In Bed with Her Boss. Brenda Jackson

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In Bed with Her Boss - Brenda Jackson Mills & Boon Kimani

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employees should be involved with?

      He moved from the window and sat behind his desk, staring at the files spread across it. He had more to do with his time than to be concerned with the love life of Opal Lockhart.

      Opal drew in a sharp breath when she sat down at her desk and realized Mr. Armstrong had already arrived at work. Usually she had plenty of time to get settled into her work before he got there.

      While her computer booted up she went about watering the plants in her office. There were a number of them and she intended to keep them alive and healthy.

      She turned when she heard D’marcus open the door to come out of his office. She flicked a glance in his direction and immediately studied his face, wondering just what sort of day she would have. His expression was unreadable.

      “Ms. Lockhart.”

      “Good morning, Mr. Armstrong.”

      “I have an off-site breakfast meeting this morning with the other two owners of the Chargers. I should be back in a few hours. Then you and I need to get together to discuss the inventory for the two new stores.”

      “Yes, sir.” She tried not to notice how nice he looked from the toes of his expensive shoes to his dark suit and white shirt. The man was immaculately well groomed and sexy as sin.

      “We may have to work through lunch so I suggest you order us something.”

      Opal raised an arched brow. “You want me to order something for lunch? For both of us?”

      “Yes, by all means. I need your assistance the better part of the day but I don’t want to rob you of your lunch. And I might as well eat something myself since I plan on working rather late tonight.”

      She nodded. He had just answered the question that had been tugging at her mind—whether he would be working late each night, as well. “Is there anything you prefer? Any particular type of sandwich?”

      He shook his head. “No, but I prefer they hold the mustard.”

      “Yes, sir.”

      “And, Ms. Lockhart?”


      “Do you come in early every day?”

      “Just about.”

      “Then make sure you’re adequately compensated for any extra time you spend here by including it on your time card,” he said curtly, and then he walked away.

      D’marcus glanced up when Opal entered his office carrying bags filled with their lunch. He quickly got up and walked around the desk to relieve her of them. It didn’t help matters that he had to stand close enough to her that he got a good whiff of her perfume, the same perfume he’d found to be totally seductive.

      She glanced up at him. “Thanks.”

      He nodded and took a step back. “No problem.” He placed the bags on his desk. “What do we have?”

      She smiled. “Turkey sandwiches, cream of broccoli soup and iced tea.”

      “Sounds good. Let me clear an area on my desk so we can pull everything out of the bags.”

      Opal lifted a brow. He wanted them to sit in the same room together and eat? She’d assumed they’d be taking a break and she would be going back to her desk to eat.

      He must have seen the strange look on her face because he asked, “Is something wrong, Ms. Lockhart?”

      “No, but I assumed you would want to eat lunch alone.”

      He shrugged. “Normally I do, but I’m expecting a call from Bob Chaney any moment and I’ll need you here to jot down what he says when I place him on the speaker phone.”

      He then eyed her for a moment and asked, “Do you have a problem doing that? If so, I can ask Human Resources to send me one of the women from the typing pool.”

      “No, I don’t have a problem with it.”

      “You sure?”

      No, she wasn’t sure, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. “Yes, I’m sure.”


      He then proceeded to clear his desk before coming back to sit behind it, leaving Opal to set out the lunch.

      “We basically got the same thing,” she said, handing him his sandwich, soup and tea. “I’m not crazy about mustard, either.”

      He glanced over at her when she took the chair in front of his desk and scooted it up closer to share the desktop with him. “What else aren’t you crazy about?” he asked.

      She started to say “demanding bosses,” but thought better of it. She had said enough on Saturday. Even now, she was surprised he hadn’t given her her walking papers. “In the way of foods, I’ve never developed a fondness for squash.”

      “Umm, I like squash.”

      She stared at him and watched as he took a big bite out of his sandwich and slowly began chewing it. A strange sensation passed through her stomach when she thought about him opening his mouth that wide over hers, devouring it as greedily as he was the sandwich.

      She quickly gave herself a mental shake, wondering where such a thought came from and demanding it never return.

      “Is something wrong?”

      She blinked when she realized he had asked her a question. “No.”

      “Then, why are you staring at me like that?”

      She swallowed, not knowing how long she’d been staring. Never before had she been mesmerized by a man’s mouth. So she said the first thing that came into her mind. “You seem hungry.”

      He chuckled and she blinked again. This was the first time she’d ever heard him chuckle, and the dimples that came into his cheeks almost made her drop the cup of ice tea she was holding. “If I seem hungry, Ms. Lockhart, it’s because I am. I came into the office early today so I didn’t get a chance to eat breakfast.”

      “Oh,” she said. Instead of meeting his gaze she bit into her own sandwich and tried concentrating on just eating it.

      “I hope your family isn’t upset about the extra hours you’ll be working.”

      She washed down the food she had in her mouth with her ice tea before saying, “Trust me, they understand.”

      “What about Ted Marshall?”

      She did glance up at him then. “Ted Marshall in the accounting department?”

      “Yes. I saw the two of you walk in together this morning and assumed that you were seeing each other.”

      She shook her head. “I barely know the man. We just happened to be in the parking lot around the same time and walked in together. No biggie.”

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