The Prince's Texas Bride / The Reluctant Princess. Leanne Banks

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The Prince's Texas Bride / The Reluctant Princess - Leanne Banks Mills & Boon Cherish

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catch them.

      A moment later, Black pulled alongside Eve and Gus. Eve glanced over at Stefan and her breathless laughter drifted over him with the ocean breeze. The sound of her exultation made him smile. The night was dark; a storm was on the way, but he suddenly felt as if the sun had come out from behind a cloud.

      Black increased his speed and Gus struggled to keep up. “Go ahead,” she called with a wave. “It’s your time. Take it.”

      Stefan gave Black the reins and the stallion sped down the beach. He felt the rush of adrenaline punch through him. His heart raced, and he felt free. The speed and wind blew the clutter from his mind. This never got old. For Stefan, this was what got him through his worst days. Black loved this run, too. If given the chance, the horse would run around the entire island, but Stefan had made a deal with security. Another fifty yards and then he would turn back. He reined in the horse. At the turn, Black slowed even more, sensing that turning around was the beginning of the end of the ride.

      In the near distance, Stefan saw Eve riding Gus at the edge of the ocean. Surprising him again, she slid off the horse, kicked off her boots and rolled up her jeans. He rode closer as she waded into the water. “Careful,” he called. “The bottom drops off sharply. You don’t want to get—”

      She took a step and sank in up to her chest, holding on to her hat. She let out a squeal that sent a shot of alarm through him. He swung off of Black, ready to pull her from the water. But then he heard her laughter. The sound reminded him of happy bells. As she trudged out of the ocean, she tugged at her wet shirt, pulling it away from her stomach, still giggling.

      “You’re drenched,” he said. “I tried to warn you.”

      She waved her hand and lifted her gaze to meet his. Even in the dark of the night, he could see her eyes glint with amusement. “It’s just water. I couldn’t resist. I haven’t left the barn long enough to visit the ocean since I’ve been here. It was just too tempting and I knew Gus wouldn’t go anywhere without me.”

      Her lack of concern over the dunking was refreshing. Every other woman he knew would have been embarrassed and disgruntled. “I never intended for you to chain yourself to the barn. You’re entitled to take some time for yourself.”

      “Not until after the parade,” she said. “I don’t want these babies misbehaving when they’re on my clock.” She put her foot in the stirrup and began to lift herself, then stepped back on the ground, shaking her head as she pulled up her jeans. “A little heavier than usual,” she murmured.

      “A good soak will do that,” he said in a wry tone.

      “To be perfectly honest, if my boss weren’t with me, I’d ditch the jeans until I got back to the barn,” she said and lifted herself again.

      When she wobbled, Stefan gave her an extra boost on her backside. “Don’t let my presence deter you from your—comfort.”

      Eve glanced down at him and for an instant he felt the scorching heat of sensual assessment in her gaze. She shook her head as if she were trying to clear it. “You surprise me, Your Highness. I didn’t know you were capable of flirting with your stable maid,” she drawled.

      “You’re far more than a stable maid,” he said and then mounted Black. The way she’d emphasized the difference between his position and hers irritated him. This ride represented a time out for him. He wanted no reminders of his position. Determined to hold on to the last few moments of the ride, the sea air, the breeze, the darkness, he kept the stallion moving at a trot instead of a canter. Still it was no time before he and Eve arrived at the barn. She took care of Gus while he cared for Black. The stallion still seemed a bit restless as Stefan stepped from the stall.

      He felt Eve move to his side. “He acts like he needs another ride,” Eve murmured.

      Stefan glanced down at her, noticing the way she rubbed her arms. The shirt was still dark from her stroll in the ocean, and he suspected her jeans were very uncomfortable. He swore under his breath. “You’re still wet and I can tell you’re chilled. You need to get back to your room immediately.”

      She wrinkled her brow in surprise and shrugged. “I’m fine. Like I said, it’s just water. I’m seriously considering a goat for Black. I think—”

      “Enough about Black tonight. Go to your quarters and dry off,” Stefan said and, when she didn’t move, the next words automatically came out of his mouth, “I command it.”

      Her eyes widened like saucers. “You command it?” she echoed in disbelief.

      Stefan bit back an oath. He’d known from the beginning that Eve wouldn’t respond well to orders. He rarely pulled rank. Why in hell did she bring out the urge entirely too often? He bloody well couldn’t back down now. “I do.”

      She blinked. “I’m not sure I like that.”

      “It’s not that difficult to understand. You insist that my horses behave correctly because they are on your clock. In a way, you are on my clock,” he said. “I won’t have you getting pneumonia on my watch.”

      “Are you comparing me to a horse?”

      “No,” he said. “Besides the fact that Tina would kill me if anything happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to stand it myself.”

      “But I’m not your responsibility,” she argued.

      “You are in my country. Therefore, you are my responsibility.”

      She stared at him for a long moment and shivered. His gaze lowered to her damp shirt stretched taut over her breasts, her nipples forming a tempting outline. He felt an immediate visceral response. Instinct urged him to rub her arms with his hands, to pull her against his body and make her warm. He clenched his hands into fists. Denial had been drilled into him since the day he was born, even more so when he’d come to understand the playboy image of his father and grandfather. When he’d come of age, many people had expected that he would follow in his father’s footsteps.

      Stefan had wanted more. He wanted the opportunity to change and improve his country. For that, he had to be taken seriously. He’d kept his affairs scrupulously private. His duty and the sins of his father had forced him to hold his libido in check. Right now, though, for the first time in a long time, he fought the urge to pull the mouthy American Eve Jackson into his arms and make love to her against any flat surface available.

      He reined in his surprising need. “I’ll walk you to your quarters,” he said.

      “Oh, that’s so not necessary. I walk to my quarters by myself every night,” she said.

      “You’re not dripping wet every night,” he said, extending his hand, determined to maintain control. “Come, now.”

      Eve rolled her eyes, but placed her cool hand in his. “Sheesh, did anyone ever tell you that you take this Highlyness thing a bit far?”

      “No one except my sisters,” he said as he led the way to the staff quarters. He rarely walked this path. Now that he saw it, he decided it needed a few more lights. “How late do you usually stay at the stables?”

      She shrugged. “It depends. I usually grab a sandwich for dinner and head back around nine or ten.”

      “I’m not sure it’s best for you to be walking

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