Expecting the Prince's Baby. Rebecca Winters

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Expecting the Prince's Baby - Rebecca Winters Princes of Europe

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there was nothing more to say, Abby glanced at Vincenzo, waiting for him to dismiss her.

      He read her mind with ease. “I’m aware the limo is waiting to drive you to your office.”

      “Yes, Your Highness.”

      At those words Michelina’s mother lifted her head. “You intend to work?” She sounded shocked.

      “I do. I am passionate about my career as an attorney. After the delivery, I will have my own life to lead and need to continue planning for it.”

      Vincenzo leaned forward. “She’ll stop work when the time is right.”

      “Where will you live after the baby’s born?” The pointed question told Abby exactly where the queen’s thoughts had gone.

      Nowhere near the prince.

      She couldn’t blame the older woman for that. How could Michelina’s mother not suspect the worst? Her fears preyed on Abby’s guilt, which was deepening because she’d found herself missing Vincenzo more than she should have while he’d been away. He shouldn’t have been on her mind so much, but she couldn’t seem to turn off her thoughts. Not when the baby growing inside her was a constant reminder of him.

      For weeks now she’d played games of what if? during the night when she couldn’t sleep. What if the baby were hers and Vincenzo’s? What would he or she look like? Where would they create a nursery in the palace? When would they go shopping for a crib and all the things necessary? She wanted to make a special baby quilt and start a scrapbook.

      But then she’d break out in a cold sweat of guilt and sit up in the bed, berating herself for having any of these thoughts. Michelina’s death might have changed everything, but this royal baby still wasn’t Abby’s!

      How could she even entertain such thoughts when Michelina had trusted her so implicitly? It was such a betrayal of the trust and regard the two women had for each other. They’d made a contract as binding as a blood oath. The second the baby was born, her job as surrogate would no longer be required and she’d return to her old life.

      But Abby was aghast to discover that Michelina’s death had thrown her into an abyss of fresh guilt. She needed to talk to the psychologist about finding strategies to cope with this new situation or go crazy.

      Queen Bianca had asked her a question and was waiting for an answer.

      “I plan to buy my own home in another part of the city in the same building as a friend of mine. My contract with the prince and princess includes living at the palace, and that ends the moment the baby is delivered.”

      Vincenzo’s eyes narrowed on her face. “What friend?”

      That was probably the only thing about her plans the three of them hadn’t discussed over the last few months.

      “You’ve heard me speak of Carolena Baretti and know she’s my best friend, who works at the same law firm with me. We went through law school together at the University of Arancia before taking the bar.”

      If a woman could look gutted, the queen did. “This whole situation is unnatural.”

      “Not unnatural, Your Majesty, just different. Your daughter wanted a baby badly enough to think it all through and agree to it. I hope the day will come when you’re reconciled to that decision.”

      “That day will never come,” the older woman declared in an imperious voice. “I was thrilled each time she informed me she was pregnant and I suffered with her through each miscarriage. But I will never view surrogacy as ethically acceptable.”

      “But it’s a gestational surrogacy,” Abby argued quietly. “Dr. DeLuca says that several thousand women around the globe are gestational surrogates and it’s becoming preferable to going with traditional surrogacy, because it ensures the genetic link to both parents. Think how many lives can be changed. Surely you can see what a miracle it is.”

      “Nevertheless, it’s outside tradition. It interferes with a natural process in violation of God’s will.”

      “Then how do you explain this world that God created, and all the new technology that helps people like your daughter and Vincenzo realize their dream to have a family?”

      “It doesn’t need an explanation. It’s a form of adultery, because you are the third party outside their marriage. Some people regard that it could result in incest of a sort.”

      Tortured by her words, Abby exchanged an agonized glance with Vincenzo. “What do you mean?”

      “As the priest reminded me, their child might one day marry another of your children. While there would be no genetic relationship, the two children would be siblings, after a fashion.”

      Naturally Abby hoped to marry one day and have children of her own, but never in a million years would she have jumped to such an improbable conclusion. By now Vincenzo’s features had turned to granite.

      “There’s also the question of whether or not you’ll be entitled to an inheritance and are actually out for one.”

      Abby was stunned. “When the prince saved my life, he gave me an inheritance more precious than anything earthly. If any money is involved, it’s the one hundred and fifty thousand dollars or more the prince has paid the doctors and the hospital for this procedure to be done.” She could feel herself getting worked up, but she couldn’t stop.

      “I’ve been given all the compensation I could ever wish for by being allowed to live here in the palace, where my every want and need is taken care of. I’m so sorry this situation has caused you so much grief. I can see you two need to discuss this further, alone. I must leave for the office.”

      Abby eyed the prince, silently asking him to please help her to go before the queen grew any more upset. He got the message and stood to his full imposing height, signaling she could stand.

      “Thank you for joining us,” he murmured. “Whatever my mother-in-law’s reaction, it’s too late for talk because you’re pregnant with Michelina’s and my child. Let’s say no more. I promise that when the queen is presented with her first grandchild, she’ll forget all these concerns.”

      The queen flashed him a look of disdain that wounded Abby. She couldn’t walk out of here with everything so ugly and not say a few last words.

      “It’s been my privilege to meet you, Your Majesty. Michelina used to talk about you all the time. She loved you very much and was looking forward to you helping her through these coming months. I hope you know that. If you ever want to talk to me again, please call me. I don’t have a mother anymore and would like to hear any advice you have to help me get through this.”

      It was getting harder and harder to clap with one hand and the prince knew it.

      “Again, let me say how sorry I am about your loss. She was so lovely and accomplished. I have two of her watercolors hanging on the wall of my apartment. Everyone will miss her terribly, especially this baby.

      “But thankfully it will have its grandmother to tell him or her all the things only you know about their mother.”

      The queen stared at Abby through dim eyes.


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