Nate. Delores Fossen

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Nate - Delores Fossen Mills & Boon Intrigue

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stopped him, and it wasn’t more than a second or two before Darcy came tearing out of the building.

      “They took Noah!” she yelled to Nate.

      Hell. Not just one kidnapped child but two. “Did you hear?” Nate asked Grayson. He ran toward his car.

      “I heard. So did Dade. He’s listening in and already working to get someone out to look for that van. He’ll get there in just a few minutes.”

      Dade, his twin brother and a Silver Creek deputy. Nate had no doubts that Dade would do everything he could to find Kimmie, but Nate wasn’t going to just stand there and wait. He had to locate that van. He had to get Kimmie back.

      “I’m going east,” Nate let his brother know, and he ended the call so he could drive out of there fast.

      Nate grappled to get the keys from his pocket, but his hands wouldn’t cooperate. He tried to push the panic aside. He tried to think like a cop. But he wasn’t just a cop. He was a father, and those armed SOBs had taken his baby girl.

      He finally managed to extract his keys, somehow, and he jerked open his car door. Nate jumped inside. But so did Darcy. She threw herself onto the passenger seat.

      “I’m going with you,” she insisted. “I have to get Noah.”

      “We don’t even know who has them,” Nate said. He dropped his cell phone onto the console between the seats so he could easily reach it. He needed it to stay in touch with Grayson.

      “No, we don’t know who has them, but they left this.” She thrust a wrinkled piece of notebook paper at him. “It was taped to the side of the fridge.”

      Nate looked at her, trying to read her expression, but he only saw the fear and worry that was no doubt on his own face. He took the paper and read the scrawled writing.

      This was his worst nightmare come true.

      Nate Ryland and Darcy Burkhart, we have them.

      Cooperate or you’ll never see your babies again.

       Chapter Two

       Cooperate or you’ll never see your babies again.

      The words raced through Darcy’s head. She wanted to believe this wasn’t really happening, that any second now she would wake up and see her son’s smiling face. But the crumpled letter in Nate Ryland’s hand seemed very real. And so was the fear that bubbled up in her throat.

      “Cooperate?” she repeated. “How?”

      There were a dozen more questions she could have added to those, but Nate didn’t seem to have any more answers than she did. The only thing that appeared certain right now was that two gunmen had taken Nate’s daughter, her son and a preschool employee, and they had driven off in a black van.

      Nate’s breath was gusting as much as hers, and he had a wild look in his metal-gray eyes. Even though his hands were shaking and he had a death grip on his gun, he managed to start his car, and he sped off, heading east, away from the center of town.

      “This is the way the kidnappers went?” Darcy asked, praying that he knew something she didn’t.

      He dropped the letter next to his cell phone. “We have a fifty-fifty chance they did.”

      Oh, God. That wasn’t nearly good enough odds when it came to rescuing Noah. “I should get in my car and go in the opposite direction. That way we can cover both ends of town.”

      “Grayson will do that,” Nate snarled. He aimed a glare at her. “Besides, what good would you do going up against two armed men?”

      “What good could I do?” Darcy practically yelled. “They have my son, and I’ll get him back.” Even though she didn’t have a gun or any training in how to fight off bad guys. Still, she had a mother’s love for her child, and that could overcome anything.

      She hoped.

      “You’ll get yourself killed and maybe the children hurt,” Nate fired back. “I’m not going to let you do that.” And it wasn’t exactly a suggestion.

      He was right, of course. She hated that, but it was true. Even if she managed to find the van, she stood little chance of getting past two armed men, especially since she didn’t want to give them any reason to fire shots. Not with her baby in that vehicle.

      Nate flew past the last of the buildings but then slammed on the brakes. For a moment she thought he’d spotted the van. But no such luck. He was stopping for the dark blue truck that was coming from the opposition direction.

      “My brother Dade,” Nate told her. “He might have some news that’ll help us narrow the search.”

      Good. She was aware that Nate had a slew of brothers, all in law enforcement. And she was also aware that Dade was a deputy sheriff since only two months earlier he’d been involved in the investigation of one of her former clients. A client killed in a shootout with Nate.

      The two vehicles screeched to a stop side by side, and both men put down the windows. Darcy ducked down a little so she could see the man in the driver’s seat of the truck.

      Yes, definitely Nate’s brother.

      He had the same midnight-black hair. The same icy eyes. But Dade looked like a rougher version of his brother, who had obviously just come from his job in SAPD. Nate wore jeans but with a crisp gray shirt and black jacket. Dade looked as if he’d just climbed out of the saddle, with his denim shirt and battered Stetson.

      The brothers exchanged glances. Brief ones. But it felt as if a thousand things passed silently between them. “Anything?” Nate asked.

      Dade’s troubled eyes conveyed his answer before he even spoke. “Not yet.”

      “There was a note,” Nate said, handing it through the window to his brother. He immediately started to slap the fingers of his left hand on the steering wheel. He was obviously eager to leave and so was Darcy. “Later I need it bagged and checked for prints.”

      Later. After they’d rescued the children. Darcy didn’t want to think beyond that.

      “Once one of the other deputies arrives at the preschool, I’ll be out to help you look,” Dade offered. “Was anyone in the building hurt?”

      Nate shook his head. “It looked like a smash and grab. Entry through the side door. No signs of … blood.”

      Dade returned the nod. “Good. Hang in there. We’ll find these goons, and we’ll find Kimmie.”

      Nate gave Dade one last brief look, maybe to thank him, and he hit the accelerator again. He sped off in the opposite direction of his brother while he fired glances all around. He wasn’t just checking Main Street but all of the side roads and parking lots.

      Silver Creek wasn’t a large town, but there was a solid quarter mile of shops and houses on Main Street. And there were no assurances that the kidnappers would stay on the main road. Most of the side streets wound their way back to the highway, and that terrified her. Because if the kidnappers made

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