Always an Eaton. Rochelle Alers

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Always an Eaton - Rochelle Alers Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

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emotions under control. Maybe he likes you. Denise’s words came back with vivid clarity. Maybe Preston did like her, and not because she was collaborating with him. And despite his literary brilliance and celebrity status she wasn’t ready to completely trust him.

      Dating Preston Tucker openly would no doubt thrust her into the spotlight for newshounds and the paparazzi, and she had to prepare herself for that. Denise had also revealed that Preston tended to keep a low profile, yet he wanted to take her to a restaurant long considered the best in fine dining. Being seen with him at a fancy, four-star Philadelphia restaurant was hardly what she would consider maintaining a low profile.

      “Would you mind if we go another time?”

      “Of course I don’t mind,” he said. “We’ll go whenever it’s convenient for you.”

      Chandra decided to flip the script. “How would you like to go out with me tomorrow?”

      Preston’s eyes narrowed. “I thought you weren’t available?”

      “I can’t have dinner with you because I have a prior engagement. I’m going to Paoli to join my family in celebrating my twin nieces’, Sabrina’s and Layla’s, thirteenth birthday.”

      “You want me to go to a teenage birthday party?”

      “No, Preston. You just fired your literary agent, which means you’re going to have to replace him. I just thought if you talk to my brother-in-law, perhaps he’ll consider representing you.”

      The impact of his firing his friend and agent weighed heavily on Preston. He hadn’t wanted to do it, but Cliff had left him no alternative. If his friend was having personal problems, then he should’ve confided in him. After all, there were few or no secrets Preston kept from his agent.

      But, on the other hand, business was business, and he’d entrusted Clifford to handle his career without questioning his every word or move. Unfortunately, the man had screwed up—big-time and with dire consequences.

      “Who is your brother-in-law?”

      Chandra flashed a sexy moue, bringing Preston’s gaze to linger on her lips. “You’ll see tomorrow.”

      His eyebrows shot up. “You expect me to go with you on a whim?”

      “Is that how you see me, Preston?” she spat out. “Now I’m a whim?”

      “No, no, no! I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

      Crossing her arms under her breasts, Chandra pretended to pout. “Well, it did.”

      “I’m sorry, Chandra.”

      She bit back a smile. “Say it like you mean it, Preston.”

      Preston took a step and pulled her into the circle of his embrace. “I’m sorry, baby.” His mellifluous voice had dropped an octave.

      Why, Chandra asked herself, hadn’t she noticed the rich, honeyed quality of his voice before? It was the timbre of someone trained for the stage.

      “Apology accepted. I don’t want to tell you my brother-in-law’s name because I want you to trust me.”

      “So, we’re back to the trust thing?”

      She smiled. “It will always be the trust thing, Preston.”

      “I thought most women concerned themselves about the love thang,” he said, teasingly.

      “Not with you, P.J. Why would I take up with a man who professes not to be romantic? Women don’t need sex from a man as much as they want romance and courtship.”

      “Maybe I’m going to need a few lessons in that department.”

      “You’re kidding, aren’t you?” Chandra asked. “You’re thirty-eight years old and you don’t know how to romance a woman?”

      “What I’m not is romantic,” he retorted.

      Lowering her arms, she rested her hands on his chest. “Porbrecito.”

      “Which means?”

      “You poor thing,” she translated.

      Preston winked at her. “Now, don’t you feel sorry for me?”

      “Only a little. However, I’m willing to bet if you follow Pascual’s lead you’ll do quite well with the ladies.”

      He wanted to tell Chandra that he was only interested in one lady: her. Not only had she intrigued him but also bewitched him in a way no other woman had. “What time do we leave for Paoli tomorrow?”

      “Everyone’s expected to arrive around three.”

      “What time do you want me to pick you up?”

      “I’ll pick you up at two,” Chandra said. Her father would drive her mother in his car, and she would take her mother’s car.

      “Okay. I want you to relax while I clean up the kitchen. Then we’ll go to the office and talk about the play.”

      “Wouldn’t it go faster if I help you?”

      Preston glared at Chandra. He’d learned quickly that she wanted to control situations. Well, she was in for a rude awakening. When it came to control of his work he’d unquestionably become an expert.

      “Sit down and relax.”

      She held up her hands. “Okay. You didn’t have to go mad hard,” she whispered under her breath.

      “What did you say?”

      “Nothing,” Chandra mumbled.

      She walked around Preston and sat down at the table. She knew working with him wasn’t going to be easy, especially if, without warning, his moods vacillated from hot to cold. What she didn’t intend to become was a punching bag for his domineering and controlling personality.

      Chandra Eaton was not the same woman who’d left her home and everything familiar and comfortable to work with young children in a region where running water was a priceless commodity.

      She’d promised Preston she would help him with his latest play, and she would follow through on her promise—that is until he pushed her to a point where she would be forced to walk away and not look back. It’d happened with a man she’d loved without question, and it could happen again with a man she had no intention of loving.

      Chapter 6

      Chandra sat between Preston’s outstretched legs on a soft leather chaise in a soft butter-yellow shade, wishing she’d worn something a lot more casual. He’d changed into his work clothes: jeans, T-shirt and sandals.

      When he’d led her into the home/office Chandra was taken aback with the soft colors, thinking Preston would’ve preferred a darker, more masculine appeal. Instead of the ubiquitous black, brown or burgundy, the leather sofa, love seats and chaise were fashioned in tones of pale yellow

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