Making His Way Home. Kathryn Springer

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Making His Way Home - Kathryn Springer Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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would she think he was crazy for bringing it up? Or even worse, that he was arrogant enough to believe that she’d actually thought about him over the years?

      “I’m meeting with my grand—Sloan’s—attorney Monday morning at nine o’clock,” he finally said, reluctant to talk business in front of Grace.

      Although she, of all people, should understand why he felt no sentimental attachment to the property.

      “Then stop by my office at ten.” Sissy poured a glass of lemonade. “I’ll try to take a drive out that way before we meet. Is the place in pretty decent shape?”


      Cole and Sissy both turned toward Grace. Her eyes widened a little, as if she hadn’t intended to join the conversation. But then she raised her chin, daring him to disagree.

      He couldn’t.

      “It could use a little TLC.” Cole refused to feel guilty about its run-down state. Forty-eight hours ago, he hadn’t even known the house and land belonged to him.

      Sissy’s gaze bounced between him and Grace. “That’s right. You two are neighbors.” She flashed that bright smile again. “I’ve tried for years to convince Grace to sell. She could find a nice little place in town instead of living way out in the woods like that. It isn’t exactly the most practical home. And all those rooms. It’s waaay too big for a single woman. Unless—” Sissy tossed a sly glance in Grace’s direction “—there’s something you aren’t telling us.”

      Cole couldn’t help but notice that Grace didn’t deny it. And was she...blushing?

      “You look a little flushed, sweetie,” Sissy said. “It is warm in here.” She picked up a paper napkin and fanned herself. “Oops, I told Doug I’d be right back. I better scoot over there before Mayor Dodd draws the names for the competition tomorrow.”


      “The 1800s’ version of Survivor.” The Realtor smiled. “You didn’t hear about that?”

      “No.” Cole glanced at Grace, but she wasn’t looking at him. Her gaze was fixed on something over his shoulder. And every drop of color had drained from her face.

      Cole’s emergency response team training kicked in and he was at Grace’s side in an instant. “Do you need some fresh air?”

      “Yes,” she whispered. “Can you get me some, please?”

      “That might be kind of difficult.” In spite of his concern, Cole wrestled down a smile. “Maybe we should go outside.”

      “Right. Outside.” Grace lurched toward the door, but the wall of people shifted, effectively blocking her escape. Her frantic gaze bounced from person to person, looking for a space large enough to squeeze through.

      “Excuse us.” Cole took a step forward, but a teenaged girl cut them off.

      “You can’t leave now.” She flashed a smile and the light reflected off the row of metal braces on her front teeth. “You won’t be here if the mayor calls your name.”

      The expression on Grace’s face made Cole wonder if that hadn’t been her plan all along.

      “Is there something else you forgot to tell me?” he murmured.

      Grace nodded.


      Chapter Five

      Grace tried not to groan when she saw Mayor Dodd making his way to the platform.

      “If I could have everyone’s attention!”

      “You go ahead without me,” she gasped. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

      Cole didn’t budge. “You’re the one who needed some fresh air.”

      What Grace needed was divine intervention. Because she’d assumed Cole would be long gone by now. Blissfully unaware that when he’d bid on her basket, he had inadvertently set a whole new chain of events into motion.

      Which might explain why she was feeling a bit nauseous.

      “Welcome, friends.” The mayor pitched his voice above the hum of conversation. “First of all, I’d like to thank Daniel and Esther Redstone for generously allowing us the use of their barn for the square dance this evening.”

      Enthusiastic applause followed the statement and the attractive, middle-aged couple who attended Grace’s church smiled and waved to the crowd.

      “Our little community has a lot of big things planned for the weekend and trust me, you won’t want to miss out on a single one of them,” Mayor Dodd continued. “Our first event starts bright and early tomorrow morning with a special competition that pays tribute to the brave men and women who settled Mirror Lake.

      “Eight couples will face a series of challenges that will help everyone appreciate how difficult life was a hundred and twenty-five years ago but—” the mustache rustled along with his smile “—we also wanted to make it entertaining.”

      A knot formed in Grace’s stomach, because she hadn’t expected Cole to be at her side during this particular announcement.

      “All the lovely ladies who took part in the social today agreed to have their names placed in this basket. From that group, we will choose eight participants.” Mayor Dodd held up an old fishing creel. “Will the eight women—and their escorts—please join me on the stage when I call out your names?”

      The fiddle player’s bow danced across the strings as the mayor dipped his hand into the basket and retrieved a slip of paper.

      “Our first contestant is...Sissy Perkins!”

      The Realtor’s shriek cut through the whoops and hollers that echoed through the barn. As she made her way toward the platform, Doug, the burly truck driver who’d won her basket, took her by the hand.

      “Kate Nichols! Come on down.”

      Kate grinned and bobbed a curtsey at the crowd. Alex followed at a more leisurely pace as she bounded toward the stage.

      Grace could feel her heart pounding in her ears, muffling the sound of the mayor’s voice as he shouted another name.

      What were the chances she would be chosen to participate? Over two dozen women had made baskets for the box social and only eight would be required to take part in the competition....

      “Contestant number three—Haylie Owens.” The mayor had pulled out another slip of paper.

      The teenagers in the far corner of the room cheered and nudged Haylie and Rob Price, her blushing date, toward the other couples.

      Grace held her breath as several more of her friends took their place in line. Abby and Quinn. Emma and Jake.

      “And last, but certainly not least—” the mayor paused and Grace closed her eyes as he reached for the final slip

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