Beauty and the Wolf / Their Miracle Twins. Nikki Logan

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Beauty and the Wolf / Their Miracle Twins - Nikki Logan Mills & Boon Cherish

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think I’ve got it. Turn around and hold up your hair.”

      Frankie obeyed, waiting until he draped the necklace around her throat before she bent her head and lifted her hair up and away from her nape. The mirror on the wall allowed her to see his frown of concentration as he bent his head. The backs of his fingers brushed against her skin as he fastened the intricate clasp. Each warm touch heightened her senses, making her vividly aware of his taller, broader body only inches from hers. Her heart beat faster, her breathing shallower and more swift.

      “Done,” he said with satisfaction. He looked up, his gaze unerringly finding hers in the mirror’s reflection.

      Frankie caught her breath. For one long moment, time slowed.

      Heat flared in his eyes, the curve of his mouth suddenly sensual, fuller. Frankie’s heart fluttered wildly. She was suddenly unsure how she would react if he turned her into his arms and kissed her as he had in her dreams.

      Then his thick lashes lowered, effectively screening his eyes. He stepped back, and the spell was broken as he turned to lift her coat from the nearby chair.

      He held the black evening wrap, and, wordlessly, she slipped her arms into the sleeves. His hands rested lightly on her shoulders for a brief, electric moment before he handed her the tiny green purse from the chair’s cushion.

      “Got everything?” he asked as she turned toward the door.

      “Yes.” She smiled up at him, determined to match his cool calm.

      They left the condo, chatting about the weather as they rode downstairs in the elevator to the quiet lobby.

      A long, black limousine stood at the curb, and Frankie had barely cleared the lobby’s doorway when the driver appeared to pull open the back door.

      Eli cupped her elbow and hurried her across the sidewalk to tuck her into the backseat, sliding in behind her. The door closed smoothly, sealing them into the warm, dry, leather-scented interior.

      “How lovely to have curb service,” Frankie said with appreciation. “Especially since it’s started raining again.”

      “Not to mention the driver is the one who’ll have to negotiate the traffic downtown,” Eli added dryly.

      “Yes, that, too.” Frankie nodded. “Very wise of you not to drive tonight.”

      Eli stretched out his long legs. “I would have driven, but my Porsche is in the shop and I didn’t want to pick you up in my work truck.” He grinned, amusement in his eyes. “I’d hate to get grease on that pretty dress you’re wearing.”

      “Good call.” Her voice was dry. “You should have told me about your car. I would have been happy to pick you up.”

      He lifted an eyebrow in pretend shock. “And risk having my grandfather find out I’d made a date and had the lady drive me?” He shuddered. “I’d rather be caught running naked on Denny Way. He’d never let me forget it.”

      Frankie laughed. “Your grandfather sounds like fun.”

      “He is,” Eli answered promptly. “Don’t get me wrong—I love the old guy. If he hadn’t taken me and my brothers in after our folks were killed, we might have been split up and sent into foster homes. But he still thinks he should meddle in our lives, just like he did when we were kids.”

      “And you can’t tell him to butt out, because you love him and don’t want to hurt his feelings,” Frankie guessed aloud.

      “Exactly.” Eli looked at her, his gaze searching her face. “How did you know?”

      “Because that’s how I feel about Uncle Harry,” she replied. “I adore him, but he’s got to stop interfering in my life.” She shrugged. “Oh, I know we’re both adults and I could just tell him to stop. I could be blunt and tell him I hate knowing he’s actively trying to dragoon men into dating me, as if no guy would ever think of asking me out unless Harry strong-armed them.” She lifted her hands in frustration, then let them drop to her lap. “But I know he’d be hurt, so I don’t say the words. Which is why I came up with this scheme.” She gestured between Eli and herself. “You and me.”

      “If Harry finds out you’re trying to trick him, he’ll be hurt anyway,” Eli cautioned her.

      “I know.” Her mouth drooped. She glanced sideways and found him watching her with an oddly tender expression. “Which is why we have to be very convincing,” she said firmly.

      “Agreed.” The car slowed, and he glanced out the window. “Here’s the hotel—put on your best I’m-so-in-love acting face, honey, because the curtain is about to go up.”

       Chapter Four

      The Grand Sylvania’s portico roof shielded the car from the rain as Eli stepped out and turned to take Frankie’s hand. The well-lit area did nothing to hold the wind at bay, however, and the two hurried into the hotel lobby, joining other guests to ride an escalator to the second floor. The muted rumble of crowd laughter and conversation underlaid an orchestra’s rendition of a Broadway tune as they stepped off the moving stairs and neared an open ballroom door.

      A hotel employee greeted them, taking Frankie’s coat before passing it on to a young woman in a white evening gown, a Children’s Hospital ribbon pinned to her bodice.

      “May I have your tickets, please?”

      Frankie quickly located the lavender cards in her small evening purse and handed them over.

      “Ah, yes. This way, please.”

      “Thank you.” Frankie smiled at their hostess and followed her. Close behind her, Eli’s hand rested on the curve of her waist, his palm and long fingers warm and faintly possessive. Frankie was vibrantly aware of his broad bulk at her back; the very air separating them seemed alive with electricity.

      They wound their way between tables toward the front of the big room. Frankie scanned the guests, locating Cornelia seated with Harry and another couple at a table for six on the edge of the polished dance floor.

      Cornelia looked up, her lips curving in a welcoming smile as she raised a hand to beckon with a wave. Then her gaze moved past Frankie, her eyes widening as she saw Eli. She quickly looked back at Frankie, her eyebrows lifting in silent query just as the two reached the table.

      “Hello, Mother.” Frankie bent to kiss Cornelia’s cheek and paused to say hello to Marcia Adkins.

      Harry and Jonathon Adkins stood, greeting Frankie and Eli as he drew out a chair for her. She murmured her thanks, smoothing her skirts as Eli settled into the chair next to her.

      “I didn’t know you were bringing Eli,” Cornelia said with a smile. “But I’m glad you did. It’s lovely to see you, Eli. I hardly got to say more than hello to you the other evening at Harry’s house.”

      “I’m sorry, Cornelia. Justin and Lily promised Ava she could have a pet rabbit for her birthday. We spent most of the evening discussing the proper size of the hutch we’re going to build.” Eli’s eyes twinkled.

      “That’s my Ava,” Harry said with a fond pride.

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