Her Best Laid Plans. Cara McKenna

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Her Best Laid Plans - Cara McKenna Mills & Boon Cosmo Red-Hot Reads

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I hope you’ll find the young men of Ireland sympathetic to your plight.”

      She laughed. “I hope I’ll be able to find any young men on this trip, period.”

      Connor looked demonstrably to either side and then down at his own chest, and held his arms out in mock surprise to say, Behold, a young man, at your service!

      She smiled, though the sheer openness of his flirtation made her shy. Determined as Jamie was to make the most of her vacation, she was thoroughly out of practice at this stuff. She turned to eye the pool table—still free. The distraction would give her a few minutes to collect herself, with the added benefit of allowing her to play it a touch coy. No need to toss herself gift-wrapped at the very first hot guy she’d come across, her very first night here.

      She fished out her wallet. “Could I get change for the...the thing that I want to call a pool table but I know isn’t called that here?”

      Connor’s turn to laugh. “Snooker. And sure. What’ve you got to break?”

      She traded him a bill for five one-euro coins, then left another bill on the bar for her pint. He slid it back over.

      “Damages,” he explained. “On behalf of all men, for whatever injury your ex’s done to my gender’s already suspect reputation.”

      She laughed, liking the way he spoke—the effortless way he strung words into lofty declarations. “I see.”

      “Cues are on the wall, there,” he said, pointing.


      She took her glass and change and bag and made herself at home in the corner, with a good view of her bartender. Things went smoothly enough at first—she selected a cue and located the coin tray, but as the balls rattled and rolled and filled the well at the end of the table...

      Red, black, red, red, green...pink?

      This learning curve clearly went beyond a lack of stripes and numbers. There was always Wikipedia, but why waste a perfectly good excuse to flirt? She marched back to the bar and caught Connor’s eye.

      “I don’t suppose you have a rule book for this game?”

      Grinning, he stooped to rummage beneath the counter. “If we didn’t, the fights would turn ugly fast.” He brushed the dust from a surprisingly thick paperback and handed it over.

      “Thanks.” Her smile faded as she paged through the book, registering precisely how different this was from pool. “‘In the event that a cue ball is touched with the tip while in-hand,’” she read aloud, “‘for example, when breaking off or playing from the D upon being potted...’” She looked up at Connor. “Do you have an English translation of this?”

      Another grin. “You need a lesson?”

      She glanced down the bar, the dwindling assembly of drinkers seeming content to nurse their current rounds. She set the book on the counter. “If you can spare one, sure.”

      “Right you are.” He flipped up the hinged panel of the bar and followed her to the snooker table, bathed in the bright glow of a hanging billiard lamp.

      Confirmed—blue eyes. Clear and blue as a Bombay Sapphire bottle. Accordingly, they made Jamie tipsy.

      “I’ll walk you through a frame,” he offered. “Just don’t cheat when I run back to pour a pint.”

      “Deal. So, is this just like pool, except instead of stripes versus solids it’s red versus...” She trailed off, studying the balls as he set them on the green baize. All those reds, plus a pink, a green, blue, brown...

      “I’ve never played pool, so I couldn’t say.” Connor locked the ten reds into a triangle—so far, so similar—then positioned the pink ball at its apex, a black a few inches below its base, a blue one midway along the table, then green, brown and yellow in a short row in front of the blessedly familiar white cue ball.

      “Right,” he said, leaning against the table, holding Jamie’s gaze. “Each ball you pot is worth points—different amounts, depending on the color. At the start of a turn you always shoot from the D.” He pointed to the half circle marked on one end of the table, framing the cue ball. The rules he enumerated were dizzying, but the mechanics were basically the same as billiards.

      “Got all that?” Connor asked.

      “No, but I can fake it.”

      Another familiar sight—Connor grabbed a blue cube from the ledge that ran along the wall, chalking his cue. Jamie did the same, and she felt her eyes narrow as an ages-old infusion of competitive adrenaline snaked through her bloodstream.

      “Who breaks?” she asked.

      He waved to say, Ladies first. Jamie hadn’t played in months, but she nailed the cue ball and broke the pyramid of reds apart with a smart crack, sinking one into a side pocket. It earned her a raised eyebrow from her coach.

      As Jamie got the green ball in her sights, Connor asked, “Would you fancy making this a bit more interesting?”

      “How so?”

      “Friendly wager?” Flirtatious wager, to judge by his tone.

      “How much?”

      “Name your prize.”

      She thought a moment. “If I win, a glass of your finest whiskey. On the rocks.”

      “Fair play.”

      “And if you win?” She leaned in, cocking the cue along her thumb and knuckle.

      “If I win...if I win...”

      His fingers drummed the table’s ledge until Jamie raised her eyes.

      “Your finest kiss,” he said with a devil’s smile. “On the mouth.”

      She lowered her elbow and stood up straight, countering his smug smirk with a skeptical show of blinking.

      “Don’t look too scandalized,” he said. “A kiss is free, whereas your whiskey comes out of my wages.”

      From another man, one she didn’t feel any chemistry for, this would’ve been pushy. But she did feel something for Connor, and she wouldn’t mind kissing him at all. Though she’d prefer to do it on her own terms—giving her the perfect motivation to win.

      “You’re on.”

      They shook, and he held her small hand in his strong one for a good beat longer than was innocent. She took a deep breath to clear her head enough to line up her next shot. When she sank the green, she beamed him a triumphant smile. “Four points now, right? I can taste my winnings already.”

      “Wish I could say the same,” he sighed, and ticked her score on a chalkboard mounted by the cues.

      She potted another red but scratched—or whatever scratching was called in snooker—and Connor enjoyed a brief run. He wasn’t bad, but once Jamie found her rhythm, there was no stopping her. She trounced

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