A Mummy for Christmas. Cathy Gillen Thacker

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A Mummy for Christmas - Cathy Gillen Thacker Mills & Boon Cherish

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      “Wouldn’t be for another fifteen days,” the attorney stated. “Handled any way you want.”

      Despite her effort to play it cool, Holly tensed. “And if I don’t agree?” she asked in a brittle voice.

      The esteemed attorney was ready to play hardball. “Clifford Baxter wants to see his sons. Legally, he has every right to do so.”

      Holly said nothing. She was so furious at her ex’s mixture of presumption and disregard for their children’s feelings in all this that she didn’t trust herself to speak.

      Abruptly, Mr. Shield became conciliatory. “My client is just asking for a couple of hours one afternoon. He wants to see his children, get an inkling of the little men they’ve become.”

      Holly knew if she fought this, they’d end up in court. The result would be the same. Cliff did have every legal right to see his children. It was only a question of how, where and when. Making the process difficult for him would only make it tough on her kids. They had been disregarded enough already. “All right,” she conceded at last. “Two weeks from Saturday, Cliff can see the children in my home, under my supervision.”

      “I will be there also,” Travis interjected.

      Holly looked at him. Feeling as if she could drown in his empathetic eyes, knowing it would be all too easy to depend on his inherent kindness even more than she already did, she nodded her assent.

      The lawyer’s brow furrowed. “And your relationship with Ms. Baxter is what exactly?” he prodded.

      “A friend,” Travis replied, then reached over to squeeze her hand. “A very good friend.”

      “WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT?” Travis asked, after ten minutes had passed and Holly had yet to say a word about what had gone on. Instead, she appeared deep in thought. A little sad. And a lot worried.

      “I don’t think so.” She forced a smile as he parked next to the Carson Construction trailer that served as his private on-site office.

      Travis got out of the Expedition and watched as she did the same. Damn, but she looked good today, in that feisty “I can handle anything that comes at me” way…

      Not that he should be noticing, given the fact that their relationship was strictly platonic, he reminded himself sternly.

      She strode purposefully to her minivan, released the latch and removed a garment bag from the cargo area. Her knee-length skirt and high heels seemed out of place in the dusty, rough-paved parking area.

      He tore his eyes from her spectacular legs and visually instructed all the other workers in the area to do the same. “Need a place to change clothes?” he asked casually.

      “If you wouldn’t mind.” She ran a hand down the skirt of her sexy, cardinal-red business suit. “I can’t really paint in this and I’ve got to finish the mural at the restaurant. I promised them it would be done today.”

      He moved ahead of her to open the door. She took the two concrete steps into the mobile office that served as his command center. In the front room was a desk, drafting table, phone and several computers.

      In the middle was a long table and chairs. Behind that, a private bath, complete with shower and a closet where he kept extra clothing.

      “You can change in the conference room,” Travis said. “I’ll stand guard to make sure no one comes in.”

      “Thanks.” She shut the door behind her.

      Travis shrugged out of his suit coat, sat down at his desk, pulled up his e-mails. Made a few phone calls. Accepted a few more.

      And still no Holly.

      Wondering what was keeping her, he got up and went to the door. Rapped lightly. “Holly?”

      There was no answer. Feeling his heartbeat picking up, he rapped again and spoke louder. “Everything okay in there?” Again, no answer.

      So there was only one thing he could do.

      HOLLY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT was wrong with her. She could not stop crying. And she had been trying for nearly ten minutes now.

      Grabbing a hand full of Kleenex from the box on the bathroom counter, she opened the door and was startled to see Travis standing on the other side. Tall and indomitable, he sent her a brief, telling look that spoke volumes about his inherently understanding nature. The emotion still building inside her took another giant leap. “I thought this might happen,” he said gruffly.

      The next thing she knew his arms were around her. Her head was on his chest, and the sobs she’d been holding back came out in harsh, ugly sounds that had been years in the making. And still they came—on and on and on, until she thought she would die of embarrassment.

      Through it all, Travis simply held her, moving one hand over her spine, threading the other through her hair, the action as comforting as his presence.

      Until eventually she did stop crying.

      And feeling all the more mortified, she stepped out of his arms, only to bump her hip into the bathroom counter.

      She started in surprise and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

      Red puffy eyes, redder nose and quivering chin. The distressing sight of her weakness was enough to make her tear up again. “Lovely,” she said with disgust. She knew she couldn’t afford to let her defenses down for one instant when it came to ensuring her children’s well-being. Like it or not, she was all they had.

      And as for this sudden interest of Cliff’s—every maternal instinct within her said it wouldn’t last. But it would certainly cause havoc in the meantime…

      Travis put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face the mirror again. “Yes,” he said simply, clearly meaning it, “you are lovely—even now. And you’re also distraught. And I think it’s high time we talked.”

      Holly preferred to handle her problems all by herself, but she also knew she couldn’t shoulder such a pressing burden without talking to someone. And since Travis was her best friend, and most frequent companion, he was the likely choice.

      He took her by the hand and led her back into the conference room, and to a chair. He pulled up another, so they were sitting across from each other, and waited patiently.

      Glad she had Travis to lean on, she said finally, “I’m afraid Cliff has realized what a mistake he made when we divorced, in voluntarily ceding full custody to me.”

      “Why did he do that?” Travis asked gently, covering her hands with his.

      Holly shrugged, aware she never talked about this. It was just too humiliating. She leaned toward Travis’s warm and strength, and turned her palms upward, so their fingers were loosely entwined. “Cliff said he realized he was not cut out to be a father, and he wasn’t going to pretend to be interested in the kids when he just wasn’t.”

      Incredulity mixed with the concern on Travis’s face. He tightened his grip. “How old were they?”


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