A Promise to Protect. Liz Johnson

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A Promise to Protect - Liz  Johnson Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

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      Matt finally set the note from her windshield down on the table next to his bouncing knee. “And you haven’t seen anyone lurking around your place?”

      Instead of answering his question, Ashley jumped up as two men entered the station. “Chief Donal, may I speak with you?”

      So this was the missing chief.

      “Hello, there, Miss Sawyer.” As he turned back to his companion, his sport coat pulled tight against his round belly, and he unbuttoned the jacket. “I’ll see you for lunch tomorrow, Jimmy. Same time?”

      Jimmy nodded and waved, but not before tipping his nonexistent hat at Ashley. He didn’t bother with more than a glance in Matt’s direction before disappearing out the door. Matt didn’t like a guy who didn’t at least acknowledge another man, but there wasn’t time to dwell on it as he gave the police chief his full attention.

      “Well, well. Miss Sawyer. Twice in one week? What have I done to deserve such a treat? And you’ve brought a friend.” Donal stuck his hand out. “Albert Donal, police chief.”

      Matt stood slowly, careful not to favor his injured leg. It wouldn’t do to have anyone thinking he wasn’t up to his assignment. He squeezed the other man’s hand just hard enough to let the chief know he wasn’t dealing with a pushover. “Senior Chief Matt Waterstone.”

      Donal pulled his hand back, nodding. “A navy man.”

      Ashley clearly had no time for formalities; she stepped directly in front of the older man. “Someone smashed in my windshield and left me another note.”

      Using a gloved hand to make sure he didn’t leave fingerprints on the note, Matt held it out to the chief.

      Donal’s eyes narrowed, and he ushered them into his office. He produced an evidence bag and slipped the scrap of paper inside.

      When he had settled into the leather chair behind his wide desk, the police chief studied the paper. “Where’d the note come from?” He didn’t tear his gaze from the message, as though studying it would reveal some sort of hidden meaning.

      “It was under my windshield wiper.”

      Donal glanced up then, surprise crossing his features. “Sit down. Please.”

      They accepted the offer, both leaning toward the chief.

      “Did you see who left this or what smashed your windshield?”

      Matt looked at Ashley, but she didn’t wait for him before diving in. “We were running a few errands—to Puckett’s Pharmacy and Jenni’s shop—and when we came back, someone had smashed it and left the note.”

      “Whoa, there.” Donal held up both hands. “We don’t know that the same person who wrote the note also smashed your windshield. For that matter, we don’t know that the broken windshield wasn’t an accident of some sort. We have had an increase in vandalism since the layoffs at the plant. It might even just be kids playing a prank.”

      “You think this is kids?” Matt couldn’t keep the astonishment out of his voice. “Kids didn’t leave that note. And what are the chances that someone would leave a note for Ashley and someone else would randomly vandalize her car all on the same day? That’s some coincidence, don’t you think?”

      The chief looked directly into his eyes, something the older man hadn’t done so far. “I hear what you’re saying, but this note isn’t much to go on. I can’t assume anything without real evidence.” He looked sincere, as though he wished he had different news. “In and of itself, this note wouldn’t even hold up in court.”

      Ashley’s nose wrinkled at this bit of news. “So you’re saying that that—” she swung her finger toward the plastic bag still in Donal’s hand “—isn’t dangerous enough? Someone who’s willing to use violence to make a point could be after one of my girls, and this isn’t enough of a threat?”

      “That’s right.” He held it out to her, so that both Matt and Ashley could read the words typed there.

      Not that Matt needed another look. Those words had been seared into his memory from the moment he read them. He didn’t see how they could be read as anything other than intimidation toward Ashley and someone else at Lil’s Place.

      The chief continued, “Yes, it could be construed as threatening. But it could also just be a reminder that someone wants his lawnmower back.”

      “I have my own lawnmower.”

      “That’s not the point. It could be anything that’s been borrowed from a neighbor.” Donal ran his hand over his grease-slicked hair. “The point is, the burden of proof on these things is on us. Even if we figured out who was behind this, the newest lawyer in the public defender’s office could get the writer of either of your notes free. And because there’s nothing here that confirms violent intent, my hands are tied.”

      Ashley opened her mouth to speak, but Matt cut her off with a hand on her shoulder. “Will you at least look into it? Check for fingerprints?”

      “Absolutely.” The round man heaved himself from his burgundy leather chair, his stance a silent invitation for them to leave. “Tell you what. I’ll ask my guy Frank to drive past Lil’s Place a few times a day and keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”

      Matt stood, reaching for Ashley’s elbow, but she beat him out of her chair, offering her hand and a half smile to the chief. “I’d appreciate anything you can do.”

      Before either of them could say something else, Donal looked hard at them. “Let my guys do their jobs. Don’t get in our way. We’ll handle this.”

      Matt bit the inside of his cheek and forced a smile. “Thank you, Chief.”

      They weren’t going to get any more of a commitment from the police force than that, and it would only hurt Ashley’s case to be at odds with them.

      As they stepped back into the afternoon sunshine, Ashley shot him a glance through narrowed eyes, her nose wrinkled and lips pursed. “What do you think?”

      He shot her a smile. “I think we’re going to have to fly under the radar.”

      “What does that mean?” But the flash of her grin told him she already knew.

      “Someone thinks they only have to contend with the Charity Way Police Department. They’re in for a nasty surprise.”

      Ashley frowned. “What if Chief Donal is right? I mean, this all could just be a misunderstanding.”

      Of course she’d say something like that. She wanted a fight with an unknown threat about as much as she wanted that shattered windshield. But wanting the fight and getting it anyway were two different things.

      “Are you willing to take a chance like that—not just for yourself, but for the families at the shelter?” He was manipulating her, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. She might take chances with her own safety, but she’d never risk anyone at Lil’s Place. The only way to keep her safe was to remind her that she wasn’t the only one at risk.

      “You’re right,” she said with a sigh. “We’ll

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