working girl sleeping her way to the top and finally becoming prime minister will make most readers guffaw. It couldn’t happen, it certainly didn’t happen, so best not try to pretend it did. Wish fulfilment is one thing; wishful thinking quite another.

      Modern Day—Most erotic fiction is set in the present day, and it’s easy to see why. To get inspiration for her characters and backgrounds the author need do no more than lift her head and look out of her window. She can concentrate on the kind of conflicts and dilemmas she and her readers are most likely to identify with. She won’t need to put on a voice or adopt a kind of pseudo-style to fit in with a more foreign background. Her language can be straightforward and precise. The challenge, of course, is to make literary gold out of such ordinary, humdrum materials in such a crowded market.

      Role Play—The adult version of dressing up, this genre can take in everything from doctors and nurses to the enforced feminisation of willing men. Much of this genre is taken up with minute descriptions of the niche’s favourite clothing and accoutrements, and the protracted putting on and taking off of said gear. Often the clothing itself is out of the ordinary, though those good old standbys like leather, rubber and Lycra figure prominently, particularly if the setting is a riding school, tyre factory or gym. But again, a common trait in role-play stories is the assumption by one character of a dominant position and the meek compliance of another who is mildly astonished to be actually getting off on this sort of rough treatment. The important point here is plot development. The story should not merely consist of a repetitive series of dressing-up days, like an adult version of play school.

      Vanilla—A slightly derogatory term for the kind of sex that many readers feel most comfortable with between the pages of an adult novel, but still with a strong erotic charge. Vanilla sex is straightforward and unkinky, a pure demonstration of mutual passion and attraction that is fully satisfying for the individuals involved. It tends to be soft core and prefers to describe the sex act in non-specific terms: in vanilla a man has a ‘maleness’ not an ‘erection’; women have ‘buds’ in place of ‘nipples’; and no one actually ‘comes’, though they might ‘experience an overwhelming crescendo of joy that sends them crashing like a wave on to a cosmic rock of euphoria’, or any combination of similar words in a slightly different order. In terms of tone, good vanilla sex is often the hardest to get right.

      * * *

      There are any number of ways in which you can turn your reader on, and it’s a safe bet that whatever you’re into is going to appeal to a surprisingly large demographic. But in order to create the kind of all-round experience any discerning reader is entitled to enjoy, you need to make sure your book is as well written as possible, and not just a string of sexual encounters held together by the flimsiest of connections. In short you need three things: characters, plot and technique.

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