The Bridesmaid's Wedding. Margaret Way

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The Bridesmaid's Wedding - Margaret Way Mills & Boon Cherish

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explained patiently, “you know as well as anyone Rafe and I are an old story.”

      “But you were wonderful together.” Perversely Lainie mourned. “Mum thought you had to be nuts.”

      “Unfortunately I was.” Ally looked her regret. “But that was years ago. I was younger than you are now. I thought I needed more time before I could face so much responsibility. Rafe was master of all he surveyed. We all know what the Camerons are like. I wanted to find myself, show the world what I could do.”

      “Oh, I know, Ally.” Lainie was understanding. “You wanted to be like your aunty. She was very famous though you don’t hear much of her these days. But those challenges lost you Rafe.”

      “You don’t have to sound pleased about it,” Ally said reproachfully.

      “Oh, I’m not pleased.” Lainie’s reply was genuine and hasty. “I feel sad. Like everyone else did. We thought we were guaranteed a huge wedding on Kimbara. You might even have chosen me for a bridesmaid.”

      That really shook Ally. It could have been a possibility. Now she was looking on Lainie as a possible successor.

      “Are you still in love with him?” Lainie wanted everything made clear to her.

      “What do you want me to say?” Ally held out a hand for Lainie to get up. It was time to go. “Rafe will always have a place in my heart. The Camerons and the Kinrosses are almost kin. We grew up together. But things happen. Rafe and I have changed. We’re different people now. I have my career. It’s no secret I’ve had movie offers.”

      Ally stayed a hand as Lainie’s pretty mouth framed “What?” “Rafe is wedded to Opal Downs. Like Brod, his inheritance is his life. We’ve moved on as people.”

      Lainie’s cheeks flushed as wild relief swept her. She clasped Ally’s hand tightly. “So you don’t mind if…?”

      “You have my blessing, Lainie.” Ally freed herself gently from Lainie’s surprisingly strong grip. “But I should add some sisterly advice. I don’t want to see you hurt, either. Rafe has any number of women clamouring for his attention. At least four of them are probably waiting patiently for us outside the door.”

      “But he was having a ball with me,” Lainie argued.

      “That’s what one does at a wedding, Lainie,” Ally warned her. “Have a ball.”

      Lainie considered that for a time. “You’re the only one who worried me,” she said finally. “Mum woke me up to the fact Rafe might consider me for a girlfriend.”

      “So good luck, then,” Ally answered feeling she had done her best. Having a ball at a wedding didn’t add up to a romance. Or did it?

      The theatre show was as brilliantly entertaining as the reviews had promised. Everyone came out of the theatre feeling a flood of warmth, smiling, humming snatches of the catchy tunes.

      “You’re coming on with us to the nightclub, aren’t you, Ally?” Francesca asked as they stood amid the swirling crowd in the foyer.

      Ally was long used to all the glances of recognition that came her way. In another minute someone would come up and ask for an autograph. Meanwhile she smiled at her cousin, anxious now to be off. She certainly didn’t want to see any more of Rafe with Lainie in tow. “I have to fly back to Sydney in the morning, Fran,” she explained. “I have a pretty hectic schedule next week.”

      “What a pity. I’d have loved you to come.” Francesca couldn’t hide her disappointment even as she understood.

      “So how are you getting home?” Grant, who was holding Francesca’s slender arm, turned his tawny head to see if he could catch sight of his brother. “Rafe is somewhere back there. Maybe he could give you a lift?”

      “No, that’s okay.” Ally smiled back. She realised Grant, like her own brother, Brod, had never given up hope she and Rafe would some day be reunited. “I can catch a cab.”

      “You can share ours.” Francesca didn’t like the idea of Ally’s going home on her own.

      “You’re going the other way, love,” Ally reminded her.

      “That doesn’t matter.” Francesca looked up to Grant for confirmation.

      “Of course not.” He was more than happy to oblige. “We can drop Ally off then come back into town. Where is it, Ally? Some friend lent you their unit, didn’t they?”

      Ally nodded. “Pam is holidaying on the Barrier Reef for a week. It seemed nicer than staying at a hotel. I like to be a bit anonymous.” Keep my whereabouts a secret, she thought a little grimly.

      “Ah, there’s Rafe now. Rafe?” Grant called to his brother who was clearly enjoying something Lainie was saying to him.

      “Be with you.” Rafe lifted a long arm, turning to shake the hand of a male guest who was moving off.

      “I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea if Lainie falls in love with Rafe,” Grant announced out of the blue.

      “You think she might?” Fran looked like she’d never considered it for a minute.

      “I’m sure she already has,” Ally confirmed, turning to a youngster who came up with a program to be autographed.

      “Gee, thanks, Ally, that’s cool!” The boy, who had to be all of fourteen, whistled behind his braces.

      “Does he know you?” Grant looked after the departing fan.

      “No. He just thinks he does.” Ally smiled. “I’ve had complete strangers come up and start talking as though they’d known me all my life.”

      “I don’t think I could get used to it,” Grant said with a slight frown. “Anyway, to get back to Lainie. Rafe isn’t flirting with her, he’s only being nice.”

      “Well he’s got her up in the sky somewhere. Floating on cloud nine,” Ally offered wryly. “Mind you, Lainie is sweet. She’s entitled to her dreams.”

      Grant wrinkled his broad forehead. “Just between you and me. Rafe needs a great deal more than Lainie can offer.” He laughed shortly, the tiniest spark of anger in his hazel eyes. “Do you honestly think she’s woman enough for him?” He held Ally’s gaze in his direct manner.

      “Don’t ask me—it’s too close to home.”

      Francesca stared from one to the other, looking thoroughly intrigued. “Are you suggesting someone should tell poor Lainie to back off, Grant, dear?”

      “It might save her a lot of heartache.” Grant looked serious. “No one wants Lainie to get hurt.”

      Lainie, smiling brilliantly, was starting towards them and Ally began to brace herself for what was to come.

      “I’m trying to talk Rafe into joining us at the nightclub,” Lainie announced. “You have to help me.” She appealed to Ally and Fran.

      “Rafe’s really not one for nightclubs, Lainie,” Grant tried to warn her.

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